Is It The Beginning Or The End? #1

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3rd Person P.O.V
It was a cold and measurable day. Most would stay indoors and avoid going into the cold blizzard that awaited them outside. But for the bat family, that was a different story.
The Caped Crusader's relentless pursuit of justice takes a dark turn as he becomes aware of a menacing new substance that has taken hold of Gotham, spreading like a contagious disease and leaving a trail of destruction in its path. And they called it speedball.

Speedball is a very dangerous drug, since it is a mixture of cocaine and heroin, the user of this drug was at great risk of an overdose, which had already happened to so many even with it only being on the market for such a small amount of time. Due to how short the high could be many people would continuously inject themselves with this deadly combination, causing further organ damage, and possibly death.

So as any good superhero, Batman went to investigate. Much to his dislike Robin went along with him. He hated the idea of Damian going with him as he hadn't been following orders lately. But he knew he couldn't stop him as he would just sneak out anyway, ticking his oldest son as he had already done so many times before.

The mission so far was going okie, so to speak. They apprehended the villains and got the drugs, completely stopping their supply into Gotham. But as the mission was coming to an end, Robin disobeyed Batman and nearly got himself killed! Furious, Batman and Robin quickly finish up, Batman calls the police and then goes to jump in the Batmobile. Robin quickly follows his father's actions and jumps into the Batmobile sitting perfectly beside him.

Damian was staring out the window watching the world go by when he realized that his Father was glaring at him. So he decided to ask why. "Are you going to ask me something, Father? Or are you just staring?" It came off rude and arrogant when he didn't intend it to, but what's done is done. Bruce's eyebrows furrowed, creating deep lines on his forehead. His eyes narrowed in an intense glare that made his frustration and annoyance abundantly clear, and Damian could tell. 'That glare is uncalled for! Father must have misunderstood what I meant. I wasn't trying to be rude.' Damian thought to himself while looking over to Bruce to see if he could try and see what he was feeling and what to expect when he got back to the cave. But this only prompts Bruce to say in a low and angry voice "We will be having a talk about your behavior when we get back to the cave."

Damian attempted to calm his mind, finding solace in the rhythmic hum of the engine and the steady flow of the passing scenery to provide a soothing backdrop to his thoughts. As they approached the cave, however, a sense of unease began to creep back into Damian's mind. The once familiar path leading to the entrance seemed different somehow, as if nature itself had conspired to alter its appearance. The trees that had once stood tall and proud now seemed twisted and gnarled, their branches reaching out like skeletal fingers. The moonlight, which had previously filtered through the leaves in a gentle, warm glow, now cast eerie shadows that danced menacingly on the road ahead. Damian's heart quickened its pace, and as thoughts flooded his mind with the many outcomes that waited for him inside. The air grew heavy with an unspoken fear, and the car slowed to a crawl as they cautiously approached the mouth of the cave. The once inviting entrance now appeared foreboding, its darkness swallowing the feeble rays of moonlight that dared to venture inside.

As Damian stepped out of the bat-mobile, his heart continued to race in his chest. Determined to make a swift escape, he attempted to dash towards the exit, only to be thwarted by Bruce's uncanny ability to anticipate his every move."DAMIAN WAYNE AL GHUL! WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU ARE GOING?!? YOU HAVE A LOT OF EXPLAINING TO DO AFTER THAT STUNT YOU PULLED TONIGHT!" Bruce's voice roared throughout the Batcave. Damian could just feel the anger coming off him! But he wasn't going to back down now. He just couldn't!

Damian quickly spun around ready to say something but before he could even get a word in he was cut off. "WHAT WHERE YOU THINKING?!? YOU COULD HAVE GOTTEN KILLED!! NOT TO MENTION YOU PUT EVERYONE IN DANGER!!" Bruce once again yelled at Damian, while dramatically throwing his chair that was stationed in front of his oversized computer to the side so he could take a few steps closer to his son.

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