A Little Morning Adventure #10

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3rd Person          P.O.V
As the youngest of the bay family started to wake up from his sleep he sadly forgot where he was. This resulted in the young boy having a mini panic attack. Thankfully it wasn't anything too major! Damian was able to quickly calm himself down before taking a long and relaxing shower. After his shower he quickly and carefully re-bandaged his leg as it hadn't healed yet. Once he had finished bandaging his leg he went onto feeding hunter and Titus there breakfast.

Damian's P.O.V
While Titus and hunter where eating I decided to take the time to stretch then do some yoga. Once I had finished doing the yoga Titus and hunter had also finished eating there breakfast. Titus looked like he needed a walk after eating his food and to be honest so did I. I chucked my hoodie on as well as a black hat, hunter jumped onto my shoulder and off we went. Titus was already waiting at the front door while I was still walking down he stairs. Once I had gotten to the door I put the lead on Titus and proceeded to take Titus for his walk.
After a little while I had made it to the park. I looked over to the beach I had been sitting on when I got stabbed, and decided it was best to walk over to the other side of the park. As I didn't really feel comfortable sitting where I had just been stabbed the other day.
I slowly walked over to a part that had a little hill with a cherry blossom tree that over looked the hole park. Once I had seen that I made it my mission to walk up it even if it was hurting my leg I was still going to go up it.
After sometime of slowly walking up the hill I had made it to the top. I sat down beside the tree with Titus to my left and hunter in my lap. As I was over looking the park I noticed that no one was here. It was only me, Titus and hunter.

Dick's P.O.V
It was quite early in the morning around 7:30AM. Alfred has just finished making us all breakfast. I was assigned with waking Damian up and getting him to the table this morning. It had been so long since I had ever went to get Damian for breakfast, he was usually already down at the table before anyone could go and get him. But unfortunately he wasn't already there. Maybe he has gotten into a habit of not getting up early since he had no need to, at the boarding school. Once I made it to Damian's bedroom door I knocked on it. To only get a reply of silence. I knocked a few more times before speaking. "Damian are you in there?" I ask to once again get a reply of silence. "Damian open the door!" I say "Damian if this is about yesterday I'm sorry! ... so open the door!" "This isn't funny! Open the door or I'll break it down!" I say in a last attempt to get him to open the door. Sadly he didn't open the door so I went to kick it down when I remembered there is a such thing as door handles. So instead of ruining the finely crafted door I opened it. To my surprise it was open and not locked. When I walked in i was expecting to see Damian peaceful sleeping in his bed but instead he was nowhere to be seen. I looked in the bathroom to make sure he wasn't just hiding out in there but he wasn't! He was gone! I quickly ran down stairs and to the dining room. As I ran into the dining room everyone looked up to me as I had just run in there out of the blue. "He's gone!" I say between deep breaths. "Who's gone" Bruce asked me confused. "Damian!" I say loudly. "Oh dear god! Tim check all the cameras in the manner then all the cameras in Gotham!" Bruce demands.

3rd Person P.O.V
After dick had notified Bruce if Damian's absence everyone quickly sprung into action. Tim went to hack into cameras. Dick went to talk to Alfred. Jason went to suit up along with Bruce. After some time Tim had successfully located Damian. He was at the Gotham park with his pets. Bruce, Dick, Jason and Tim went to go and collect him. Once they got to the park they cautiously made there way over to Damian before picking him up and dragging him back to the car. Damian's pets followed closely behind before jumping into the car with there owner. Even with Damian's protists he was no match for all his brothers. Especially with his leg like the way it was.

Bruce's P.O.V
Once the boys had finally grabbed Damian and got back to the car with his pets of course. I started to drive back to the manner. "What was that for?!? I was happily sitting by that tree then all you idiots came along and grabbed me!" Damian says in a not so polite way. "Because Damian we still don't know who stabbed you and it might not be safe for you to go out yet." I say in the calmest voice I can. "Like you would care! I was fine! I can handle myself!" Damian says in an angry voice. "...Believe it or not I actually do care for you Damian." I say trying to not make it sound weird. "Sure you do..." is the last thing Damian says for the hole ride back to the manner.

3rd Person P.O.V
The rest of the morning went as usual. The boys didn't get into to many fights. Damian kept to himself, trying to stay with his routine the best he could. Bruce went to work for a meeting, Alfred stayed at home and did the house cleaning. Everything was going as normal.... for now...

Hello my lovely's!! How are we all doing? Well I'm doing great!! 😁😊🤗🤗 I hope you all like this chapter! 😤😤
Till next time my lovely's!!😁✌️🤘👌🤟🤛
Word count: 1039

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