21. Front Cover Material

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I woke up Shawn who was sleeping peacefully. He grumbled at me before going into the bathroom. I rolled my eyes at him and walked around the room packing up stuff for the arena.

I grabbed the purple and black leggings and sports bra that now had my DarkKill signature on the front, Shawn came out of the bathroom and looked for his own HBK clothing.

We both got ready and he grabbed my bag for me with a smile "Let me get that, madam" he said and opened the door for me, I smiled and we walked out into the hall.

"I really hate that our date was ruined" he finally said, I smiled at him and got up on tip toe to kiss his cheek, he looked down around me with that HBK smirk.

"It was perfect" I told him, he wrapped a arm around me and we walked out of the elevator. We walked past the check in desk and to the door. He looked for Hunter's rental.

"I was going to ask last night if you would want to be my girl-"

"Oh my God" I said walking over to a stand, Shawn was giving me a confused look, I picked up the magazine that held our date on the front, Shawn looked over my shoulder.

Is The Heartbreak Kid Head Over Wrestling Rope for DarkKill?

"They could have at least gotten my goodside. My mouths wide open."

I looked up at him and set the magazine back down, it wasn't like I had never been in a magazine before, I was for camp. But, I have never been on the front page with a guy before.

"Shawn! Shawn!"

Shawn grabbed me and hid me into his side as reporters popped up and started taking photos "When did you find love? Is the Heartbreak Kid actually going slow and steady?" A woman asked.

"How long have you been boyfriend and girlfriend."

Shawn was getting annoyed "She hasn't even said yes yet!" he yelled but they didn't hear. Then we heard the screeching of tires and a loud 'YeeHaw, You Son of a Bitches!'

Hunter's rental slid right in front of us almost running over the reporters, he rolled his window down grinning.

"Come with me if you want to live."

Shawn pushed me around and into the backseat before getting up front, Hunter gassed it and we took off away from the reporters.

Wait a dang minute.

I leaned forwrd in between the two and raised a eyebrow at Shawn "She hasn't sais yes yet?" I quoted and he turned around to face me.

"I was going to ask you to be my girl, but we keep getting interrupted."

I smiled at him "Seriously?"

Hunter groaned  "Can you two not do this in front of me? Walking in on you with your head stuffed into her chest on the plane was enough."

My face turned red while Shawn just laughed.


"I want every magazine took down off of shelves! If it isn't within three days, I will sue every single news stand or reporter in the world!"

Vince's secretary ran out and he leaned against his desk looking at me and Shawn before crossing his arm "This is ridiculous. It will be fixed though" he told us and smiled "But, are you two really dating? Because it will be good for views,"

Me and Shawn just staed at him before standing up and heading to the door "Gotta practice" I told him as I shut the door, Shawn wrapped a arm around my shoulders as we walked down to the Gym that had been set up.

"Don't worry, I am sure nobody has even seen it. Nobody wants to read about-" he stopped as he opened the door to the gym and frowned "-my life."

Hulgan, Flair, Booker T, Savage, Eddie, Rey and even Adam held the magazine in their hands. I turned to Shawn and raised a eyebrow.

"You were saying?"

Hulk Hulgan looked up smirking "When are we going to see a wedding?" he joked making everyone in the room laugh, Shawn threw my gym bag to the ground next to the doors and walked to a weight bench.

"Very funny" I told Hulk before grabbing two weights off of the rack and starting to lift "We didn't even realize we were engaged! Shawn, why didnt you tell me?" I accused.

He looked up from lifting his weight bar "It must have slipped my mind. Didn't I give you a ring, dear?" he said making the guys chuckle as Hunter walked in hearing it.

Hunter made a confused face and shook his head "Uh, Adri?"

"Yes, guy who saved us from reporters this morning?"

"Mark is looking for you ...and Shawn."

"Why?" I asked, he pointed to the magazines and I looked at Shawn who's eyes were wide "He is going to kill you" I pointed out.

Shawn hung the bar up "Bye. I will be in te bathroom" he stole the magazine Edge was Holding "I got to do homework. I don't know where our honeymoon is gonna be" He walked into the bathroom and I shook my head as Hunter took over the weight bench.

Rey looked at me "Are you prepared for your match, señorita?" he asked, and everyone waited for the answer.

"Kind of. I'm more worried about Razor interfering than anything" I told them and stopped lifting the weights, I leaned back against the wall "How are all of you okay with a girl wrestling guys? Yet he isn't?"

Rick Flair crossed his arms "Some people are different. I think it is good you are being different" he said and gave a smile "Change needs to come to wrestling ever so often."

Hulk looked at him "I wonder if someone is making Scott do this. Usually, he doesn't mind women fighting" he said and looked at me "He likes watching it."

I rolled my eyes. Figures.

The doors opened "Where is Michaels?" was asked, I turned to see Kane trying to hold back Taker. They were both dressed in their clothing already. Mark looked at me.

"I am going to kill him."

"Please don't" I said and put the weights up. Mark gave a confused look.

"The Magazine said you were out on a date" he questioned me.

Hunter was laughing "This is gonna be a good one" he said, I scowled at him and looked at Mark.

"It was true, we were. We just aren't planning on hopping the first plane to Vegas." Everyone laughed at that. Shawn peeped out of the bathroom door and gave a smile.

"Not yet, anyways." Mark growled at him and he locked himself back into the bathroom.

Glenn walked towards me "How do you feel about this fight?" he asked, I looked up at him and crossed my arms.

"I'm not sure. I'm kind of nervous because of Razor."

Edge sat up in his chair and looked at me "It isn't just Razor. He is bringing a 'surprise guest' for Tonight's match" he tood me, we all stared at him for a moment "What?"

"You couldn't of said that when I was talking about it a minute ago?" I asked, he shrugged.

Hunter looked at me "What are you going to do?" he asked.

I smiled sweetly "Scream my head off in frustration."

"Welcome to the wrestling world" Randy Savage mumbled as he passed by me.

Eddie frowned "Do you want two of us to go out with you?" he asked, before I could say anything, Shawn's voice rung out from the bathroom.

"I told you, me and Diesel will be there for you. Especially me."

I thought for a second "Its only fair. I mean, this match was supposed to be Diesel's" I said and looked over at the bathroom door, I sighed and yelled "Get your ass out of the bathroom. I don't think Taker will kill you now."

Taker smirked "Want a bet?

Good Luck, Kid. (HBK) {Watty's 2019)Where stories live. Discover now