84. Dangerous Thoughts

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"Adrienne! Would you listen to me for a damn minute!"

"You had your minute in the fucking ring, Shawn. Did you not hear everyone in that arena go quiet? Hell do you not even realize that Vince is even shocked? We couldn't do that one again if we tried!"

"Adri, please, I didnt mean to punch you. I was too caught up in the moment."

"I am not one of those girls that listens to bullshit like that" I yelled and slammed open the door, every wrestler I have befreinded and made a enemy out of was out in the hallway, I nodded my head to the door "Get out of my hotel room, and stay away from me until you learn to control your anger."

Shawn just looked down at me, at a loss for words as his eyes gave a sad look. He went to put his hands on my shoulders and I shoved him back before pointing at the door "Get out, Shawn!" I screamed at him.

Kev, Scott, Kid, Hunt, Mark and Billy Gunn walked towards the door all at once, I shoved my hand up making them stop as me and Shawn stared at each other.

"I love you. Why are you doubting that."

I looked away from him and at the window "If you really love me. You wouod have stopped before you hit me, in the ring or not, Shawn, you could have stopped yourself. Like you have so many times in that ring" I said, my voice broke a little and I shook my head "Get out."

Scott stepped forward "Shawn. Get out of her room, let her think for awhile" he said, and went to touch Shawn's arm.

Shawn shoved Scott's hand off of him and glared "You only want me to Leave her alone so you can have a run at her" he shot at Scott who's eyes widened.

He laughed "Whatever. Apparently I don't really love her" he said and looked down at me "She's just a bitch."

I grabbed his suitcase as he walked out the door and I threw it at his back, he went down into the hallway floor and I looked down on him from the doorway.

He rolled onto his back with his clothes laying on him and he looked surprised as I pointed a finger at him "I mean it, Shawn, never come near me again. You are the only boy I have dated or been with, and you will be the last because I really do love your stupid ass" my voice cracked and I slammed the door on him and every other wrestler in the hall before leaning against the hotel door and sliding my back down it until I sat in the floor.

Then, I pulled my legs up to my chest and started to cry.

*Third Person POV*

Kevin looked at the door and then back to Shawn who just sat in the floor covered by his own clothes from his suitcase, he looked a cross of shocked and pissed.

Mark went forward and grabbed him by his shoulders, pinning him against the wall.

"Mark let him go" Glenn said as he stepped forward and croseed his arms "He isnt worth it."

Mark just glared at Shawn before letring him go, Shawn rubbed his bare shoulders as Bret and Owen looked at him pretty pissed off.

Shawn rolled his eyes "You are making a big deal out of nothing" he said and went to puttin clothes back into his suitcase "We will be back to normal in a week or two."

Kev shook his head "You don't get it, do you? Shawn you saw how her father was towards her, it was no wonder she was how she was when came to WWF, how she felt about guys. You changed that, and now you have gotten your ass in a shit mess" he said and got in Shawn's face who just narrowed his eyes "I am not helping you with this, I think you deserve her anger."

Scott shook his head as him and Kid went back to their room, Hunter didnt look at Shawn as he went to his.

Owen stopped for a second, looked at Shawn and said "You have really screwed up."

Kev went to Adri's door and knocked "Adri? Its Kev. Open up" he called, he got no reply but just shook his head before heading to his hotel room and closing the door behind him.

Double J sighed "You can room with me for now" he told Shawn as he walked to his hotel room.

Shawn looked back at Adri's hotel room before shaking his head and walking towards Jeff Jarrets room.

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