73 | Stone Cold

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Kakashi was too familiar with the black suit he wore. It was one he came to wear far too often in his opinion. It was what he wore for every funeral he had to attend. He just never imagined he would be attending this funeral so early in his life. Asuma Sarutobi's funeral.

Genma hated his suit. The last time he remembered wearing it was for [Y/N]'s father's funeral, the funeral of the Third Hokage. He'd had to dig it out of the back of his closet just a few hours ago, shaking some wrinkles out before slipping it on. He hated the way it looked and he hated everything it stood for.

But the funeral was mandatory, something Tsunade made perfectly clear. It wasn't that she was worried no one would come to mourn; Rather, she was concerned how many of the shinobi would leave the village to search for Asuma's sister. She couldn't afford any more casualties right now, especially with those two Akatsuki still on the loose.

"Who do you have posted at the gates?" Genma mumbled to Tsunade, watching as poor Kurenai moved forward to pay her respects.

She glanced at him over her shoulder. "I have ANBU stationed at all of the gates. If she arrives, they have strict orders to notify me at once."

Genma gave a single nod. He was angry that he wasn't able to go find her. He despised not knowing if [Y/N] was okay, more than he did even the black suit. He was worried that perhaps he would be wearing it again much too soon, for another Sarutobi funeral.

Kurenai had just stood from Asuma's grave, making her way back to the funeral procession, when a movement at the cemetery entrance caught her eye. She narrowed her eyes to try and see clearly... who is that?

Kakashi noticed her gaze and turned to look as well. He had just started to make out the figure when an ANBU came running around the gates, chasing the person.

"Lady [Y/N]!"

Kakashi thought his ears were playing tricks on him. Genma immediately turned around, hearing her name.

"Lady [Y/N], you're wounded!" The ANBU called again, obviously out of breath. His mask was cracked and he limped, clearly having gotten on her bad side the moment she had gotten back.

"I don't give a damn if I'm missing a limb! This comes first!" She yelled, turning on the poor ANBU. Judging by the way he hunkered down under her glare, she'd certainly done a number on him. She ignored the way he flinched, instead turning around and starting forward again. By now, the entire funeral procession was watching her approach.

Her headband was missing, as was her vest. They must've been discarded long ago, as the typical, long-sleeved navy jonin shirt she wore was ripped here and there, wet with blood. Her pants were in about the same condition. She had bruises littering her skin. Her hair was not in it's usual ponytail, but instead hung around her face. Whatever she'd been through, it had not been easy nor kind to her.

Kakashi balled his fists and Genma grit his teeth, but nobody dared move as she walked through the ranks, bypassing everyone. She stopped only to meet Kurenai. [Y/N] looked up at her, searching her eyes, as if asking for confirmation that the worst had really happened.

Kurenai could only nod and let the tears start rolling down her cheeks again. [Y/N] shook her head, biting her lip to keep her own tears in. She turned away from Kurenai and started walking forward, eyeing each headstone. Kakashi and Genma, though both worried about her, stayed back, watching her warily.

She walked slowly, sighing in relief at each headstone that read a different name. It was as if she might never have to read her brother's name; no, it was surely a mistake. There was a different death. Not her brother. It wasn't him. If she couldn't find his name...

Except there it was. Permanently etched into the cold stone.

Asuma Sarutobi.

[Y/N] stared at the name before it hit her like a ton of bricks. She couldn't help the loud, painful cry that left her throat as she crumpled to the ground. It took everything in her to pull oxygen back into her lungs, only to let out another painful sob into the ground. "No... no... Asuma, no..."

Her fists struck the ground angrily as she cried, her tears falling onto his headstone. [Y/N] couldn't believe it. She didn't even get to tell him goodbye. She didn't tell him that she loved him. He couldn't be gone.

[Y/N] laid there crying for what felt like hours, but was only a few minutes. The funeral procession broke up and everyone went their separate ways, giving her some privacy to mourn. Only Tsunade, Kakashi, and Genma stood behind, watching [Y/N] strike the ground again and yell, cursing her brother.

"You weren't supposed to die! You asshole! Why did you leave me here? Why? What do I do without you, huh? Damn it, Asuma!"

[Y/N] moved to strike again, but something about her movement was different. Her target was now the headstone itself and her fist... Genma ran and caught her hand before she could slam it down. The chakra enhancing her strength would've busted the stone to pieces and probably her hand too.

"Let me go... Let me go! Damn you, let me go!" [Y/N] struggled against him as he pulled her up off the ground and against him. He ignored the fact that her blood was staining his own clothes and was instead concerned by the sheer amount of it. How much blood had she lost?? How was she still conscious??

"No. You need medical attention, [Y/N]."

"Genma, dammit, let me go!"

"[Y/N], that's enough. I know you're angry and hurting, but you need to get to the hospital. These wounds look serious." Kakashi said, coming up from behind them. She merely glared at him too. He didn't take it personally. He'd been there before and he knew she wasn't herself at a time like this.

"Leave me alone! Let me go! Let me go! Let me..." [Y/N] sobbed, her voice fading. "Please, just let me go."

She let herself go limp, any will to fight leaving her system. For the first time, she felt seriously lightheaded. The adrenaline was fading from her veins. She couldn't hear Kakashi or Genma anymore... actually, she couldn't even see them anymore...

"Dammit, she passed out." Genma said, looping his arms under her and lifting her bridal style. "Tsunade...!"

Tsunade nodded. "I'm on it. Let's get her to the hospital immediately. I will see to it personally that she makes it. I won't lose another Sarutobi clan member."

Genma exchanged glances with Kakashi. He may not like the other man before him, but here they had one goal, one common interest.

Keep her alive.

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