48. Challenged

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"Our Adrienne did that?"

"You have to be kidding."

"Yet she claims to be a good little girl" Billy Gunn said, they all started laughing and I felt like hiding under the table. How perfect, my old wrestling mates talking to my new ones ...I knew I should have tried harder to of kept them apart.

Shawn wrapped his arm around me as we all sat around a bonfire talking, partygoers laughing and runnin around. Nate and Dylan cracked open a cold one each.

"Yeah. She was more trouble than any guy at our school. This one time her and Seth teamed up and hung the schools quarterback's underwear from a flagpole" Dylan said.

I scowled "That was all Seth. I was trying to tell him it was a bad idea but when the flag rose so did spiderman underwear" I said and rolled my eyes making everyone laugh.

"We are happy to pass Adrienne Morrionon onto you all, now we dont have to put up with her anymore" Seth said and smiled, everyone chuckled.

"Speaking of, how does it feel being World Champion?" Drake asked, I sighed and crossed my arms as Shawn rubbed my back with his hand,

"Weird. Very weird. Its like it happened so fast" I said awkwardly and shrugged "I guess, I kind of like it."

Bret smiled "Kind of? Well honey, if you don't like it, I will happily take the belt back" he said and held out his hand motioning for me to hand it over.

I raised a eyebrow Hunter grinned "Is that a challenge?" he asked, Bret nodded and all wrestlers groaned.

Meanwhile, I was very confused. "What?"

Shawn looked down at me "When we all get together and a wrestler challenges another wrestler for his ...er, or her belt. They have to take the challenge" he told me, I looked directly at Hunt.

"You do realize I have still yet to settle our bet right?"

His smile dropped and he looked at Bret "Can we reverse this?" he asked quickly making a few chuckle.

Bret Hart shook his head "Nope. And remember whoever called it has to be the ref. Good luck, Hunt" he said and winked at Hunter before standing up and taking off his shirt peaving him in swimming shorts.

As a few girls whistled at Bret I glared at Hunter "You got a big nose and a big mouth. Did you know that?" I asied as he glared at me, I stood up and looked around at where a group had formed to make a huge ass square in the sand.

I groaned and Shawn put a hand on my arm "Hey, you'll be fine. He has a bad a lot to drink it should be easy to wear him down and pin him" he explained to me as he grabbed a cold beer from a guy that walked by and smiled.

"Dont forget to strip."

I glared at his back as I followed him towards the formed square of people. I walked into the squared and watched as Bret got himself ready to fight by punching the air.

"Come on, Pinky Dinky. I would like to go back to enjoying my night" I said, annoyed as I popped my knuckles and my neck before we started to circle each other.

"You know. When a wrestler is challenged by another wrestler out in the open, anything counts and the only rule is that there are no rules."

I smirked "Really?" I said as Hunter pretended to ding the bell. I jumped at Bret and punched him square in te nose.


"That was for hurtimg my knee, you dick."

Bret held his nose "Okay, ow. I Apologized for that. Didn't I?" He asked as he looked around the crowd.

"No" everyone that watched the match said making me smirk.

"Scott and Jim did. You didn't" Owen told him from where he stood beside Diesel and 1-2-3 Kid, he shook his head "I had to apologize for you. And, Bret, it isnt right for your brother to apologize for your own stupidness. "

Bret stared at Owen for a moment then looked at me "Alright. If I win you give me the belt Monday night. Happily, in front of everyone watching around the world. If I lose ...I apologize and you keep the belt."

I thought about it for a minute while people shouted "Do it" around me and all the wrestlers and my brother looked amused.

"Fine, Hunter re-ring that damn fake bell and start this fight."

Good Luck, Kid. (HBK) {Watty's 2019)Where stories live. Discover now