Missing... #40

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3rd Person P.O.V
Once Levi had put Damian on a bed in the 'testing room/science lab' he took one last look at him before walking off over to the door.

Once Levi had exited the room he saw joker standing there waiting for him. "Are you sure this won't hurt him?" Levi asked still not facing him. "Im sure, Plus just think about it. You won't ever lose him, as long as your with me!" Joker said while giving off his signature grin. "Yeah sure.." Levi said before walking off down the hall. "Let's get this mission over with." Levi said while walking down the hall to Harley, while joker went into the science lab where Damian was laying.

~With Batman, Nightwing, Red Hood and Red Robin~~
"This is all my fault.." dick said to himself while siting next to the place Damian's body should be laying. "Hey.. blue bird.. this isn't your fault.. you couldn't have known this would happen!" Tim said while placing a hand on dicks shoulder while kneeling next to him.

The boys continued to talk and support each other while Batman and superman talked about Damian's body going missing. "How could this happen? Why would he even want to kill him self? He seemed so happy the last time I saw him..." superman asked Batman while putting his hands on Batman's shoulders. "I.. I don't know.. and I never will." Said the now not scary or big bat. "It's ok Bruce.. we will get him back!" Superman said trying his best to reassure bruce. "Yeah.. no names in the field." Bruce said after looked Clark in the eyes.

Hello everyone!
You may or may not be mad at me... but let me explain!!!
Well.. umm.. I had school.. even tho it finished 7 days ago.. but! It's Christmas? And that means giving back and spending time with family!
Well anyways what I'm trying to say is sorry for not updating! But from now on I'll try and update more often!
Till next time my lovely's! 😁👌🤘🤟✌️🤛
Word count: 338

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