A New Family? #15

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3rd Person P.O.V
As the young boy and this new father figure trained together Damian came to the realisation that this is what a father and son relationship is meant to look like. Maybe not the sword fighting and killing other people thing, but the time you spend with your father figure and the enjoyment that goes into it. (I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense I don't spend time with my father so I wouldn't know.) Damian and Slade decided to take a break after sometime of sparring. "Slade.." "Yeah brat?" "I want to thank you for making my mother happy. She hasn't been like this in a long time. And i also want to thank you for... for doing this for me. You have made me realise something very important. Thank you Slade I deeply appreciate it." Damian says before taking a sip of his water. "Yeah well thanks for supporting me and your mother brat... so what could this important thing I made you realise be?" He asked in a Fatherly voice. "What family is actually meant to be like. And what a father figure is meant to be like. I wouldn't really know I didnt have one growing up here without a father. But when I moved in with Batman he wasn't much of a father figure to me.... let's just say he didn't like me like the others. I wasn't wanted like them." Damian says while looking down in shame. "You don't have to worry about them brat I'm here now. I'll... I'll be your father figure if you like." Slade says while putting a hand on Damian's shoulder. "Really?" Damian asks looking up at Slade in shock that he isn't pushing him away. "Sure why not brat" Slade says. Now pulling Damian into a hug. Damian happily accepts it and hugs him back. "I'm happy you guys are getting along." Says Talia now walking into the training area. "May I join you?" She asked. Slade and Damian open one arm to allow room for Talia to squeeze in. When Talia sees them opening there arms to allow her to join she happily walks over and joins them. They were one big happy family, and no one could take this moment away from them.
Damian had finally found somewhere he was wanted, where he belonged, a place to call home. A family that loved him, for who he was, for what he was. They didn't care about what he's done in past, or about his wealth. They only cared and loved him for him. Not for what he might become. And that was all Damian could ask for. But not all good things last, and Damian knows this.

Damian's P.O.V
As we all started to break the hug, mother decided to say something. "Mind if I join you in your sparring?" I don't have to say any words for her to know it was a yes. I handed her a sword and we began to spare. "Damian you've improved since last time." Mother says with a smile on her face. "So have you mother, same with you Slade. It looks like you've added a few more moves." I say while gracefully swing my sword around. We kept sparring like this until dark.

Bruce's P.O.V
I had been a while since Damian was taken. I'm still confused why he didn't fight back. "What an idiot! Was he trying to get himself kidnapped?!?" I yell. Then I remember something. Something that could get me killed! "Oh no.." I say now regretting everything. "The lasso..." I say while hacking every camera in Gotham to find it. After a few minutes of searching. I see that it's not to far from the batcave. "Dick, Jason, Tim get over here now!" I yell now getting ready to leave. They all come running over. "Bruce what's the matter?" Asks a now out of breath dick. "I'm going to get the lasso so we don't die. Keep looking for Damian. I'll be back soon." I say as I jump in the batmobile and drive off. Leaving my boys to do there thing.

3rd Person P.O.V
As Batman drove off the batbrothers were left with the job of locating Damian. "So... who's going to look for him?" Asked Jason. "We are. Bruce wants him back so we will have to get him back. As much as we don't want him back Bruce does. So we have to do it." Says dick not really wanting to do it but knew he had too. "It's the sad truth.." says a now disappointment Tim.
At this point Alfred couldn't just stand in the corner and do nothing and watch his family fall apart. "in all honesty, i'm disappointed in you boys. You all have treated Master Damian poorly. you have no right to treat him the way you do. What your doing right now is what villans do, I did not raise you to be like this. I raised you to be kind and loving. And I know for a fact that the teen titans and justice league would be very disappointed in your actions." Says the now angry Alfred. The 3 boys look at Alfred shocked that he would say this. "We don't treat-" Jason try's to say but is cut off by Alfred "Do you treat Master Tim or Master Dick the way you treat Master Damian?" Asked Alfred. "Well no... But it's different for him!" Says Jason trying to defend himself. But Alfred wasn't having it. "How so?" Asked Alfred taking a step closer to the boys. None of them answered Alfred's question as they knew he was right. But for some this didn't change anything. For them, nothing will change, everything will stay the same. "When you find your brother I hope you apologise to him, let's just hope it's not to late." Says Alfred before leaving to clean the manner. The batbrothers knew they couldn't get out of this one so they all went to the computer to look for Damian. Even if they didn't want him back, they knew they had to get him back.

Hello lovely's! I'm sorry I didn't post this sooner! I had class today and couldn't post it until I got home. But enough of that! I hope that you are all having a wonderful day! 😤😤 I hope you like this update! If you have any suggestions I'll take them into consideration! I hope you like this chapter! And with that.
Till next time my lovely's!! 😁😁🤘🤟✌️👌🤛
Word count: 1093

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