8. Good Luck

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"You look pissed."

Mark sat down beside me and handed me a water, I cracked open the lid and started drinking it, wonder if it will wash off the feeling on my lips? I thought as I put the lid back on and sat it down at my feet.

The Hardy Boys had left for the match leaving me and Mark alone in the gym.

"Because I am."

Mark sighed and wrapped his arm around my neck "What happened?" he asked, I threw my hand up in the air in frustration and it landed on my knee showing a forming bruise.

"I was talking to Bret Hart. Shawn got all pissed off and the next thing I knew my first kiss was with Shawn Michaels, I got angry and punched him."

Mark ran a finger over the forming bruise "They hate each other. Want me to beat them up for you?" he asked, I shook my head and looked down at my feet "It might make you feel bettter."

"No. Unfortunately, I need Shawn for the match. I don't even know where he is, I just left him in the hallway."

That made Mark crack a grin "Was he pissed?" he asked with a chuckle.

"No. Shocked. He looked like a fish with its mouth open."

Mark started to laugh and he patted my knee "It is nice to know you can handle yourself" he told me before getting serious "Kid, Look ... I know you have looked up to over half of us since you were a kid, but are you prepared for this?" He asked as he frowned at me "I would hate to see you in the hospital."

"I have trained since I was a little girl, Taker. I know I am ready."

Mark smiled and kissed the top of my head "Good Luck, Kid" he told me as the Gym door opened and Hunter came in dragging a HBK by the arm.

Hunter shoved him towards us "Shawn, if you do not apologize I will Pedigree your ass right here right now just to make her happy" he snapped at Shawn.

Shawn's jaw was red from where I had punched him "I'm ...sorry. Bret just ...God he makes me so mad" Shawn said and looked at Mark with a wince "Please don't send me to the hospital."

Mark looked at me asking for permission by look, I shook my head at him and nodded to Shawn "Apology accepted" I said and stood up with Mark, I crossed my arms "Never do that again. Or I will start agreeing with Bret Hart about what he says about you."

Shawn frowned while Hunter chuckled "You two are on next. We will be watching from the Locker Room. Good Luck" Hunter told me and kissed the top of my head just like Mark had, they walked out of the gym leaving me and Shawn.

Shawn had his arms crossed "I would ask if you would like to practice but, I think we already did" he said.

I looked at his jaw and walked towards him, I ran my fingers over the red spot and shook my head "I wasn't mad because it was you. I was mad because you took my-" I stopped and shook my head "Let's go get this over with."

As I started to walk away he grabbed my arm "No. What were you going to say?" he questioned.

I didn't look at him as I said 'You took my first kiss. I wasn't prepared for it. It might seem stupid to you but, it isn't stupid to me."

With that, I walked out of the gym and headed to the gorilla. Ready to make my first appearence on WWF.

As I waited for Shawn's theme he walked up beside me and glanced at me before putting a smile on his face and running out to the ramp.

"Welcome, Shawn Michaels! ...And his Tag Team Partner, Adri DarkKill!"

I walked out beside him as his theme played and we made our way down to the ring, he went under the ropes and got in while I walked up the stairs and climbed over the ropes into the ring.

I looked out at the packed crowd and felt nerves as Shawn took in the praise and glory of his fans, he looked at me and grabbed my hand before raising it into the air.

It made the crowd go even more insane.

A smile made its way onto my face as I raised both hands up into the air and waved out at the crowd. Shawn hugged me into his side and winked into the camera.

His theme died down and we turned to look out at the ramp, my nerves went up again as Razor Ramon's theme played, I tried to calm myself.

"And Welcome Razor ....Ramon!" A guy yelled as Razor came and walked down the ramp. Shawn stiffened beside me and I looked towards him.

Hopefully I am not the only one nervous.

*Back in the Locker Room*

Hunter grinned watching Adri take in the fans "Thats our girl" he said as everyone piled around the TV "Yeah!"

Jeff smiled and started bouncing up and down "She is going to do so good" he said and crossed his arms watching the TV. Mark just watched the TV as Rob sat beside him.

"Who do you think is going to come out with Razor?" Eddie asked as him and Rey focused on the TV.

"Hopefully, someone that is easily taken down" Edge said as he crossed his arms "Adri might be strong but she needs speed to defeat someone like Razor."

Mark grunted "Please let it be Rick Flair" he mumbled as a theme played that caught their ears.


My eyes widened as Shawn moved me behind him "What?!" I said making Shawn look at me.

"Making his way to the ring, the one and only Bret 'The Hitman' Hart!"

My heart dropped as I seen him come out, Shawn made me look at him and his eyes were unsure "I didn't know. I swear."

"You didn't know? Is this why you were so pissed?"

Bret Hart. The guy I was talking to backstage was walking up to the ring, I was going to have to fight the guy who was being nice to me. This is fabulous, I put a hand to my head and looked at Shawn.

"I swear I did not know."

Razor and Bret got into the ring and decided Razor should go first, Bret hopped down to the ground and nodded up at razor.

"I'll go" Shawn said and gave me a nod "I'll tag you in in a bit, I swear."

I simply nodded and got out of the ring. I hopped to the ground and stayed to the side as the bell dinged and Shawn went at Razor.

Crossing my arms, I watched as they hit back and forth. Shawn, Razor, Shawn, Razor. It went like that for awhile and I noticed Bret looking at me.

He looked surprised that I was Shawn's tag team partner.

Shawn sent a blow to Razor's mouth and got him in the corner to my left, I watched for a moment as Shawn sent Razor onto his back. I winced hearing the pow of the mat.

"Hey" I turned my head to see Bret, he sent me a smile "I didn't know you were going to be fighting me tonight."

"I didn't know Razor had chosen you."

He smirked "I guess me and Razor both have one thing in common. Our opinion on Michaels, tell me Adri, what is your view on him?" he asked looking me over from boots to chest to forehead.

I made a face at him "He is alright, a good fighter too" I defended Shawn.

"Looks like Adri and Bret are getting along great on the sidelines, while Shawn is putting the beatdown on Razor Ramon" McMahon said from the announcers table.

Too busy talking to me, Bret didnt notice Razor on the ground of the ring ...or Shawn standing up on the top rope looking down at Bret with a  glare, my eyes looked up right in time.

Just as Shawn jumped down and collapsed onto Bret with a loud pow.

Good Luck, Kid. (HBK) {Watty's 2019)Where stories live. Discover now