95. Decisions

436 11 6

When I opened my eyes, I had no idea where I was.

All I knew was that the light was shining through the window and I had a killer headache.

I groaned and ran a hand down my face as I threw my arm to the side ...and it collide with something rock hard. I frowned and moved my hand, was that chest hair?

Slowly, I turned to look and screamed jumping off the bed. Then I looked down to amke sure  had clothes on, I had on a pair of sweat pants and a HBK shirt.

Shawn laid on the bed watching me haof amuaed and half worried.

"You-how-what-why-did we?" Came out of my mouth causing him to smirk. With the fact that I had no memories of last night I was terrified.

"Yes, me. You were walking the streets drunk, I picked you up where you passed out on my back on my motorcycle. I thought I would be nice and not let someone rape you or put you in jail. And no we didn't. I just put you in clothes." He ran a hand down his face and stood up from the bed.

I tried my bes4 to advert my gaze from him, but damn it was hard.

He watched me look around the room "I'm not that kind of man, Adrienne. Even if I act it" he said and walked towards me. My breath got caught in my throat as I thought he was reached for me, but he was reaching behind me for a shirt.

Damn damn damn. He was the only guy I liked seeing shirtless.

Our faces were a inch apart, he had me trapped in a  corner and he smelled good, a littke part of me thinks he might of tooka  baty and climbed back into bed, which AI woukd doubt.

He looked at the shirt in his hand "If you dont want me to, I won't" he said and waved it in front of my face like a kid.

If you dont put on the shirt, I'll be tempted to kiss you. If you put it on, I will be angry at myself. I guessed as he looked down at my face, my heart racing.

It was like every second of standing there his face got closer to mine, when his lips were barely touching mine and his eyes were closing, I did soemthing I would regret.

I pushed him abcka  abit and looked away, he looked dissapoimted.

"Thank you for ... Caring about me, Shawn. But I think I should go back to my hotel" I told him, rhinkin about the last time we were at his house here.

He sighed "As you wish" he mumbled and stole a pair of jeans off his dresser beforedissapearing into hs bathroom "Your clothes are in the dryer!" He called before shuttin the door.

I silently cursed myself as I turned and walked out of the room, I ran a hand down my face as I walked down the stairs. It was empty other than Shawn and me. When I came to the living room, I opened a door and walked down thw stairs to the basement where the washer and dryer were.

My eyes caught sight of the machines and I walked over, I jerked open the dryer door and took out my clothes. I threw off the sweatpants and HBK shirt before strugglin to pull on the black leather jeans.

Boy, I must have been drunk to of work these. I wonder how I got drunk? I probably bribed Billy into buying me alcohol.

Witha  tug at pulling my pants up over my butt, I lost my balance and ramed into a shelf which amde me fall on my ass. I winced as I civered my head, laundry detergent and such fell on me. But I noticed a box laying at my feet.

I frowned and threw the detergent off of me as I looked at the blue and green box. It had Adrienne written on the top. I frowned and reahced forward to grab it, I know it wasnt right but a peek would not hurt right?

Good Luck, Kid. (HBK) {Watty's 2019)Where stories live. Discover now