70. Kiss Kiss, Punch Punch.

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There was five reasons why I wanted tonight to be over with.

#1. I was in a tag team with my used-to-be-crush-before-I-Found-out-he-was-a-ass Bret Hart.

#2. I do not want to be body slammed by Kevin. Ow.

#3. Vince was goin to be watching us. So, I cant smile or even look at Shawn in any kind of way except hatred.

#4. Scott wanta to take me out for a dinner after me and Bret win ...I am terrified that will end up just being us. Send help, Shawn.

And #5. I have to fight te man I love in a realistic way instead of letting him win or going easy on him.

This was gonna be hard.

I srood in the bathroom in the locker room dressed in pink and black sports bra and leggings with my special made wrestling boots on my feet, my hair was up in a ponytail to keep it out of my way during the fight.

My Nevers was up and I was scared, mainly, because I didnt want to fight Shawn yet I didnt want to let me and Bret lose.

Gaining a little bit of courage, I walked out of the bathroom and into the locker room where Bret was waiting for me, he had his arms crossed with a smirk on his face.

"I have to admit, you look pretty good in that outfit."

I shrugged "I figured pink and black would suit the tag team match up" I said as we made our way for the locker room door, we walked out into the hall and towards the ring.

I noticed the door opened to the lounge area and all the guys were piled in waiting to watch.

Why didnt they just bring popcorn and beer hats? I thought to myself, a little annoyed that everyone wanted to see this fight.

As me and Bret made our way to the ring, I put ona  smile and blew kisses to the crowd making them all go wild. Bret did his thing and I did mine as we got in the ring.

Then, a familiar tune came on.

I turned weound as Shawn came out with Diesel, I felt a tug at my heart as women screamed at him. I really hated doing this.

Me and Bret got out of the ring as Shawn and Kevin stwpped in to do their thing, I watched him show off and Bret noticed.

"If you dont want to fight him, you dont have to. Adri."

I was shcoked for a moment as I looked at Bret, he was being nice? To me. Did he bumped his head earlier this morning or something?

I shook my head "Im good. Lets go" I said as we climbed back into the ring, Kevin and Bret stared at each other while I looked at Shawn.

Even though he had on his mean look, I couod tell in his eyes he didnt want to do this.

It was decided that Shawn and Bret wouod go first. I stepped over the rope and to the outside of the ring as they circled each other.

For the main part, it was Shawn and Bret going at it while me and Kevin yelled at our tag team partners. Eventually, Shawn tagged in Kev and I made a face as Bret got sent backwards onto his ass.

Any other time, I would have laughed.

Bret barely tagged me and me and Dieswl face eaxh other, I had to remind myself that this want Adrienne and Kevin, thsi was DarkKill and Diesel fighting.

But, that was kidna hard ro convince myself as he clotheslined me.

I landed flat on my back and shook my head as I got up off of the mat, I srood up and swung punches at diesel, getting him in the corner.

He started swinging them back and I ducked each one, eventualy I got him to the floor and I climbed the turnbuckle, ready to jump. But, as I jumped, he moved and I kanded on my elbow as he tagged in Shawn.


I stood up as quick as possibel, bith of knowinf there was nothing the other couod do, I ran at him and smacked my hand to his chest. He was unfazed as he got me up in his arms and slammed me to rhe geound.

At least i wss in his arms for one second there.

I grabbed him by his legs and pulled him down onto his shoulder, the ref got to two before Shawn kicked out.

I srood up and rna a hand through my hair as I waited on Shawn to stand, he went to throw a punch and I grabbed his arm. Witha  smirk, I went under it sliding myself up and around his body like I had done to Razor Ramon that day, my legs closed around Shawn's neck and it sent him down to the mat.

I swept loose hair out of my eyes as I tagged in Bret, he got into the ring and got Shawn into a sharpshooter, I tried not to wince as I watxhed it.

Shawn got out of it and his and Bret went back and forth for a little bit before Bret pinned him.

1. 2. 3.

Shawn got up pissed off and slid out of the ring whiel I went in the ring, me and Bret looked at each other, we knew we could be friends out of the ring. But, in the ring ..we will always be enwmies.

He shot forward, I sucked and grabbed his arm swnding hism to the mat as hard as I could. As he went to stand, I punched as hard as I could and he oaned on his back on the mat.

I licked dry lips as I looked out at the crowd, gasps and cheers echoed as Shawn looked wide eyed at me.

Then, Ted DiBiase's music played as I smirked at the crowd.

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