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The idea that they shouldn't spend the night together before the wedding was stupid. Spending the night tossing nervously, worrying about everything and nothing. Would the cake arrive on time? Did the suit still fit? He had tried it on three times already, just to be sure.

He knew Eddy would hold him and tell him to relax, that he would kiss his worries away. Eddy would run his hand gently through his hair, well aware of the soothing effect it had on him and he would let him press his face against the crook of his neck to feel safe.

Instead, he was staring up at the decorated ceiling, counting tiny details for the seventh time. It was barely twelve hours until he were to say his "I do" and hopefully Eddy would do the same, and then he'd be Eddy's problem forever.

He couldn't help but chuckle to himself at the line Berit had told him on the phone almost a year ago now. It had been nice seeing Berit again that morning as he had picked her and Victoria up from the airport.

It made Brett crazy, to be in the same building as Eddy but being refused to see him. It didn't help that he had been left in charge of his pill for the following morning, either.
"Don't think about it," he whispered to himself, the sound feeling incredibly louder in the quiet room. "No before eight tomorrow morning, you promised Eddy. He trusts you."

The clock on the wall moved its handles with a tiny tick, and Brett looked up at it just in time to see it show midnight. He turned for the millionth time and pulled the duvet over him. Just under twelve more hours and he'd see Eddy looking all handsome by the altar.

He had to smile to himself at the thought. They had left it to the rehearsal to decide if they were walking up the aisle together or not. After trying all the options, Brett felt right walking himself up the aisle. To give himself away to Eddy.


The sound of his phone alarm was what woke Eddy up, the sweet tones of Tchaikovsky violin concerto filling the room. It was a recording of Brett playing he had taken without his knowledge, and he let it play for a bit before turning it off.

The sunlight passed easily through the light fabric of the curtains covering the large window, lighting up the room. His grey suit hung neatly just by the edge of the bed, his polished shoes standing next to it. The shirt was ironed the evening before, and everything felt right. If he could change one thing about this very moment, it would be getting to share it with Brett.

He caught himself wondering how Brett was.


Getting the suit on felt good, and it gave Brett butterflies to see himself in the mirror knowing it was likely Eddy was looking in the mirror and seeing a very similar suit in the same moment.

He ran his hand through his hair, not really sure what he wanted to do with it. That's when there came a knock on the door.
"Who is it?" Brett asked, but Ray just entered without answering.

"Good, you're awake! Holy shit, that suit is gorgeous on you," he said with a grin as he shut the door behind him. Brett smiled a bit to himself.

"Thanks, Ray. It was the style Eddy wanted, so I just wekt with it. Turned out great," Brett explained, turning to look at Ray.

"Eddy told me to remind you of your pill, by the way. In case you forgot," Ray said with a smile as he sat down in one of the two too fancy comfy chairs in the room. Brett nodded and went over to his bag to get it before quickly swallowing it with a glass of water he had gotten himself earlier.

Brett sat down on the edge of the bed, again moving his bangs away from his face as they fell down.
"What do I do with my hair, Ray? I want to look good for Eddy, but I forgot to ask him how he likes my hair."

Ray looked at him for a bit.
"Don't you think they way you normally have your hair would do?" he asked, crossing his legs. "I mean, he did fall for you with your hair like that, so it can't be all that bad, can it?"

Brett looked across the room to the mirror before a smile
"I guess you're right. Thanks, Ray."


"God, why did I agree to this? He's probably freaking out, what if he forgets to take his pill? That would be such a fall back, what if...?"

Jordon placed his hands on Eddy's shoulders, trying to make him calm down.
"He's taken care of, Ray's there. Relax, bro."

Eddy shook his head, hiding his face in his hands. Everything that could go wrong with leaving Brett alone like that washed through his brain, and it made him freak out. How could he leave Brett alone in such a stressful situation?
"We shouldn't have agreed to follow this stupid tradition, I need to take care of him. What if he needs me?"

"Eddy, I'm sure Ray's taking care of him, but I can go check if you want?" Jordon offered, and Eddy sighed in defeat.

"Please, Jordon? I need to know he's okay," Eddy pleaded, running a hand through his hair and immediately regretting it as he had just spent half an hour trying to make it do what he wanted it to.

"Don't break down while I'm out, then. He's fine, Eddy. I'm sure," Jordon said with a smile, patting him on the back before heading out to find Brett.


Ray had just poured him a glass of some rather expensive champagne when Jordon knocked and entered the suite Brett had been sleeping in the previous night.

"Looks like you guys are having a great time?" he asked with a laugh. "Champagne and everything? Damn, why haven't Eddy's best man thought of that?"

Ray playfully punched Jordon's arm and pulled out another bottle from his little bag.
"Have the other one, I don't think the two of us should have two whole bottles before the ceremony anyway," he grinned, winking at him. Jordon laughed.

"Yeah no, we want sober grooms. You okay, Brett?" Jordon asked, and Brett lifted his glass and smiled.

"Ready for the best day of my life, definitely," he smiled and leaned back in the fancy looking comfy chair he had found. "Is Eddy alright?"

Jordon snorted.
"He will be after I tell him you are, don't worry about it. The need to take care of you is hard wired in him, you know."

Brett nodded and sipped his glass.
"Tell him I look forward to seeing him at the altar for me?" he requested from Jordon who was already standing with his hand on the door handle.

"Will do, you cheesy weirdo," Jordon laughed as he headed out again, champagne bottle in hand.


"He said to tell you he looks forward to seeing you at the altar, and then I almost puked," Jordon joked as he entered Eddy's suite again. "And I got us some sparkly, same as they're having over there."

Eddy took a deep breath, but smiled at Jordon's words.
"Thank you, Jordon. Some champagne would be good, actually. Nerves through the roof over here."

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