28. Million Dollar Question

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"So, I am thinking pizza, gym and back here to maybe watch a movie" Shawn was stomping down the stairs and bounced into the living room, he walked towards me and leaned on the back of the couch.

My eyes stayed glued to the TV as I ate popcorn I found up in his kitchen cabinet "Yep, sounds good" I said watching Star Wars.

Shawn rolled his eyes and stole the remote from me turning off the TV, I jumped up "Shawn, give it back" I demanded making him grin and wave it at me.

"If you want it you have to catch me." Then he took off running up the stairs, I followed after and saw him head into his bedroom, I ran in after him and crossed my arms.

He laid across his bed with his leg up and his head on his hand smiling at me like a Lil idiot.

"Whatever you have planned you can do alone."

He pouted "Come on, I won't try anything, I swear" he said and pretended to cross his heart making me roll my eyes.

"My momma raised me right, she told me not to be a airhead like my friends were" I said leaning on the door jam "I'm not stupid, Shawn. There is a reason why you are the HBK."

He put his hand out to me "Not with you, come on. You are my girlfriend" he reminded me, I shook my head and slowly moved towards him. Apparently, he didn't like that I was moving slow and he grabbed my hands pulling me to him, I landed beside him on the bed.

"See, nothing more" he mumbled as he wrapped his arms around me and closed his eyes, I smiled and wrapped my hands around his arms that were pressed into my chest.

I sighed "When will that pizza be here?" I asked.

"In a bit, just enjoy the moment and be quiet."

It felt weird being pressed against him, kind of like on the motorcycle, but he made me feel safe. I don't know why, maybe because he protected me from Razor and Bret?

His head was pressed into my neck and I could feel him breathe ...then I felt something else.



"..that better be the remote."

He head popped up from my neck red faced. He moved away from me making me nod and stand up form the bed "Have fun" I told him as I walk out the door.

"Dammit!" He yelled.


Me and Shawn walked into the gym and I wrecked right into someone, I startrd apologizing and moving back from them. Then I looked up.

I stepped back wide eyed and gave a smile towards Ted DiBiase, he just smiled back at me before holding his hand out "Miss. DarkKill, a pleasure" he said. I reached out and shook his hand before getting a better hold on my Gym bag.

"Mr. DiBiase. It is a honor, tell me am I in your way? If you want me to move just yell like McMahon does."

He laughed "No. I was actually looking for you, to talk" he said and wrapped a arm around my shoulders "Walk with the Million Dollar Man, my dear."

I looked back at Shawn who looked just as confused as I did. DiBiase walked us to the ring where he just stopped and looked up at it, I was ultimately confused.

"I have seen you wrestle and I think you are going to be one of the best here at WWF, especially with my help. You see, Adri, may I call you Adri?" he asked and looked down at me.

"You can call me anything, just don't call me a bitch and we are in the good." That earned a chuckle.

"Adri, I want to ask you a serious question and I want you to take your time in answering, I don't want you to decide right away" he told me as he went and sat on the steps going up to the ring, he looked up at me "Are you ready?"

"Of course, Mr. DiBiase."

"Adri, call me Ted."

"Ted" I corrected myself making him smile.

"How would like to join my Million Dollar Corporation?" he asked making my eyes go wide "I buy your contract and be your manager. I have seen great promise in you, Adri."

I just stared at him, the million dollar man as my manager? I thought with a fast pulse, I shook my head to wake myself up and found it wasn't a dream "Wow, I uh ..Mr. McMahon gave me five months for him to decide if he wants to keep me or not-"

"If I buy your contract, Adri. It won't be up to McMahon, you will be under me. I can gurentee that. And Shane can try to hire people to fight you but, it won't do him any good. I heard about that, I'm sorry for the idiot, he messed with the wrong woman."

I looked at the ring, this was a huge decision. This was a chance to be in the WWF for awhile, but I would be under DiBiase.

I started playing with my hands "You said I could think on it, right?" I asked making sure, he nodded. "I think I will sleep on it, this is a huge choice."

"Take as long as you need to, we got time." He stood up and walked over to me, he patted me on the back as he headed up the ramp "I hope you say yes, I could really use a girl like you in my corporation" he told me as he disappeared, I walked towards the ring and put my hand up onto the bottom rope.

Me in the Billion Dollar Corporation. I thought in disbelief as I thought over what had just been offered. I put my hands on the world title belt that was around my waist and smiled.


"Are you going to tell Adri what stupid move you are going to pull?"

I set my bar back down behind me and sat up on the weight bench looking at Hunter "Probably not. She'll kill me because she will be afraid I will get fired" I told him and put my hands on my knees looking at the door "I wonder what Ted was telling her?"

"No, don't change the subject" he told me and crossed his arms "You need to ell her."

I shook my head "If I tell her my plan to get back at Shane, she will not hesitate to murder me and get Mark help her bury the body" I tried to tell his hardhead.

Hunter sighed "Whatever. I'm not helping, I hate the little bastard but I don't want to gang up on him when it wouldn't take but one of us to kick his ass, just do me a favor" he said making me roll my eyes "Think about doing it the right way instead of the wrong."

"He paid to have my Adrienne beaten and her knee screwed up" I said in anger and closed my eyes "He needs to be hurt."

(Uh-oh, what does he have planned?)

Good Luck, Kid. (HBK) {Watty's 2019)Where stories live. Discover now