97. Leaving WWF

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"Do you want to fight one last time?"

I looked at Vince with a nod and smiled "I want to fight how it all started. Me and Razor. I want it to be like that."

Vince nodded "Alright. I'll set up the match. Get prepared, Adri. You wnt to go out witha  bang." I smiked as I left Vince's office, almost rethinking my decision.

---------------MONDAY NIGHT RAW------------

Walking into the backstage of the arena knowing it was the last time  would be in there, it was sad.

I remembered the first time I walked in through the doors to the arena and had to talk to Vince as Eddie took me for a tour of the the arena, it was a magical dream fullfilled moment.

But, as I made my way to the locker rooms I couldn't help but notice the sad smiles given to me by producers, wrestlers, and other people.

Stepping into the locker room, I saw it was empty, I guess the guys were busy since it was Monday Night, I went to my locker and opened it up, a bag was inside. I dropped my gym bag to the Ground and took out the bag.

A note was inside.


Here is a little something from us to you. Come out to the arena when your ready. -Bret.

I opened the bag to see ...a custom made sports bra and leggings. They were black and orange with DarkKill written on the chest, and the same writing Shawn had came up with, a smile lit up my face as I went to the bathroom and Changed into the new attire.

Black boots on, eyeliner and my hair pulled up into a ponytail, I walked out of the locker room and to the backstage area where everyone was quiet and minding their own business, it was a little eerie.

But as I made my way through the gorilla and my theme played, I noticed all wrestlers lining from the ramp, to the ring and around the ring while the audience cheered.

My eyes were wide as Vince and Shawn were talking away in the ring, I made my way towards the ring ultimately confused as Ted held open the ropes for me to climb through.

Vince smiled "And here she is folks, the woman of the hour. Adri DarkKill!" he shouted making the fans go crazy, I just looked at him like he was crazy himself "Now, Shawn, do you mind telling Adri what she is doing out here?"

"Don't mind if I do, Vincey McMahonerson" Shawn said and wrapped his arm around me, he was wearing his zebra HBK get-up I loved, he flashed me a smile "You see. We held a vote, and everyone wanted a 'going away' party just for you. Well, we decided to hold that party on Raw, but, in a special way."

He held his hand towards the screen in the arena and pictures flashed across it as he spoke "The Smoking Gunns are dedicating their match against Men on a Mission to you" Billy and Bart high fives outside the ring while the pictures changed "Diesel is dedicating his match against Tatanka to you, while Ted DiBiase gives a special speech afterwards for his Million Dollar Corp Member, Adri DarkKill" Diesel smirked while Ted gripped his jacket with a smile "Owen Hart is dedicating his match against 1-2-3 Kid to you. And The Undertaker will be going up against Kama, both of them decided not to dedicate the match to you but The Undertaker does have a gift" Shawn said, looking a little scared while Paul Bearer gave that crazy look on the sidelines and Mark grinned.

Vince cleared his throat "There will be a moment to look at your greatest matches within five months with President Gorilla Monsoon and myself, while you sit by me and Shawn Michaels on the sidelines to watch the matches. Meanwhile, Double J Jeff Jarrett will go up against Hunter Hearst Helmsley, to compete over who gets to dedicate the match towards you" Vince said and lowered the microphone.

Shawn smirked "Meanwhile, I will be wooing and flirting with the lovely Adri DarkKill, trying to make amends for what I have done" he said staring down at me and putting his hand on the side of my hair to rub my cheek with his thumb.

Vince nudged Shawn who smiled "Also, to finish up the hour. We will have a tag team match up between Razor Ramon, Bret Hart-" as he said their names the photos popped up on the screen "-HBK and DarkKill" as he said that my mouth dropped open "One last match before you leave us."

Vince and Shawn turned to me "So, how do you feel Ms. DarkKill?" Vince said into the microphone before pushing it towards me.

I just stood there for a minute, then I smiled "I feel great. Let's start this thing, Vincey" I said and slapped him on the back as the crowd cheered.

Shawn smiled at me as Vincent started to leave the ring, I crossed my arms "It was just supposed to be and Razor Ramon. How I started" I told him, he smirked.

"Technically, sweetie, it started with us against Scott and Brett" he said and raised a eyenrow "Or did you forget im the reason you are fighting?"

"Shut up,"

He smiked as he looked aeound the crowd "No problem, Adri" he said. Then wrapped a arm around me before planting a kiss on my lips.

Fans yelled and whooed as I wrapped a arm around Shawn and the audience grww louder, foing over Vince's voice who was yelling at us to 'quite' and 'knocked it out' and there was even 'turn off the cameras.'

Nobody listened, not even Shawn who just shot his middle finger to Vince as he kissed me in the ring, it made me smile against his lips.

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