Sample for Welcome Back, Kid!

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Okay, I just finished the first chapter for the second book and I wanted to post a sample of some of it here to see what you guys think!:


They say life goes on, even when you are hurt inside and out. But for me it was like I was a zombie living in my body.

Last year around June my brother married his girlfriend of two years and found out she was pregnant before he died in a car crash. Jed was buried three days after with his new wife crying beside the casket and leaving me to pull this family together.

Our brothers either had jobs or were off to college, or moved off. Leaving me, Lindsey, pawpaw and Jenny (who just had Jed's baby)  alone to look after each other. I still had my garage with Seth, Drake, Dylan, and Nate working for me. When I go back to WWF I was leaving Seth in charge.

Things have changed.

Shawn rarely gets time off anymore and Scott along with Kev and Kid went over to WCW when they announced that to me it blew my mind. But I supported them and told them we would get a different chance to wrestle the other again, I found out that a few women were coming into wrestling as 'managers' or 'supports' for a couple of newbies and a tag team. I then wondered if they would take me back as a wrestler.

Shawn told me to not be silly and be ready to get my ass kicked. It made me laugh.

But on the inside, I was thinking how the hell am I going to survive this without Scott, Kev, Kid, or even Ted DiBiase? And how was I going to take on new wrestlers?

I sat on my front porch looking out at the gravel road in front of me, I crossed my arms and looked towards my bag beside me. I was packed up and ready to go, doors locked up and everything.

I sighed as a truck drove my way and went into park right in front of me.

Shawn and Hunter not got out making me smile, Hunter raised his arms up "Did someone call for two macho men to come pick them up and carry their luggage?" He asked witha  smirk.

I stood up and threw a gym bag at his chest, it hit him square in the chest which made him go wide eyed as it fell from him. He shook his head and bent Dow to pick it up.

Shawn grabbed my other bag before wrapping a arm around me "Hello beautiful" he said with a wink, I smiled as well walked towards the truck. I couodnt help but feel nervous as I did, it has been almost two years since I wrestled, I have gotten back into it with help but I couldn't help but feel as if someting else was off as well.

The whole trip to the Mobile Arena was filled with Shawn and Hunter bickering, apparently during a match awhile back Shawn had picked fun at Hunt about his nose twisting and pulling it, I wish I'd have watched it but between practice and the garage I hardly had time for anything anymore.

But, I remember my brothers saying something about it.

We pull up to the arena and the first rhing I notice was no sign of Scott or Kevin which made me feel a little ... Lost. A lot of the guys were missing, I even found out that Matt and Jeff were gonw for now but planned on returning eventually, hopefully.

I sighed in sadness when Shawn put his arm around me and raised a eyebrow "What's wrong?" He asked, I shrugged and ceossed my arms as we walked to the doors.

"It just feels weird without ..." I stopped when I saw Owen standing five feet away speaking to Brittish Bulldog.

I laughed and threw Shawn's arm off "Owen Hart" I said and took off at a run making him turn around, he caught me when I flung myself at him and he spun me arund as we laughed, I hit his back with my fist as he finally set me down.

Thats when I noticed his hair. I stared pushing it this way and that on his head "What the hell? Just because you are a Slammy award winner doesnt mean ya gotta cut off your hair" I told him, angrily and slapped his chest.

He put his arm across his chest wita  frown "Hey, hey! Easy, DarkKill. God. You dont like it?" He asked, frowning which made me smile and kiss his cheek.

"I'm kidding, Owe. I love it" I said which made him smile, I high fived Davey and followed after Shawn who flung my bag into the locker room, hitting someone with it in the process, and grabbing me by the hand.

"What are you doing?"

He frinned "We got a little surprise for you" he said with a wink as he took me down to the arena cafeteria, Owen and Davey were following behind us. Shawn opened the door for em and I grinned as I stepped in.

Hunt, Billy, Bart, Roadie, Bret, Mark, Lawler, Vince and Shane stood there clapping with a banner reading Welcome Home, Kid. I smiled as I looked at them and Owen walked past me, kissing my cheek with Davey right on his heels.

"Aw, guys. You shouldn't have" I said and crossed my arms "It isnt a big deal."

Hunt scoffed "The female has knee surgery, and tries to comes back in onoy four months, fails, and says it isnt a big deal" to which Mark smacked rhe back of his head. Shawn kissed the top of my head as he slammed the door behind us.

It was odd not having ... The other guys here, and knowing that there were new one in WWF was going to amke thsi interesring.

Everyone sat down ata  table filled with ahmburgers and cake, I laughed as I sat next to Mark and Shawn "I see norhing has changed since I left" I joked which made Bret smirk.

"Nope. We are still a bunch of happy go lucky assholes."

Everyone laughed at his comment and I looked to Vince who was sitting at thw end of the table. He was lookimg down at his food like something was on his mind.

Surpringly. Vicne was there during my surgery, he helped make sure everything went fine. He made sure I was all set to come back in November since July I fell and got alked out of it by Shawn. We dissapointed a lot of people but I made sure to get it through to everyone I was coming back now.

I scratxhed the back of my neck "So what are the newbies like?" I questioned.

Shawn shrugged as he tore into hsi burger "Some are okay. Some aren't. And one is smoking hot" he said, winking at me, I rolled my eyes but didnt miss the glare from Hunt and Owen sent to Shawn.


Roadie took this as his moemnt to speak "Actually. I'm a kind of Like you, I am just now coming back. Thanks to Double J" he said and rolled his eyes, I laughed and reached across the table to high five him.

Billy smiled "How was your year off?" he asked.

I shrugged "It was decent. The visits I got from you guys and ...the other guys helped me through it" I told them, Mark smiled down at me as well ate.

Thats when the doors opened and ruined my mood.

A blonde in a white dress came throught he doors smiling "Vince. Can I speak with you fir a moment?" She asked, then blew the guys at the table a kiss. Mark mumbled something I didnt catch as Vincent excuse himself and followed the woman.

I raise a eyebrow "Who was that?" I asked.

Shawn sighed "One of our ...kind of still newbies. Her ring name is Sonny. She 'manages' wrestlers" he said, him and Hunter shared a snicker. Thsi caused me to raise my eyebrows.

Bret looked at me "I bet fifty bucks that within two weeks, our little girl will kick Sonny's ass" he told the guys at the table.

Hunt stood upa nd got out his wallet "I bet a hundred on one week."

I heod my hands up "Woah-woah there boys. I dont kick ass until I feel the need to. Why do you think I will dislike this Sonny?" I asked, putting my burger down.

Owen coked his head to the side and made a face "Well-" he started, Bret shoved some french fries into his mouth to keep him silent which made me laugh.

Hunter sighed "Trust us, you will" he said.

And that is the sample. Whatcha think? Also, 10k?! How the Hell did that happen? LMAO

Good Luck, Kid. (HBK) {Watty's 2019)Where stories live. Discover now