64 | Back In Town

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"Hmm... stop moving so much. It's annoying." [Y/N] grumbled, half asleep.

"M'sorry. I can't get comfortable anymore. Come on, it's time for us to get up anyway."

[Y/N] sighed and opened her eyes, scanning her surroundings and trying to remember how she got there.

She remembered the battle ending and helping pick up her fallen comrades to get them to safety. She remembered Asuma coming to find her and telling them all about what happened with Naruto and Sora. She faintly remembered Tsunade lifting the level one alert and ordering everyone to go home and get some rest after they finished helping the injured ninja to the hospital. They could deal with the rest of the damage later.

[Y/N] and the other ninja who'd served on the front lines were too exhausted to actually go home, so they'd all piled into the jonin lounge to sleep. Some of them stretched out on the benches, others in the floor. Kotetsu was in the corner, his head thrown back. Izumo laid on the ground next to him, using his own arm as a pillow. A few others she recognized were strewn haphazardly in various positions, all sleeping soundly.

It was then that [Y/N] observed her own position. She looked up and came face to face with Genma. He was sitting in the floor, his back against the wall. She sat between his legs, leaning back and using his chest as a pillow. His arms were wrapped around her, his hands resting on her stomach. He looked down at her, offering a small smile. "Well, are you gonna get up or just stare at me?"

She blushed and quickly pushed off of him, standing up and stretching. Genma stood up too, also stretching out his sore limbs. They quietly made their way out of the lobby, careful not to wake up any of their exhausted comrades. Once they stood outside in the fresh air, [Y/N] groaned.

"I feel like I've been hit with a ton of bricks."

Genma chuckled. "Yeah, me too."

They stood their in an awkward silence for a few minutes before [Y/N] let out a breath. Genma rubbed the back of his neck. "So... where does all of this leave us?"

[Y/N] couldn't ignore the hope that was laced in Genma's voice. She pursed her lips before deciding not to beat around the bush. He deserved the truth too.

"Look, I know how you must feel with everything I've let happen in the last few days, but Genma, please don't get too hung up on it yet. I haven't even gotten to talk to Kakashi yet so—"

Genma held up a hand to stop her. "You don't owe me an explanation. I know that you're still working it out on your part. Take your time. You're not obligated to give me anything or even come back to me. It was nice these past few days, but please, I want you to do what makes you happy, okay? If we end up back together or whatever, I want it to be because that's what you want."

[Y/N] smiled. "Thanks Genma. I'll, uh, see you around, okay?"

She turned and started walking away, somewhat content with how things were with Genma right now. At least they were speaking to one another... She shook her head as if it would help clear her thoughts and headed toward the hospital, anxious to see how some of her friends were doing. She ran into Asuma along the way, who was surprised to see her.

"I figured you'd still be asleep." He said, walking with her.

"Nah, I'm fine now. I'll sleep tonight." She waved him off. "Where are you going so early? You're not tired now either?"

"Actually I'm on my way to see Kakashi. I think he's visiting Naruto."

[Y/N] stopped dead in her tracks, choking on air. "He... He's back?"

Asuma stopped and turned to face her. "Yeah, he got back this morning. I've got to talk to him about a few things."

"A few things?"

"Don't worry, I'm not going to be talking about your business with him. Too much drama for me." Asuma said, moving forward. [Y/N] rolled her eyes and followed anyway. She decided not to go into the hospital after all, instead asking Asuma to just tell Kakashi that she was looking for him.

Once in the hospital, Asuma knocked on Naruto's door and slid it open, confirming his suspicion. Kakashi stood there in the middle of the room, talking to his former students.

"I thought you'd be here. I need to talk to you, Kakashi." Asuma said, not hesitating to speak his mind.

Kakashi looked up at Asuma and his eye widened. "Really?"

Asuma rubbed the back of his head. "I mean, if you've got a minute."

Kakashi nodded and told his team that he'd be right back before following Asuma out into the hall. The latter suggested they move somewhere more private, leading them down another hall that was full of empty rooms. Kakashi sat on a bench and looked back out the window.

"So... I hear you went to get a look at what's going on out there." Asuma started, tossing Kakashi a can of soda.

"Something like that." Kakashi said, catching the can with ease and staring out the window still. Asuma tried a few different ways to get Kakashi's attention, mostly making small talk.

Finally Kakashi looked at Asuma dead on. "Well, what did you want to talk about? Is it [Y/N]?"

Asuma rubbed the back of his head nervously. "Well, yes and no. I've got a few things to say about that, but I promised her I wouldn't until after she got to talk to you. She is looking for you by the way... But look, it's like this—"

He was cut off by Kurenai coming up the hallway. "There you are, just who I was looking for."

Kakashi smiled in her direction. "Hello, Kurenai. What's going on?"

She smiled back. "I just came here to find Asuma."

Kakashi glanced back at said man. "I see. So anyway, what was on your mind?"

Asuma looked at Kurenai, who just shrugged. He turned back to Kakashi. "Oh, that's alright, it's something that can wait. No big deal."

He turned and started up the hallway with Kurenai. "Oh, but Kakashi," He called over his shoulder, "Go and find [Y/N]. It's important."

Kakashi watched his friends disappear around the corner. He sighed and looked down at the floor. He hadn't seen [Y/N] in so long now... And this whole attack on the village happened and he wasn't here for her... But Genma was here the whole time he was gone...

Kakashi went up to tell his former students that he had some business to attend to and that they should rest up. Then he left with one destination in mind: [Y/N].

Love Triangle: Kakashi vs. GenmaWhere stories live. Discover now