56. He's Baaaack

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"Well ...that match was disappointing."

I slammed down my tray of food making Shawn and Billy Gunn jump sky high and making Hunter shut his ass for once, I sat down between them and unwrapped my burger. The guys had put four tables together in the restaurant so they could eat together.

"I know its the truth, I just dont want to believe that Bret won" I said as I took a huge bite of burger and looked towards the entrance, Bret had walked in with Owen. I groaned "Speaking of the devil."

Owen looked annoyed at his brother as they neared us "I am sorry for my brother, Anything he says ...well, I am really sorry" he told us as he sat at the end of rhe table.

Bret took his belt off and laid it over his shoulder "What do you think? Does it suit me? It fits me around the waist, I noticed it was a little loose on Adri. Maybe they should have had it took up for her small waist but, then again it wouldn't of fit me, when I won."

"Alright, Im gonna kill him" I said and stood up, I started to leap across the table but Shawn and Billy grabbed a arm each and pulled me back down into my seat while eating their food.

Owen sighed "We get it, Bret. You won, sit down and eat something" he told his brother as a waitress came over to take their order.

Kev leaned across Shawn to look at me "Did you have to lose to him? At least you didnt act like a total ass-" Bret looked at Kevin who shrugged "I'm speaking the truth."

Scott nodded across the table and looked up "I agree with Kevin" he said, I just looked down at my food and shook my head as Shawn wrapped his arm around me.

Bret chuckled "I'm just happy. Let me be happy" he said as the waitress brought them drinks, I put a hand to my head as I felt a headache coming on.

"I think I am gonna get a to go box or something. My head is killing me" I said, Shawn frowned at me worriedly.

"I'm going with you-"

"I don't need a bodyguard, Shawn, I will be fine."

Scott and Kevin looked at each other before nodding their heads "We will go with her to keep a  eye on her, but I am not going in her hotel room" Kevin said as they stood up.

I bagged up my food and kissed my boyfriend before leaving the resturaunt with Kevin and Scott. We walked across the street and into the hotel, McMahon was at the front desk talking, we went to the elevator to try and ignore him.

"You know, he is really being a bitch" Scott said making me laugh as the elevators dinged and we got in, they pressed the floor number we were on, the elevator moved.

"I don't really understand why it such a problem for Adri to fight guys. No complaints yet about it, and it is what she loves to do" Kevin said as the elevator stopped at the second floor and the door opened.

Our floor was number five, it shocked me to see Shane McMahon standing before us. He looked at me and my two giants before stepping into the elevator and pressing the first floor button.

Kev wrapped a arm around me like a protective brother while Scott was glaring at the back of Shane's head, the elevator dinged and opened the doors to show our floor, Scott went out first with Kevin pulling me along.

Shane grabbed me by the arm and jerked me towards him, Kevin stepped with one foot inside the elevator, his hand on Shane's shoulder as he looked down at him.

Shane smiled "What? We can't be friends?" he asked as he let me go, Kevin glared at him before pulling me out of the elevator and the doors closed. Kevin grabbed the room key from my pocket and we walked down the hall.

"I dont give a damn what anyone says. Until Shawn comes to the hotel I am not leaving you alone with that freak running loose" he told me as he got my door open and Scott pushed me inside, locking the door behind him.

I crossed my arms as I looked at them "Great, locked in my room with two freaking giants. What can we do to pass time?" I asked, Scott smiled amd started to say something.

"Say it, and Shawn will murder you" Kevin warned him making him shut his mouth and look away.

I didnt even wanna know where that was heading.


I watched as the guys talked to women and ate, I felt bad for not going with Adri but, she had told me to stay and have fun with the guys.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to find a waitress, she winked down at me and I looked Around trying to find a way away from her. I seen DiBiase in a booth and quickly stood up with a nod to the woman.

Adri, Adri, Adri, your girlfriend I had to remind myself as I walked towards Ted, I sat down across from him and crossed my arms.

He looked up from his food and raised a eyebrow "What do you want Michaels?" he asked as I looked at him.

"Are you legit on the Million Dollar Deal?" I asked him making him raise a eyebrow at me "Because if you are, I might can convince my girlfriend to take it."

DiBiase put down his sand which and looked me dead in the eyes "You do understand that Adri will be under my contract, right? She faces anyone I want her to, even you" he told me, I gulped and nodded.

"I'm willing to take the risk of that. I just want her to stay in the WWF. Mainly because it is her dream, but also because ...I dont wanna be away from her."

DiBiase just looked at me "If you can talk to her and convince her. Do it because it is what is best for her, not because it is what is best for you. I know your worried about Vince firing her, but that man never goes through with a lot of plans."

DiBiase stood up and walked to the restroom, I sat back in the booth and took a  breath. Now what?

Good Luck, Kid. (HBK) {Watty's 2019)Where stories live. Discover now