65. Date Night

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I opened the door to the hotel holding two cheese pizzas and stepped inside, Shawn was on the bed watxhing TV, he looked up when he seen me and smiled.

"I got the movie."

I held pizzas up for him to see "Pizza's are a go" I told him and shut the door with my foot, he smiled as he drugged out a bottle of wine from the mini fridge beside the bed and popped dit open, I sat te pizzas down in front of him before taking off my jacket and looking in my duffel for pajamas.

He held up the VHS tape "I canot belive I am about to watch a chick flick. For a girl I shoukd have laid and dumped months ago" he said and srood up, I raised a eyebrow.

"I cant belive you stole Hunt's underwear from him and made me see something I really didnt want to" I rold Shawn who smiled coxkily as he made his way over towards me and wrapped his arms around me.

"Mm, would you have raher it of been me?"

I smacked him with my pajamas top before heading to the bathroom and changing, I left the door open a little so I coild talk and change.

"I cant believe I am about to be a tag team with Bret. Thats just ...unseen for me."

I heard a 'Mmhmm.' As my only reply, I shrugged off my bra and slipped my top over my head.

Hey, sometimes it feels nice to go bra less and my shirt was baggy enough that hr wouldn't know.

I pulled off my leggings and put on my pajamas shorts "How to Diesel feel about the tag team?"

"He will get over it."

I looked in the bathroom mirror as I went to brush my hair and sropped completely.

Shawn was staring in the mirror near the dresser that was on the wall across feom the bathroom door, watching me undress befhing him.

I turned around and put down my hair brush as I stared a smirky, peeping Shawn who turned around to fsce me.


He walked towards the bathroom door and leaned on it "Its not being a pervert if you are dating the woman you are watching, plus did you really just take off your bra?"

"I dont have to answer to you."

"Do you go bra less at night?" He sounded amused.

I smacked his shoulder with my hand "The puppies need off their leash at night, alright? You try wearing a bra!"

He smirked as his eyes stayed glue to my chest, I wrapped my arms around myself "Stop. Or you will be sleeping out in the hall tonight."

I tried to push past him but he wouodnt move out of the doorway, I felt his hand on my butt. I sent a glare up at him as he smirked at me "You are almost as sexy as me."

Dear Lord, I thought and rolled my eyes as I shoved away from him and went to get under the covers, he put in the VHs tape and hopped onto the bedpropping his head up on his fist as he turned up the tv with the remote.

I reached for a piece of pizza and he handed me the wine he had poured earlier, he looked at me smirking.

"What?" I questioned.

"Oh, nothing" he said with a mischievous smile.

As I went to take a sip of wine, a knock came on the door. I pulled my covers up to my chest as I raised a eyebrow at Shawn who was smirking.

He opened the door and my heart dropped when I seen Scott, Kevin, Hunt and the Hardy Boys standing there.

And here I am without a bra on.

Shawn smiled "Movies is starting boys, come on in" he said happily as he basically skipped back to the bed and smiled as he sat beside me and raised a eyebrow.


I glared "You knew they were coming."

He smiled as he put his head on my shoulder "What? I didnt know. But, now they can see that you have a even nicer race than they thought." He winked at me.

I scowled "I am gonna go put my bra back on."

He grabed my arm as I started to stand, he smiled and he wrapped his arms around me "Nah. Your fine. I got you, they wont know a thing."

Happily the guys were too busy trying to find a spot to sit that they didnt notice we were talking.

But, then, Jeff came out of the bathroom holding up my bra. He smirked as he looked at me "D cup? Damn, I wouldn't have guessed that one" he said, everyone in the room turned to look at me and I sunk down under the covers.

And when I heard Shawn laugh I reached up and grabbed his nipple since he was bare chested, and I twisted it as hard as possible making him scream.

Payback is a bitch, Shawn ol' boy.

Good Luck, Kid. (HBK) {Watty's 2019)Where stories live. Discover now