36. Morning.

790 24 14

"Rise and shine, all little asshole and little dick heads!"

I banged pots and pans making Kevin fall off te couch and causing Hunter to land on his head, I grinned as Double J shoot up from his position on the floor and I heard the Hardy's groan.

"My work here is done. Tylenol and water is on the bar for you five." I walked up the stairs to Shawn's room with a bottle of Tylenol and bottle of water, I left the guys one Tylenol each just to piss them off.

I sneezed as I reached the bedroom door and pushed it open "Shawn!" I yelled, he jumped sky high and fell off the bed making me smile.

He looked up over the bed at me and glared "Bitch" he said and got back on the bed, I smiked as I walked over to him and gave him the Tylenol bottle and water.

"Aw, is someone pissed off?"

He took his medicene and grabbed me by my waist "How am I in bed? Last thing I remember is the room spinning around and the Hardy boys falling down the stairs with Nash and Hunt."

"You passed out on the back patio, you asked me to dance and we kept moving in slow circles to Elvis' Love Me Tender and the four wrestling amigos decided to sing to us."

He groaned "Perfect, I hate being drunk. I want to dance and I can't and I look like a idiot" he said and crossed his arms lookimg like a spolied child.

"That explains why you kept spinning me in circles. You looked like a idiot but looked cute drunk, though" I told him, he glared at me, then pulled me down into his lap.

He started running his fingers through my hair and I sneezed catching him off guard. He raised a eyebrow "Are you allergic to me now?" he asked.

"No. I just got to take some allergy medicine and I will be alright. Promise" I told him, he raised a eyebrow but let it go. He moved my hair from my face and started to lean in for a kiss.

The door busted open revealing five angry wrestling guys, I dove from the bed as they dove towards it and started to wrestle Shawn for the Tylenol bottle. I honestly do not know how I planned that so well.

I watched as Double J bit Hunters arm that held the bottle and Hunter screamed as Jeff jerked the bottle away, Shawn held a pillow over his face trying to avoid the fight going on over him.

I watched as all the hungover wrestlers fought and I cheered on Jeff Hardy who popped open the Bottle and got two out as quick as he could before his brother yanked them away from him. Diesel was next, then Double J and Hunter was last.

"Did I not leave enough for everyone?" I asked innocently, five pairs of eyes immediately glared at me and I took off at a run to my room.


"Ah-choo! Ah-choo! Ah-choo-ah-choo" I sneezed back to back as I sat on the living room couch holding a Kleenex box, Hunter was staring at me like I either had cooties or rabies.

"Are you contagious?"

I shrugged before sneezing again "Come over and let me sneeze on you so we can find out" I said in a rough voice, Shawn came running out of the downstairs bathroom holding a thermometer in his hand.

"I am gonna take your temp."

I held my hand out pushing the thermometer away "Do you swear this has only been in mouths?" I asked wide eyed.

Hunter smirked "I could say something ...but, you would kill me" he said looking at Shawn who scowled at him before sticking the thermometer in my mouth and pressing the button.

I sat there like a little kid squirming and grunting while making faces, it beeped and Shawn jerked the thing out of my mouth to look at it. I glared up at him.

"Take my tongue with it next time, why don't cha?"

He shook his head "One hundred point ten. It is a very good thing neither of us have to fight this upcoming event" he said and put the thermometer on the kitchen bar.

I looked at him "Neither of us?" I asked, this caused Hunter to smirk.

"Oh boy, you are stuck with Nurse Shawn" he said laughing, I threw the box of kleenex at his head and it hit him right on the forehead making me smile in victory.

"He won't be that bad."

Shawn had moved on into the kitchen, Hunter leaned towards me and pointed a finger at me "Are you willing to bet on that, my dear?" he asked and I stared at him.

"Of course. He can't annoy me."

Hunter gave a nod "Fine, ten bucks says the whole time you are sick Shawn pampers you. If I win, I get a kiss" he said and smirked, I slapped him surprising him.

"I'm a taken woman, ManWhore. Something else."

"Fine, whoever loses gets the phone book."

I smirked "You are so on, I can guarantee Shawn will not bother me like that" I said, we stared at each other for a moment "Bet?"

"Oh, it is so a bet" he spit in his hand and held it out to me to shake, I made a face and did the same before shaking his hand.

Why do I always have to find myself in these strange predicaments?

Good Luck, Kid. (HBK) {Watty's 2019)Where stories live. Discover now