86. A Real Bitch

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Banned. Banned from Raw for three weeks because I attacked Shawn, although I am allowed backstage because of Diesel yelling at Vince to at least let me stay in the back.

So, here I Wass sitting in the locker room with my arms crossed watching RAw on the TV while guys came in and went out, which also had me hiding in the bathroom form timw to time.

I sighed "This is stupid" I complained to Scott as we watched a fight go on in the ring as MArk walked through the door, I rolled my eyes "Shawn started it!"

"Yes. But, you attacked him" Scott said and shook his head "I'm not taking up for him at the moment, but he wasnt going ot hit you in ring. He was just gnnna act all cocky and badass."

"It's irritating, Scotto. I wanna punch his lights out" I said and when Mark went to say something I held a hand up "No."

MArk has been wanting to smack Shawn around, especially since he has started saying things about me on Raw with Vince trying to tell him to shut up, I am tyring ot keep MArk from it. And here lately Kev.

KEv is getting aggravated at him, he says Shawn has no right to say anything not true about me.

I sighed as Scott patted my head and we watched the TV, MArk shook his head and went to his locker as the door opened again and Kev came in, he noticed what we were watching and shook his head.

"I am going ot end up kicking his ass for this ..nonsense."

"Kev, you know as good as I do that he isn't worth it" I told him and heard MArk mumble something that I couldn't catch, it made me raise a eyebrow as KEvin smirked.

Scott cleared his htroat "So, who does Vince have you going up against when you return?" he questioned.


Kevin laughed "I'm surprised he didn't put you up against Shawn again. I would actually enjoy that match this time" he said as he crossed his arms and leaned back against the lockers.

"Sadly, I think I would too."

That made all three of them go quiet as I looked away form them and up at the TV, Shawn was standing with Vince smiling into the camera and cracking jokes. I felt my heart break as I shook my head and looked away form it.

No. The HeartBReak Kid was not going ot break my heart. I won't let him.

And in three weeks I was going ot prove it to everyone, even HBK himself.

(Just so you know, it won't end with this book. I have a sequel set up)

Good Luck, Kid. (HBK) {Watty's 2019)Where stories live. Discover now