88. Hurt

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Apparently when I landed outside the ring like I did I had landed a little harder than my knee had needed.

Owen had already been by my hotel room and given me a couple of flowers as a sorry for dumping me over the ropes, I gave him one of the roses he had given me and apologized for being sor ough on him. I knew I could always count on OWen, he had kissed my cheek before going ot finish packing for our next location.

I limped over to zip up my bag and then headed to the bathroom to put up my toiletries when a knock sounded on the door, I threw my small bag filled with shampoo and body wash on my bed before going over and opening up the door.

Shawn stood there looking concerned and uncertain. I crossed my arms as he opened his mouth to speak then closed it.

"Can I please come in?"

I moved to the side to let him in and he moved past me, I shut the door behind him and he turned aorund to look down at me "What the hell is this?" he asked as he touched the end of my hair with his hand, I pushed his hand away.

"Something new. I figured change would be good."

"It is ...different" he said as he looked down at me and shook his head with a small smile "How is your knee? Vince told me."

Of course Kev wouldn't. Or Scott atthe moment, they were too pissed at him.

I sheugged "Hurts like hell" like my heart does "but I will be fine."

We stared at the other for a couple of minutes not really knowing what to say, until he reached out and put his hand on my arm "I still love you. And I care for you."

"Then show it. Quit being a did on Raw, and in real life, Shawn. When you prove you still care for me, I might consider taking your ass back" I said making him close his eyes, I shrugged his hand off of me and crossed my arms "Its hard to love someone that basically calls you a slut."

He rwised his eyes up to meet mine and I saw pain in them "I didnt mean it."

'Then you wouldn't of said it. Face it, Shawn, we were never meant to be more than friends. If you want to be in my life now, that is all we will be, should have been since the beginning."

He closed his eyes "I know I habe royally screwed up, but I will always love you" he whispered and took my hand in his tongue rub his finger over the high school ring.

I sighed and slid the ring off of my finger and into his hand in one movement, I closed his fingers around and gave a smile "Save it for a girl, you truly love."

He shook his head as he kept his fingers right in mine putting the ring back in my hand "Then you deserve it, more than anyone."

He pulled his hand away and opened up the door, before walking out he sent me a smile and a wink, I watched as the door closed and I looked at the ring in my hand before putting it back on my middle finger.

Just friends.

Good Luck, Kid. (HBK) {Watty's 2019)Where stories live. Discover now