Im Not Going To Leave! #24

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3rd Person P.O.V
It had been a few days since the party, and Damian of course was getting bored so was Levi. So as any normal human being would do, they went out. They decided that the park would be a good idea, as it wasn't too far away yet not to close. "Are you sure we are nearly there? I feel like we have been walking for years!" Levi says while dramatically leaning on Damian. "Levi we just got out of the Wayne manner. How lazy can you get?" Damain says while giving him a questioning look. "Alright Alright." Levi says while walking a little faster to keep up with Damian's normal walking speed.

Once the boys finally made it to the park after what felt like years to Levi. Damian wanted to show Levi his favourite spot. "Hey I wanna show you something!" Damian says while tugging on Levi's shirt. "Lead the way" Levi says with his signature smile. The smile that brought everyone happiness. The one that made Damian realise he's not alone, that he has someone who cares for him as he does for them. The one that made Damian want to live another day just so he would have a big bro to look after him, to care for him, to love him for who he is! Not for who his father is.
A smile that reminded him that he wasn't going to get abandon, that he wasn't going to be forgotten!

As Damian was leading Levi up the hill he realised that if his big bro, his best friend was to die he wouldn't have anything holding him back from jumping, from ending it all. Once Damian was at the top he turned to Levi tears in his eyes, hands shaking, legs trembling. "Wow this is beautiful! How did you find this place-" Levi says while looks out from the top of the hill beside the tree. But when he looked over to Damian his smile faded, his face paled, his eyes widened. "Damian! What's wrong!" Levi says with concern and fear all over his face. He puts both of his hands into Damian's shoulder trying to comfort him. "Are you ok-" Levi starts to say but is cut off by Damian hugging him. "Levi promise you won't leave me!" Damian says while the tears flowed down. "Where is this coming from?" Levi says with more concern than before. "Just promise!" Damian says hugging Levi tighter. "I promise! I will never leave you! Brother until the end!" Levi says while hugging Damian back.

After sometime of Damian and Levi sitting by the cherry tree, and telling story's. Damain and Levi decided it was time to go back to the manner. Little did they know that when they would get back to the manner life was going to shit on them.

"Damian I'm hungryyyy!" Levi says while doing his dramatic lean on Damian. "You need to cut down on what your eating. Or you will turn into a pork chop!" Damain says while pinching the side of Levi's gut, with a genuine happy smile. "I'm a growing boy. I need lots of food! Plus it's the basic needs for a health life." Levi says while looking really proud of himself. "Yeah yeah" Damian says while rolling his eyes with a cute little smile on his face.

Once they got to the manner they walked to the kitchen to get some food. When they got there they saw the batfam standing around the bench talking about something important, when they saw Damian and Levi they quickly stop talking and turned there attention to them. "Hello!" Levi says with his signature smile. "Eww! Look who has come to grows us with there presents." Jason says before taking a sip of his drink. This comment made Tim spit out his drink and burst into laughter. "Jaybrid! That's not nice!" Dick says loud enough for everyone to hear. "Do it when they aren't here or when they can't hear." Dick says more quite this time, so only Tim, Jason and Bruce can hear.

Damian sighs before going and grabbing an apple then handing it to Levi before walking out. "That wasn't nice Jason Todd. Or should I say Red Hood." Levi says with a death glare before running after the upset teenager. "Damian! Wait!" Levi says while running over to Damian. "It's ok don't listen to them!" Levi says trying to comfort him.
As Damian and Levi walk to there room Levi try's his best to comfort Damian as what they said really upest the youngest.

"That kid had spark!" Jason says while taking another sip of his drink. "That kid is a liability!" Tim says while looking over to dick and Bruce. "Your right. He could put us all in danger. He hasn't to go." Dick says in a dead serious voice. "Your right and I have the best idea on how to get rid of him." Bruce says while walking out of the kitchen.

As Bruce walked down the stairs and to the batcave he couldn't stop thinking about ways to dispose of Levi. They recently found the jokers hid out and were going to investigate it tonight. All Batman had to do was put Levi in a suit, drag him out to the location then get joker to kill him. It was fool prof!

As Bruce finished up with the details on the batcomputer. He decided to go to Damian's room and start his master plan. As he quickly made his way to Damian's and Levi's room he couldn't help but feel bad for Damian, but he quickly shock that feeling away as it wasn't needed. As Bruce knocked on their door he was quickly greeted with the voice of Damian saying "if your name doesn't start with A go away." Was all he had to say to get his message across. But Bruce had come this far, he wasn't going to turn back now! He quickly opens the door to see Damian at his desk while Levi was on the bed reading a book. "What did I just say?!?" Damian says while standing up. "Sit" is all Bruce had to say for Damian to do so.

"It has come to my attention that you know about our little night time job Levi. And I'm here to make an offer."
To be continued...

Hello everyone! It has come to my attention that some of you want Levi to stay and some of you want him to go. But I have come up with an idea that involves both! So sit back and relax while I write the story!
Till next time my lovely's! 😁✌️🤘👌🤟🤛
Word count: 1120

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