A Little Family Mission #17

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Sorry for not posting this sooner! I forgot you had to push the upload button for it to unload 😅😅😂😂

Talia's  P.O.V
"Alright everyone. we have a new mission. it is going to be a simple in and out mission. the objective is to get the boy named Levi Stagg. Son of Simon Stagg.(Fun fat Simon Stagg is a real character i didn't make him up. but i did make Levi up i don't think he has a son in the Dc series) He's located in the boarding school for troublesome kids, room 149 top floor. this boy must be unharmed and must be in perfect condition. we leave in 20 minutes don't be late" as i'm giving the debrief to the elites i can tell they are confused on why we are kidnapping the son of Simon Stagg.

3rd Person P.O.V
As the people started to board the air craft, they noticed that Damian had his dog and cat with him. "hey brat are you sure its a good idea to bring them?" asked the very strong and tall death stroke. "i have trained them for stuff like this they will be fine." Damian says while taking a seat next to the other assassins. As the air craft swiftly made its way to the boarding school Damian started to think of ways to start a conversation with Levi. "oh hey Levi i'm here to kidnap you! pack your things we are leaving." a small smile appeared on  Damian's face while thinking this. once the air craft was a good distance away from the boarding school to not be detected they landed and began to run through the forest leading to the boarding school. once they had made it to the edge of the forest Damian began to talk. "the room to the very left at the top is the room. they have a lot of security make sure not to get in the line of site of the cameras. Alpha your with me, Beta your on look out. Titus you stay with Beta. hunter your coming with me. lets move." Damian says while pulling his hood over him head. hunter quickly jumps into his shoulder. they start to moving closer to the window. lucky for them Levi never locks it because no one at the boarding school apart from Damian could get in or out of it. Damian, hunter and the 2 other men swiftly make it into Levi's room. "Can you two wait out side the door he might freak out if he sees assassins right above his head when he wakes ups." Damian says in a low voice so he wouldn't wake Levi up. once the assassins had left Damian moved closer to the sleeping Levi. "Oi wake up." Damian says while throwing a bag to Levi. "D..Damian? when did you get here?" Levi says now wake and sitting up. "just then. come on start packing we are leaving." Damian says while grabbing Levi's stuff and shoving it into a bag. Levi looks at what Damian was wearing and was very confused to why he was wearing what he was wearing. "what are you wearing?" Levi asks while slowly moving out of the bed. " The League of Assassins mission uniform. now hurry up and pack we haven't got all night." Damian says while throwing a now full bag to the window. "yeah yeah i'm getting there.." Levi says while now putting things into bags. he sees hunter and gives him a pat. While he's patting hunter he starts to speak. "i didn't think you would come back for me. i through you had forgotten me." "how could i ever forget you? i would have gotten you sooner but stuff came up and it wasn't safe but now it is and you can come back with me." Damian says while he keeps packing. "so.. who's out side the door?" Levi asks while he finished putting the last of his stuff in the bag. "They are reinforcements. I must say you have gotten better. Alpha we are done. lets move."Damian says to the men out side the room. the 2 men come in and grab the bags before jumping out the window. "are they real ninja's?" Levi asked while looking amazed. "100% real. now hurry up and go out the window."  Damian says. once Levi is successfully out the window and safely on the ground Damian locks and closes the window before returning back to the group with everything they needed.  Talia sees Damian and the others come into view. once they are beside them Talia deiced to speak. "you must be Levi. i'm Talia Al Ghul. And this is my partner Slade, Damian has told me lots about you." Talia says while putting a hand out to Levi for him to shake it. "Its an honor to meet you both." Levi says while shaking her hand. once the greetings had been done they make there way back to the air craft. after sometime of flying the make it back to the base. Damian started to show Levi around. Talia and Slade immediately notice that Damian is happier and much more livelier. they sweared to make sure to keep Levi around so they can keep the precious smile on Damian's face.
Everything was going well. Damian go his best friend back as well as a family that loves him. he couldn't ask for anything more.

Dick's P.O.V
"Hey Bruce you might want to see this!" i say while i look at the bat-computer. "what is it?" Bruce says while walking over to me. "you know the boarding school Damian went to." i say now looking over to him. " yeah what about it?"Bruce says to me now looking at the bat-computer. "well while Damian was staying there he had a room mate called Levi Stagg. anyway this morning he has been Reported missing or kidnapped. all his stuff is gone there is on sign that he was even there." i say while rubbing my head. "pull up all the cameras." Bruce demands.  once i had pulled them all up we went through all the footage. "wait go back." i say as i saw something. it was faint you can barely see it. "stop, now zoom in on camera 6 in the top right corner." Bruce does as i say and soon you can just barely see it but it's there. "its a... a kid?" i say now very confused. "not any kid. the kid has a League of Assassins uniform on. and that means only once thing..." Bruce says now pinching the bridge of his nose. "oh no.." i say now holding my head as i know who it is. but before i can finish someone finished it for me. "its Damian" says Tim who is standing behind me. "Damn Demon spawn moves fast." says Jason walking out from the shadows.

Hello everyone. how was your day, night, morning? i hope its been good so far! what do you think will happen? will they get Damian back? or will they leave him be? will Levi and Damian go on a mission? will the training Damian got when he was younger show through? will it scare Levi? if they do go on a mission will Levi kill? or will he watch? i guess you will have to wait till next time to find that out!
Till next time my Lovely's!!😁🤛🤘🤘🤟👌
Word count: 1228

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