49. War on Sand

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"Ding, ding."

I threw a kick to Bret's stomach and he doubled over in pain, I smiled as I bent down and looked at his face "Whats wrong Bret? I thought you said anything goes?" I said in a innocent voice as he looked at me.

He grinned "That's what I said" he suddenly swept my feet out of from under me and I was on my back "And I am sticking to it."

I moved as he tried to kick me and I rolled onto my feet, I hit him in the face causing him to stumble back and I laughed as I lunged at him and we went rolling down the small hill.

People moved out of the way as they followed us down the hill, it ended with Bret on top of me and he threw a punch to my face, I kicked him up and over me making him land on his back.

I stood up as quick as possible and charged him as he stood up. We fell into a plastic chair and I heard it break under our weight.

Okay, this fued of ours has went on for days. Maybe it was time we duked it out, out of the ring?


"How long is this going to last?" Jed asked as well watched Hunter break them apart from pulling each others hair, I sighed and crossed my arms.

"Who knows? We got the Hitman Vs. The Evil DarkKill."

Bret had pulled her shirt off of her back and I was relieved to see her in a bikini, plus I didn't need any other guy to look at her body like I did. Besides, I think Hunter was already drooling.

Jed looked at me "Is that what they are calling her now?" he asked confused, I nodded and smiled as I watched her swing Bret into a volleyball net and winced from the impact.

"Yeah. Its kinda cute ...duck" I said and pushed Jed down as a chair was thrown over our heads and Adri squeaked as Bret tackled her, I sighed.


Jed chuckle "No. Adrienne."


I drop kicked Bret and stood up again just in time to lift him over my head and swing him into the ground. I lost track of time but everyone either looked amazed or bored. Who knows how long we have been doing this?

As Bret stood up, I ran at him and we collided with our arms locked together looking each other in the face.

"Give up already" he grunted as we braced our feet into the sand.

"No. You give up. You owe me a apology anyway, Hart."

We pushed against each other until both of our grips broke and we both fell face first into the sand.

Owen, who was laughing, finally walked forward and stood between us as we slowly stood up from the ground "When are you both going to quit? You already look like hell" he said and crossed his arms as me and Bret looked at each other.

It was true, Brett swung me into apicnic table and I thought it was gonna break, meanwhile his arm was bleeding with teethmarks.

Bret licked dry lips as I gulped "When he apologizes" I said at the same time he said "When she admits she did not win that match fair and square. Thanks to Michaels. And Shane McMahon."

Everone looked at Shawn who just grinned "Well ...I didn't hit Bret that bad with the belt... I swear." I rolled my eyes at my boyfriend and looked at Bret as he looked back at me.

"I know I didn't win it fair. But, Shane wasnt my fault, he is just a dickhead. And Shawn ...well, I can't control his actions, he is a special kind of ...." I looked back at him to see him glaring at me "man" I finished lamely, when I was going to say conceded idiot. But he is my conceded idiot.

Good Luck, Kid. (HBK) {Watty's 2019)Where stories live. Discover now