4. Ketchup Head.

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It was horrible.

But, it looked good, so everyone said.

"Es como un asesinato" Rey mumbled making Eddie raise a eyebrow.

We were all backstage the arena where I stood looking into a mirror, my black on black clorhing made the red hair look good, but my eyes looked weird.

Jeff smiled "It looks good."

"I think I want to go back to brown hair."

Shawn chuckled from where he sat on the couch, Hunter just looked at him "You couldn't of told her it was getting redder?" He asked his friend.

Shawn held his hands up "Hey, I wanted to see if it would look good. Turns out it does."

It was like dark red but still a little light.

"I gotta go talk to Vince about when my first match is" I grumbled and walked out the door.

Footsteps followed me and Shawn was right beside me smiling "I like it. It brings your eyes out" he told me and walked up to the bossmans door knocking and entering,

I shook my head at him and entered the room to see Vince overlooking stuff.

"What do you want?" He looked up and his eyes widened "Good lord."

"Um, I was wondering when my first match will be?"

Vince looked back at his work "We are full for tomorrow nights event. Maybe Monday?" he asked looking at me then Shawn "What do you want?"

Shawn cleared his throat "Well, I was curious ...what if I make my fight with Razor tomorrow a tag team?" he asked, I raised my eyebrow as McMahon stared at him "It could surprise fans."

Vince nodded "That could make it entertaining. Who would you like to team up with?" he asked Shawn who glanced at me.

"DarkKill? I know she is new but, if her first match is with me ...you might get some views."

McMahon stared at HBK for a moment "I will think on it. I will ask Ramon what he thinks" he said and nodded ot us.

We took that as our moment to leave, when we cloeed the door I pucnhed Shawn's arm making him yell "Hey!"

"Why are you-?"

He put his hand on my shoulder "Do you want to fight or not? If you go out tomorrow and people like you, you just might get stay in WWF because there is a good chance McMahon won't let you wrestle in these five months."

He turned to walk away and I grabed his arm "How are you so sure?"

He looked down at me "Sweetheart, your nineteen. Vincent McMahon doesn't want ..uh, young women out there."

"I'm almost twenty. And Thank you for not using kid."

"I know, but-"

"No. My birthday is next month I was born in 1974."

He stared at me for a moment "Really?" he said confused and looked at me "Huh. So ..I am nine years older than you."

"Guess I ain't much of a kid as everyone thought, huh?"

Shawn cracked a smile "Whatever. Want to watch a practice?"

"Would I ever!"

We walked into the arena where Booker T and Hulk Hogan were fighting.

Me and Shawn went and stood beside Hunter and Jeff "Hey, kid" Hunter said and looked down at me "What did Vincey-boy say?"

"That I have to wait til maybe Monday for my first match."

Shawn spoke up "Unless he agrees to my tag team I thought up" he spoke with cockiness in his voice.

Hunter stared at him "What?"

"Me and Adrien-uh Adri against Razor Ramon and Someone of his choosing."

Hunter just stared at him "Razor Ramon..." He stopped, then grabbed Shawn by his shoulders "Are you insane?"

He Didn't realize it but his voice ran out into the arena, everyone looked at him. Booker and Hulk quit fighting hearing him. Hunter dragged off Shawn to talk and I looked at Jeff.

"Should I be afraid?"

He chuckled "Of Razor ..or for Shawn?" he asked making me smile.


Jeff shrugged "Nah. If he kills Shawn we will help him hide the body in a dumpster" he told me and raised his eyebrow "Wanna help?"

I shook my head "Nah. So far my record is clean, I don't really wanna damage it."

They came back and Booker ended his match with Hulk, they got out of the ring laughing as Edge/ Adam sat up from the seats down a aisle and said "Who is next?"

"Shawn and me" Hunter said dragging Shawn by the arm up into the ring, Shawn was pulling against Triple H's tugging making everyone laugh.

I rolled my eyes "Dorks" I mumbled and leaned against the barricade with Jeff.

"Come on Hunt. I was just trying to get her into a match tomorrow.... Hunt? Hunter? ...Shit!"

And Hunter tackled Shawn leading into me and Jeff laughing while Matt and Rob tried to get them off of the other. Shawn was kicking his legs up as Hunter sat on him.

"Man, this is not cool!"

"And you putting DarkKill in a match with you and Razor is cool?"

You could hear Shawn mumbling as he struggled under Hunter's weight.

Mark/Taker and Glenn/Kane -honest at this moment I am so confused knowing their real names- walked down towards the ring with drinks and donuts.

They stopped when they seen what was going on in the ring and looked at each toher before looking back at the ring.

"Why is Hunter sitting on Shawn?" Kane asked.

Jeff smirked "Shawn put our little girl in a match with him against Razor Ramon" he told them causing him to get a look from me, thier little girl huh?

Taker scowled at the ring "Kick his ass, hunt!" he yelled making Shawn groan.

"Man, this is fu-" he yelled and Matt laughed from where he stood on the otherside of the ropes "-insane! I was just tyring to help her out."

"By setting up a death wish? We should have started her out with Rey or even Eddie. Would have been easier."

"You know as good as I do, Hunter. If I hadn't of said anything, Vince Would not let her wrestle. Even if her camp said she was good at fighting guys."

Rob who was near Matt had to nod "He is right. Vincent would be scared for views putting a guy against a girl" he told Hunter before nodding at me "Even if she can handle herself."

I sighed "Dont I get a say in this?" I asked crossing my arms.

"No" was echoed from Matt, Mark, Glenn, Hunter and Rob while a "Yeah" was from Adam, Shawn and Jeff.

Hunter glared at them "Remember how eager all of you were to jump into the ring? What happened?" he asked them, the three looked at the other before shrugging.

"Alrighty, I am going to the Gym" I said and walked away from Jeff, then stopped before turning around halfway up the ramp.

"When you are done arguing, Could someone tell me where that would be or do I have to get lost in this place trying to find it myself?"

Good Luck, Kid. (HBK) {Watty's 2019)Where stories live. Discover now