60. Catch Hell, Fight it Out

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The only thing I felt the next mornign was a headache and a arm wrapped around me, my face was buried into something that felt odd ...was it hair? I raised my head up and saw a sleeping Shawn next to me.

In the same bed. Something we dont do.

My eyes widened and I felt the covers for a moment, closing my eyes as my fingers wrapped around a bra. Part of me wanted to convince myself it wasnt mine but as I peeped under the covers I knew it was.

Shawn looked like he was having a good sleep, it pissed me off.

Before I even thought about what I was doing, I rolled him off the bed and he landed on the floor with a loud thump

"What the fuc-"

"You did it. You really did it. We did it. I really did it" was the only thing that came out of my mouth as his head popped up over the side of the bed wide eyed.

He looked part sad and part proud "I dont remember doing it" he said as he looked at me, hair a mess "I hope I did good."

I clutched the covers to myself as I looked down at him "Did we? We must of. Why Else would we be ...oh nice to know your boxers are the same color as your wrestling clothes" I said spotting his boxers on the floor.

He srood up and I covered my head with the covers, I could hear him laugh and feel him rolling his eyes "If we did it, you shoukdnt be embarrassed anymore, Adri."

"I dont care" I mumbked from where I was hid under the covers.

He was laughing "Adri, babekinz. Its alright, its natural" he told me as he got back on the bed and to my horror under the covers. I pulled my head out of the covers and looked at him witha glare.

"I dont care if it is. I just lost my virginity to a -"

He smirked "Sexy, cute HBKid?" he said, wiggling his eyesbrows.

I hit his arm and continued to do so as I spoke "-a drunk idiot" I hissed.

"Ow, ow, ow" he sad as he blocked my hits and grabbed my hands "Okay, Okay, Okay. Stop, stop, stop, stop." He held my hands against his chest making me glare at him.

He was smiling "I love you, you love me. Its fine" he told me and bopped his head on mine "Besides ...since we are still here together-"

I smacked the back of his head making him yell as I got up off the bed taking the sheet with me to cover myself.

"I'm changing. We got to go."


We walked into WWF and I swear everyone was staring at us. Me and Shawn looked at each other confused as we walked ro the locker room. My only thought was Can they tell? On my God, they know what happened?!

I was having a mini panic attack while Shawn was taking in the stares witha  smirk and walking around like he knew he was the shit. It made me want to smack him one good time.

Then apologize, what can I say I love him.

We entered the locker room to see Jeff and Matt, Double J and Roadie, Hunter and Scott all standing together smirking, Kev and 1-2-3 Kid were in the back looking confused.

Shawn was smiling "Good morning, boys" he said loudly making me glare at him.

Hunter coughed and crossed his arms "You look happy, Shawn" he said as he leaned abck against the lockers.

Double J smirked "Yeah, have a good morning?" he asked as Roadie chuckled beside him. Owen and Bret came into the locker room and walked up beside Jeff and Matt.

Slowly, Shawn's smile dissapeared "Yeah. Of course, it was a Damn good morning" he told them and kissed my cheek before going to his locker.

I looked around me at the idiots and raised a eyebrow as Owen came over and hit my back with his hand before putting a arm around me "Well, we were wondering because we heard some yelling from the hotel room and thought you and Adri were fighting."

I am gonna kill everyone one of these idiots, I thought as my face turned red and Shawn froze at his locker, he turned around and stared at us.

"Can everyone remember about the moment I wanted since day one but my dumbass can't? Note to self, quit getting so drunk."

Bret smirked "So, is our little virgin no more?" he asked.

I threw down my gym bag and Kevin stood up from where he sat with Kid "Alright, that is it" I said and lunged myself at Bret who prepared for impact but I was caught mid air by Kev and Scott.

I struggled against them as they barricaded me in a corner "Let me hit him! Just one Punch to his face!" I pleaded as I struggled against them.

Scott laughed "Sorry, kiddo. He has to fight tonight" he told me, I gave up and crossed my arms as Shawn smirked and held his arms up looking like a complete goofball.

"My Adrienne, the queen of my heart and the girl who finally let me-"

"Finish the sentence and I swear to you, Shawn, I will set up a  match between us tonight" I told him with a  glare, he shut his mouth and everyone laughed as the locker room door came open and Vince stepped in the room smirking.

"If you want to fight him so bad, Adri. Save your energy for the ring." He handed a paper to Shawn as Scott and Kevin let me go, it got quit as I walked over to my boyfriend and my eyes widened.

"Adri DarkKill vs Shawn Michaels, Tonight on Raw" he said with venom as he spoke and we looked at each other, my heart thumping away at my chest.

Oh great, I have to fight the guy that I lost my virginity too. Nothing wrong with that.

Good Luck, Kid. (HBK) {Watty's 2019)Where stories live. Discover now