69. Damn Men.

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Someone needs to get these guys laid more.

I'm serious, every single, stupid time I turn around I have a wrestler or producer or some shit winking at me or I catch them staring at my butt ...or my chest.

Mark has took it amongst himself to be my bodyguard. So, as of yesterday I now have a Undertaker to guard me from horny males ...yeah, it isn't as fun as it sounds.

As much as I love Mark being protective, It is kind of annoying I cant go to the bathroom without him being on the otherside of the stall asking if I need a newspaper or some air freshner.

Or some tampons.

Oh, and when I walked into a store to buy the ssid product, a guy smiled and asked for my autograph ..,Mark did his evil look and made the guy run off screaming.

If Shawn put Mark up to this, I was gonna kill him. I told him about what almost happened with Scott and Shawn, of course, got pissed.

At Scott.

I tried to tell him that Scott doesnt know so, being among the fifty males in the arena that still stared at my butt when we were together publicly, of course he was gonna try to get in my pants.

That is when Mark said he was honna watxh after me.

I walked into the arena with Mark by my side, I felt like a short shadow standing next to him. And when Eddie smiled and simply said 'Hi' Mark pushed him into a pile of boxes earning a 'what the hell' look from Eddie.

Yeah, I dont how long tis can last.

We walked towards the ring where Brett was waiting with Owen and 1-2-3 Kids so we could practice. I gave Marka  look telling him to sit down, he shrugged and sat at the announcers table kicking his boots up on the table.

I rolled my eyes and got in the ring, Brett smirked when he seen me.

"So, you ditched the HBKid, huh? Maybe there is room for a Hitman in your pants now?"

Okay, remind me again why I chose Bret the dickhead for a tag team partner?

Owen rolled his eyes at his brother and reached out to shake my hand "I hope you and Shawn can make up" he told me in the nicest way possible while Bret just rolled his eyes.

Kid smiled and nodded to me "Lets let these two go first so they can battle" he said, after he spoke Owen punched Bret and we made our way out of the ring as quick as possible.

We stood outside the ring watching the brothers fight in the ring, Kid made a face when he saw Bret jump and landed witha  elbow to Owen's stomach.

"That made me hurt."

I laughed at Kid as we watched the two in the ring, he looked at me with a frown.

"So, are you and Shawn ..no longer a couple?"

It was hard to say yes, because it was a lie, I was lying to my fellow wrestlers. But, if we didn't, McMahon wouod somehow find out about me and Shawn. Again.

I nodded my head slowly "I think we are no longer a couple. I'm not for sure, we didnt really o through details last time we spoke" I said witha  small dry laugh.

He shook his head "I hate that. You two made a excellent team in the ring, andoutside of it" he said, throwng me a small smile "I was root in for you so to kick Vince's ass."

Kid could be a total sweetheart, but sometimes he could be as mean as Hunter and as funny as Shawn. He was a cool person to be around.

After we made a tag, I found myself fighting Kid, it was fun but in the end he won.

We made our way back to the locker room and I went straght for the bathroom shieodin my eyes from the sight of a almost completely naked Kevin Nash who was laughing at me.

After I got the okay signwl to come out, a ta on the door twice, we all headed to the exit and I saw Shawn talin to Hunter. His eyes looked towards me, evertthin in me knew I had to hide the fact I wanted to run at hima nd kiss him.

But, that thought left my mind as soon as I walked eight into a pole outside the exit.

A few cyrse words escaped my mouth making Kids and Owen laugh as I held my head, I walked around the post and said Hunter doubled over in laughter wile Shawn was makin a horrid face at what just happened.

Bret sighed "Great, my tag partner likes to kiss poles. Ths shouod look good on TV" he said makin me glare at him.

Lord give me patience, because if you give me strength ...I might murder Bret Hart before the match has even begun.

Good Luck, Kid. (HBK) {Watty's 2019)Where stories live. Discover now