57. Annoying.

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"He grabbed you? In the elevator? I'll kill the bastard."

I grabbed Shawn by his arm "He didnt do anything, he was just being a ass. He wont hurt me, he is too chicken shit. Shawn your drunk" I told him, pulling him towards me, he just looked down at me.

Scott and Kevin had stayed and watched me, only for Scott to sit on me when I tried to go down the hall to grab a snack from the vending machine, it was awakward to have Kev down the hall yelling "Snickers, Pop Tart, M&Ms or a unknown candy bar that has been there since 1954" while being sat on by 'the bad guy.'

Around midnite, Shawn had came in drinking, Kev told him about what happened and now I was trying to pry a can of beer from his hand along with trying to get him to stay in the hotel room.

"I dont care, Adrienne. He was being a ass towards you. And that matters to me."

"Please, dont go after him. For me? Shawn, I want to sleep tonight because we have a seven a.m. flight in the morning" I told him, he looked down at me and wrapped his arms around me, beer can and all.

I gave a thumbs up to Kevin and Scott who went out the door and closed it behind them, that is when Shawn literally fell asleep on me and I had to work alone to get him to the bed.


"I can't believe you tried to strip and run down the hall last night."

I looked up at Jeff as him and Matt sat across from me, Shawn and Kevin, I raised a eyebrow.

"I wondered what was going on out in the hall last night."

Shawn held a ice pack to his head, he didnt bother to open his eyes "Will you please not shout. Me has a hangover" he pouted like a kid, I shook my head at him and looked over at Kev.

We smirked at each other.

"I was thinking. Maybe when we are in Long Island we can celebrate a special day" Kevin said as loud as possible.

"What special day?"

"Oh I dont know, the day you were born? You were born on the twentieth of May, right?"

"Ugh, I hate birthdays."

"Why? We can make it fun, you get to celebreate with wrestlers this year, girlie girl."

"Cal me girlie girl one more rime and I will kick your ass, Kev."

Shawn sat up straight and looked between us "Are you both trying to get me to kill both of you?"


He rolled his eyes "I hate you both" he said wrapping his arm around me, Kev was grinning as he looked forward.

"We don't belive you" Kev said as he looked across at the Hardy Boys "Did you hear about Owen locking Brett outside their room last night? Claiming Bret was bragging too much, so, Bret slept out in the hall."

I raised my eyebrow "Seriously. How do I miss this shit?" I asked making Shawn chuckle.

"Because you have to deal with Shawn. Dating him makes you miss a lot of things, before you came along I missed a lot of fun stuff" Kev said making Shawn look at him weirdly, Kev shrugged "What? Being your friend is like dating you. The only thing we didnt do was kiss or go to bed together."

Shawn made a face "I think I'm gonna throw up. Partly because of alcohol ...partly because of the thought of kissing you" he said.

Kev smiled "Hey, you know you would be attracted to me if I was female" he said, Shawn put a hand to his mouth and hurried by Kev to make his way to the bathroom. Kev looked pleased with himself.

"You ....are strange."

Kev leaned over and kissed my cheek, his beard scratched me making me push him away "You know you would date me anyway, if Shawn wasn't your man" he said and patted my head.

"Again I say. Strange. Plus, your married, idiot." It just made him laugh.

Hours later, the plane landed and we were at the hotel where I found myself yet again sharing a room with Shawn and, this time, Kev. I threw my stuff down onto the couch and sat down with crossed arms.

"I think McMahon is punishing us this time."

Shawn grinned "Hm, two months ago, we shared our first room together. Do you remember what happened?" he asked as he sat down on one of the two beds.

"You asked if I needed help getting undressed."

Kev raised a eyebrow "You did what?"

Shawn raised his hands up "No. That was a different time. This was the time I helped dye her hair" he said as he looked at me grinning "Although, I think I should re-offer my help now ...considering we are dating this time."

I glared at him "You had your chance when I asked you to help fasten my bra when I was sick. Your loss, HeartBreak Kid." I stood up, grabbed some clothes from my duffle and walked to the bathroom.

"You had the chance to help her get dressed and you didnt take it?" I heard Kevin yell at Shawn.

Shawn sighed "I was in between a rock and a hard place, don't yell at me" he said.

I put my clothes down on the sink counter and turned the water on to start a bath. Unfortunately the showerhead came on instead and soaked me, I screamed and turned the water off as quick as possible.

Slowly, I opened the bathroom door and looked out at Shawn and Kevin who were looking at me. Shawn looked confused while Kevin was laughing his ass off so badly he fell back onto the bed.

"What happened to you?" Shawn asked as he walked towards me.

I looked down at my soaked clothing "The water attacked me" I said, Shawn grabbed the bottom of my shirt and tried to help me ring myself out in the bathroom.

"Usually that is what happens when you take a shower. Just with less clothing" Kevin told me from the other room, I looked to Shawn who smiled at me.

"That ...was very deja vu-ish."

"I know. I was supposed to be the one to say it" Shawn said, I pinched him "Ow!"

Good Luck, Kid. (HBK) {Watty's 2019)Where stories live. Discover now