Let The Mission Begin! #25

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3rd Person   P.O.V
"It has come to my attention that you know about our little night time job Levi. And I'm here to make an offer." Says the big and scary bat. "And he refuses your offer!" Damain says while getting back up and walking over to the door. "Damian let me finish! I was talking to Levi!" Bruce says getting a little agitated. "And he already refused! He doesn't need to know what your offering!" Damian says while grabbing the door and getting ready to slam it in his fathers face. "Damian! This isn't about you! It's about Levi! So go and sit back down and do as your told!" Bruce says getting madder and madder. "Why don't you get out! And go back to sitting on your ass and annoy someone else!" Damian yells at Bruce. At this point Bruce was pissed, no beyond pissed! The type of pissed where there is no going back! "DAMIAN!" Bruce yells. "BRUCE!" Damain yells back. At this point Bruce couldn't help himself. He was to angry to keep his cool. And then he did something that would help bring the downfall of Damian Wayne.

"SLAP!" Damian's face flys to the side. Fast enough to give him whiplash. Levi's eyes widened at the site before him. He went to say something but couldn't find the words. He always thought Damian was just being dramatic when he said Bruce hit him, but now he knows he wasn't. He was telling the truth, the hole time.

Damian was the first to break the silence. "You hit me again..." Damian says while holding his face. "Yes I did. I didn't think it would have to come to this. But it did, and if I have to do it again I'll do it in a heartbeat." Bruce says in a stone cold voice. This statement made a big crack in Damian's heart. He tryed his best to hide it but Levi could see right throw his poker face. "I see you haven't changed one bit. I had hoped you had in all those years. But I guess I expect to much." Damain says in a almost sad voice. "Get over it." Bruce says while pushing past Damian and going over to the shocked Levi on the bed. "Levi." As Bruce said his name he flinched. "Y-you... just hit... him-" Levi started to say but was cut off. "You will become my new Robin! Don't think about refusing or telling anyone. If you do let's just say Red Hood knows how to get rid of a body and leave no evidence. And who am I to stop him?" Bruce says while leaning in to make himself seem more scary. All Levi can do is nod as he was too scared to talk. "Good to see we are on the same page." Bruce says while standing up straight. He starts to walk out the door but stops before he if fully out. "I will send someone to get you when it is time. So don't think about leaving. It would be such a shame for you to suddenly go missing." And with those last words he leaves.

Damian quickly closes the door still holding his face. "Damian... are you ok?" Levi asked Damian as he was still facing the door. Sadly Damian wasn't Alright he was far from it. "Little bro?" Levi asked again. But he still didn't get an answer. Tears quickly flooded Damian's eyes and in no time they flowed down his face. As Damian silently cried all he could do is stand there. This started to raise some red flags for Levi. "Dami!" Levi says while getting off the bed and walking over to Damian.

Once he made it to Damian he quickly turned him around to see a sad and hurt, crying child. "Damian!" Levi says while pulling Damian into a much needed hug. "H-he doesn't need nor want me anymore..." Damian says while more tears flow down his face and into Levi's shirt. "Damian... it's going to be ok. Don't listen to him." Levi says while hugging the young boy.
Damian cry's into Levi's arms for sometime. Once he had cooled down Levi and Damian sat back on the bed with hunter and Titus. Not to long after Damian falls asleep.

~In the Batcave~~
"Have you got everything ready?" Dick asked Bruce. "Yes. Jason go get Levi." Bruce says while looking up from the table. "On it!" Jason says while grabbing his guns and walking up the stairs to the manner. "Do you think this will work?" Dick asked Tim. "It hasn't to."Tim says while putting his cowl. (Please let me know if that isn't the right name for his mask.) "what about Damian he's a Smart kid." Dick says while looking Tim dead in the eyes. "We just have to hope he doesn't find out." Tim says before walking off to do a few things before Levi arrives.

As Jason walked but the stairs and to Damian's room he almost felt sorry because he was sending a young boy to his death. Once he got to the room he didn't bother to knock he just walked in. When he walked him he saw Levi tucking an unconscious Damian into bed. "It's time." Jason says with his helmet on. "I see..." Levi say in a quiet voice while walking over to the door ready to follow Jason. "This way." Jason says while leading Levi to the batcave.

"So nice of you to join us!" Batman says as he hands Levi a robin uniform. "I didn't have much of a chance." Levi says while grabbing the uniform. "Go put it on we are leaving in 10 minutes."
Once Levi had gotten changed Batman gave them a debriefing on the mission, but he left out the parts of them leaving Levi to die there.
"Now that everyone knows what's happening let's get moving." Batman says as everyone moves to the batmobile.

Hello my lovely's. How are you? I'm sorry for not posting yesterday but I'll post again today! But if it's late I'll still do another post for the tomorrow. And with that in mind I hope you have a wonderful day or night.
Till next time my lovely's! 😁✌️👌🤟🤘🤛
Word count: 1050

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