The Sad Truth #3

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[Im really sorry for the large time Gap! And all the time skips]

Damian's P.O.V
It had currently been 1 year and a bit since I first started going to this school. I've got the best grades at this school. Obviously! I mean who do they take me for!?!?! I am the grandson of Ra's al Ghul! It was very important that I knew everything if I was going to rule the world with grandfather. But that never happened... Is it bad that I miss grandfather and mother?...
If I had to be honest the person at this school are complete idiots! If I really wanted to I could teacher here! But it is not my place to do so. Even so this school isn't that bad. I mean I don't enjoy going here. But the people here are nice... a bit too nice... it's kind of creepy. Everyone is trying to get on my good side and it's annoying! Oh and don't get me started on the girls! They won't leave me alone! I'm constantly getting asked out! I always say no the nicest way I can. But they just don't understand that I don't like them! * sighs * this is exhausting! It's like wake up get ready go to my first class then my second class have a quick snack get asked out say no then on to the next two classes. Have lunch get asked out again say no again. Then off to my last two classes for the day get asked out again for the 3rd time that day say no again for the 3rd time that day. Then go to the school gym and workout for a bit shower then go to the great hall to read some books. Once I've finished reading it is usually time for dinner. Once I've eaten I go back to my dorm and draw until my roommate is asleep. Once I know he's asleep I sneak out the window and onto the roof. I usually listen to music and watch the night sky. Sometimes I go on my phone to scroll through social media but if I get really bored sometimes i train or meditate for hours on end. By the time I'm done the sun starts to rise it's a beautiful sight to see I must say. Once the sun starts to rise I sneak back into my dorm and head to bed. I usually get 2 to 4 hours of sleep as the sun rises really early here. And then the day repeats it's self. On a consistent lop. And it's stayed that way for quite a long time now. And I'm not too sure that it will stop...

It was currently the 1st of August. My birthday was in 8 days! I was going to turn 13 on the 9th of August! Father had called last week to say I was going to be coming home for my birthday this year! Im so excited!! I couldn't wait to see Titus, Pennyworth and Grayson! Not so much Bruce, Drake and Todd... they are all assholes! That need to jump in a hole! But it's whatever... I just can't wait! I'm going to have so much fun. I've been counting down the days! Even my roommate has noticed I've been happier than usual and that's saying something! To be honest me and my roommate Levi have gotten to be good friends. At first I absolutely hated him! He was weird and always wanted to hang out. But I must say he's grown on me.

It was around 10am I was in my second class of the day. I had maths. Sadly everything they gave me was too easy "*sigh* I really wish they would give me a Challenge once in a while.." I quietly say to myself. I had just finished the work book they gave us. Sadly I had finished in 5 minutes and had 30 minutes left of the class to do nothing. The teacher was about to give me another work book to do when the classroom door flyed open to reveal the school Messenger. He gave the teacher a note before disappearing. The teacher took a quick look at the note before turning to me and said. "Damian you have an important phone call. Please head to the main office immediately." I gave a quick nod before quickly packing up my books and headed off to the main office. As I was walking down the hall all I could think about was what could the phone call be about! I wanted to know so I stated to walk quicker so that I was speed walking. "Stupid halls! Why do they have to be so long!" I said to myself as I kept speed walking.
Once I got to the main office one of the lady's that worked there gave me a phone. "Hello?" I say as I was unsure of who it was. "Hello Damian." Oh it's just Bruce! I wonder what he's calling about. "Father is there a reason to why you call? The Messenger said it was important." I say to him confused. "Yes there is a reason. I'm sorry to say but you won't be coming home for your birthday this year." He says in a cold and distant voice. "... oh... Alright.. is there a reason to why I won't be going home for my birthday?" I asked in a sad voice. "... yes there is. Tim and Jason need my help with something. Sadly it makes it so that your unable to come back to the manner this year." He was hesitant to answer at first like he was trying to come up with something. "... is that all?" I just wanted to end the call as quickly as I could at this point! "Yes.. Anyway I must be going now Damian." He said as he ended the call not allowing me the time to say goodbye for ask any questions. I slowly put the phone down as what I had head deeply saddened me. But I kept all the feels in so people can't see. I look up at the lady that handed me the phone and say wait a fake smile. "Thank you ladies. I must be going now. Have a lovely day!" And with that I walked off. I didn't feel like going back to class so I went to my dorm. "Why now?!? Why get me all excited to go back then tell me I can't! What's the point in doing that?!?" I say to myself with hints of anger and sadness in my voice.

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