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Brett didn't feel too bad after the talk with Dr. Kim, or Dr. Davies as he had called her the entire time despite her reminding him to call her Kim. Now he was walking down the hallway by himself while Kim finished typing what they had talked about into her computer. He passed a few people who seemed to be working there, including a tall guy who looked like he should have been a model and not a therapist who just came in from the waiting room.

Eddy looked up from the coffee Mike had bought for him when Brett entered the room. Or well, "bought", he had used his employee code to give him one for free, but the point was that Eddy ended up with a coffee because of Mike. It was a nice gesture.
"Hey, love", Eddy said with a big smile, getting up to hug Brett, careful not to spill the coffee. "How did it go?"
Brett hid his face in Eddy's hoodie and exhaled, relaxing as he did.
"It was okay, she said it's good that I've been eating and stuff", Brett mumbled, tiptoeing up to kiss Eddy gently, ignoring the looks from some of the people in the waiting room. Eddy smiled into the kiss, still balancing the cup in his hand.
"Let's go home, yeah?" Eddy said, kissing his forehead again before downing the rest of his coffee and throwing away the cup.

They had gotten takeaway on their way home, and now they were sitting in an end each of the couch, eating their takeaway. Brett sat for the most part in his own world, and Eddy kept looking up from his food to make sure he still seemed fine.
"Did you find any venues?", Brett asked suddenly, still looking down at his food. His cheeks got a mild shade of pink, and Eddy looked up at him, trying to figure out what to say.

Eddy hadn't been looking for venues in the waiting room. He had been chatting with Mike, drinking coffee, and generally having a good time. It had been nice, but right now Eddy felt put on the spot. He hsd said that's what he would do while waiting.
"Not really", Eddy answered truthfully after a while, taking some food from the takeaway box and shoving it in his mouth. He felt guilt brew in the bottom of his stomach.
"Oh, okay", Brett replied, very obviously trying to hide the fact that his voice was saying something. Eddy felt his heart sink knowing he caused that.
"Just because I don't know any good places", Eddy added, lying, feeling almost panicked. "I haven't planned a wedding before, you know."

Brett just nodded, not sure how to respond. The voice in his head told him Eddy didn't care about the wedding and in turn about him. He knew it wasn't true, but the voice was so loud. It felt like he was getting whipped mentally, like he was being punished for thinking things could actually be fine for once.
"God, Brett, I'm sorry I didn't find anything", Eddy croaked, trying his best not to cry and failing. The guilt took over, despite it being such a small thing to feel guilty about. Or wss it? "I'll try harder, I'll find some places, I... I'm sorry."
Brett looked up at Eddy, feeling confused and worried. It wasn't that big a deal, really. A hug and a kiss would've made it fine again, but Edfy feeling so strongly about it kind of scared him.
"It's... Eddy, it's okay. Why are you crying?" He put the box of food on the table and crawled over to Eddy on the couch. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say anything wrong. Please don't cry, Eddy."
Eddy placed his own takeaway on the table next to Brett's and pulled him into a hug, a sob ripping through his body.
"I'm sorry, Brett", Eddy whispered, and Brett just hugged him back, not sure what was happening.
Eddy knew what was happening. He had let his own enjoyment by talking to Mike come before Brett's needs, before promises he had made to Brett. Eddy had promised Brett to check out venues, and he hadn't. It was that simple. Or, that's how simple he wanted it to be.
It felt wrong to need Brett's comfort. He was the one to comfort, not to need comfort. He was supposed to be the strong one now.
"Why are you apologizing, Eddy? It's okay, I shouldn't have expected that of you. Please don't cry, I'm sorry", Brett said, moving slightly away from the hug to wipe Eddy's tears. Eddy caught Brett's hand and leaned in to kiss him instead.
"I'm fine", he said weakly after pulling away, still holding Brett's hand in his. "I'm fine, just a bit stressed I guess. I'm fine." He reached out to wipe the tear on Brett's cheek before kissing him again.
"I'm fine", he repeated, but he wasn't sure if it was himself or Brett he was trying to convince anymore.

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