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They had gone back to the hotel some time before they were supposed to go to dinner, and Eddy just couldn't stop his hands from shaking. Not even when Brett had tried to hold them still with his own, ignoring the pain moving from his right ring finger all the way up his arm as he did so.
"Eddy, love", he said as they were sitting on the edge of their bed trying to prepare mentally to go down and face Thomas Hansen, their sponsor and the father of the guy who r... neither of them dared to say the word and by doing so making it real. The r-word. It felt too real just thinking the word.
"Love, if it gets too bad we'll leave, alright? Just let me know and I'll have us outta there, yeah? It's gonna be alright." He could see Eddy's panic building in his eyes and he really wanted to let Eddy avoid the whole situation. 
"Yeah yeah, I know, I just..." His voice was all shaky as well, just like his hands. He felt cold and all he wanted was to crawl under the covers and have Brett tell him everything would be okay and that nothing bad would ever happen again.
"I know", Brett said, softly touching his lips against Eddy's. "It's gonna be fine, I won't let anything bad happen, okay?" he mumbled when they pulled away.

They decided to take the stairs down instead of the elevator, giving Eddy a bit more time to calm down before facing mr Hansen. Eddy was probably squeezing Brett's hand a lot harder than what was comfortable, but he couldn't stop it. They made it down all the way to the fifth floor, the fourth floor, the third floor...
As they passed the second floor Eddy suddenly pushed Brett against the wall and locking their eyes together. Brett had to tilt his head up slightly to look at his taller boyfriend, but he didn't really understand why Eddy was doing this right now.
"J...just promise me... all will be fine... again... please", Eddy stuttered, looking from one of Brett's eyes to the other, hoping to find assurance.
"It's gonna be alright. Trust me", Brett said, no hesitation in his voice. "Just trust me, alright? And when we're done with the dinner, we'll come back to the hotel room... to calm down..." Eddy felt his cheeks warm up and a small smile was playing on his lips.
"Sure... calm down, yeah?" he said, the smile turning more teasing.
"Yeah, however you want", Brett replied, catching on to Eddy's mood, inhaling sharply as Eddy's lips slid along his jaw and leaving a butterfly kiss just below his ear. "B...but if you keep going like that, we might have to skip the dinner... and that probably won't be good..."
Eddy released Brett from his careful push against the wall with a small laugh.
"Alright... we probably should get going, then..." he said hesitantly, taking a hold of Brett's hand for comfort as they moved down to what felt like Eddy's own personal doomsday.

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