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"Reply, stupid!" Eddy exclaimed after being left on read for a solid fifteen minutes. He pulled a hand through his dark hair in frustration. No way he had just fallen asleep, just no way! Eddy suspected he just didn't want to reply, that idiot. Didn't he realize he just wanted to help him? He was sitting in his bed with his comforter draped over his shoulders. It was too early for this, and he felt the tiredness in his face. He was too tense to sleep anyway now though, so he didn't bother to actually try.

After scrolling through the LingLing40hrs subreddit for a while he looked at the time. Six in the morning, and still no reply from Brett. Why wouldn't he talk to him? Eddy was frustrated, disappointed and annoyed. This didn't just affect Brett, it also affected TwoSet and the fans. And not to forget: It affected Eddy.
Eddy got himself out of bed and un-ruffled his ruffled hair slightly. He grabbed the clothes he wore the day before and put them on. Once again he had to un-ruffle his hair after putting on his bumblebee t-shirt. He wanted something. Coffee, perhaps? Perhaps their coffee shop was open? He shuffled out to the front door, got on his shoes and jacket, and opened the door.

It was so damn cold. He shivered slightly when the cold air hit him right in the face, but coffee was still on. Maybe Brett would join him? He pulled out his phone.

Coffee? Usual spot? :Me 06:17

06:23 Brett: Sure.

Eddy beat Brett to the coffee shop. Not completely unexpected as he both lived closer and had already gone out the door and was walking while texting him. He sat down at their usual table. He'd wait for Brett to show up before ordering, so his coffee wouldn't get cold. Brett's coffee that was, as Eddy was planning to order for them both. He looked around the mostly empty coffee shop. Not many places were open at this hour, but they favourite spot was. How many coffees hadn't they had here after nights of brainstorming content ideas? How many morning coffees hadn't they had here before filming? The chairs at their favourite table should have had their buttmarks etched into them by now.

Eddy was a bit lost in his own thoughts when the café door opened and his duet partner and best friend entered, but turned his attention to him and sent him a smile as he approached.

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