62: Love Not War

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I ran out to my music and waved at everyone before smsckin a few hands, I made my way to ring and climbed up and under the rope, I held my hands out as people cheer for me, I blew a kiss as my music died down.

Shawn's music came on and he walked out and down the ramp, smacking hands of people that reached out to him. His smirk was on his face as he looked towards me, he reaxhed the ing and went under the rope. Shawn looked around at rhe crowd as he leaned down and gave me a kiss.

If he wanted to piss off McMahon, he could have just wrecked his car instead of this. But, I happily returned the kiss as the crowd cheered.

I could hear Hunter now about this.

He broke away from me and fpung his hat out of the ring before proforming his littoe 'strip act' as I call it. I got in my corner as he showed off, one thing I will never get tired of was seeing his muscles.

His music died down and I took a deep breathe as we met each other haofway in the ring with the ref telling us to shake hands, Shawn raised a eyebrow at him and shrugged grabbing my hand.

He jerked me inti his arms and bent me back so he could kiss me, again. He raised me up and bowed ro the crowd as they woof whistled.

I just stared at him for a moment trying not to laugh as the bell rang and we collided.

Shawn winked at me as we both gave very little effort to push the other back with our strength, our faces were almost touching. "What the hell are you doing?" We hissed at each other,

"Letting you win" we told each ither, we both gave the other a irritated look and broke apart, he ran a hand through his hair and I put my hands on my hips.

Tho isnt going well.

We looked at each other for a moment and I think it crossed through both of ours minds we were really going to have to fight each other instead of letting the other win.

Without warning, I ran at him and he moved letting me hit te rope. I bounced off of it only to get clothes lined by Shawn.

He made a face as he watched me lwnd backwards on the mat "Sorry baby" he mouthed as he waited for me to stand, I slowly stood up and ran at him, he heod his hands out telkin me to wait, but it was too late.

I hit him into the corner and he grunted form the impact. As we started hitting each other, he pushed me away form him and knocked me back onto my ass.

Slowly standing, Shawn grabbed me by the head and pulled me up so he couod whsper "Follow my lead" before picking me up and slamming me to the mat.

I groaned as my body ached and Shawn tried to pin me, I grabbed him by his kegs and pushed him up and over my head, I rolled over onto my side as we both got up off the mat and Shawn came at me.

He grabbed my arm and twisted it around before making his mouth go to my ear "Tap at as the referee counts to three" he hissed in my ear as he sent me down to my knees and everyone cheered.

I grunted as I grabbed his legs, he started to fall over backwards before standing up and shaking a finger at me.

As I laid on my back Shawn took one of my legs, turned it then grabs the other leg and crossed it with the other, puts one foot in between and the other on my other leg, and then bridged over.

His shoulders were touching the mat and I waited as the referee started to say "One" before tapping out. The referee held his hands up and Shawn let go of me.

I gladly laid out on the mat from the pain that caused my legs as Shawn slowly got up, he offered me a hand and helped me up. As he did I said "What was that about?"

He nodded "Just listen."

McMahon had his headphones off and was walking towards the ring, him and the ref exchanged some words while McMahon gave Shawn a hard glare, the Ref shouted: "Both opponents win. As said in the rules-  if one opponent's shoulders touch the mat while maintaining a submission hold against another opponent. If the opponent in the hold begins to tap out at the same time a referee counts to three for pinning the opponent delivering the hold, both opponents have legally won."

I startrd to laugh as Shqwn wrapped his arms around me, his music came on and Shawn shrugged before giving me a kiss, he pulled away for a secnd to wink at Vince.

"Shawn Michaels, that was a great idea."

He smiled down at me and raised his eyebrows "I have alot of those, baby" he said as he kissed me one last rime and held the ropes for me to step under and hop down to the floor.

Good Luck, Kid. (HBK) {Watty's 2019)Where stories live. Discover now