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//I'm sorry I didn't post anything yesterday! I hope you'll like it anyway!//

They had decided to work against Eddy's anxiety and go out for a quick drink that evening. As "friends" of course. They had chosen a different bar this time, a bit further away from the hotel. As the evening progressed, the bar seemed to turn more into some kind of night club, with some music being played over the loudspeakers and people moving to it on a small dance floor. The two of them felt slightly too old for the crowd there, but didn't feel like going elsewhere either. Eddy was only halfway through his first drink while Brett had just ordered his third beer.

"I'm so nervous about the concert, I just want to practice", Eddy said, knowing it was mostly his anxiety about being out in public who was talking. It was making up excuses to go back to the hotel and not feel like he constantly had to check the crowd for Chris.
"I don't know if practicing more is smart. Gotta avoid injuries, you know", Brett pointed out as the beer was put down in front of him, and he thanked the person who came around with it.
"And I want to... be close to you..." Eddy's anxiety tried, making up a new excuse. This excuse wasn't a lie, though. He really did. Brett's cheeks gradually turned into a bright red colour, even visible in the dimmed bar.
"I want that too, but we really should try and not spend all day in the hotel room you know", Brett said, taking a large sip of his beer. Eddy sighed.
"I'm just stressed. What if he's around again? What if it happens again?"
"You know it won't. I'm here and I won't let it happen, alright?" Brett's honest eyes met Eddy's scared look, and Eddy calmed down.
"Thank you, Bretty", he said with a tiny smile. He didn't know what Brett's plan would be if Chris showed up, as he would be crushed to dust by the large man, but he knew Brett really wouldn't let anything happen.

After Eddy's second drink and Brett's three beers and two drinks they headed back to the hotel. Brett felt the effects of the alcohol, and he knew it would be way easier to walk back if he could just hold on to Eddy. He didn't though, and almost tripped over a small curb on the sidewalk.
"Shit", he mumbled, but he caught himself before actually falling. He felt Eddy grab a hold of his arm to keep him steady.
"You okay there?" Eddy laughed, sneaking an arm around Brett's waist to keep him steady. Surely, being too drunk to walk could count as an excuse, right? Brett's smile was too adorable to not do it anyway.
"Yeahhh, thank you for watching out for me" he said, wanting to kiss him but didn't. He loved to be held like this, and he loved Eddy's laugh. The cold breeze caused the two of them to shiver slightly as they entered the square the hotel was on.
"I can't wait to be able to kiss you in public", Brett mumbled while they walked past a fountain depicting some sailors, Eddy responded by holding him tighter. Of course he was looking forward to that too, but they really had to make the video first. It would be best that way. And even when they finally published that video they should be careful with showing too much affection in public, as homophobes still existed.
"But it'ssssss fiiiiiiine as long as I get to love you real properly when we are alone", Brett mumbled quietly into his ear with a drunken flirty tone. Eddy felt goosebumps appearing on his arms. They were right by the entrance to the hotel, but Eddy wasn't sure he wanted to wait until they got up to their room.
"I'd love that", Eddy giggled, leading the drunken boy to the elevator.

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