Stop Moving And Let Us Help You! #7

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Narrators P.O.V
As Damian awoke from his slumber he Felt his precious pets laying right beside him. He said a quick good morning before feeding them and hopping off into the shower. It didn't take long for him to shower and dress.

3rd Person P.O.V
"How about we take you guys for a walk?" Damian asked his pets. This motion excited Titus. "Come here I'll put your lead on." Is all Damian had to say for Titus to come over and sit by Damians feet allowing Damian to put the collar and lead on him. Once the lead was on Titus and Damian walked over to the door and opened it for him letting Titus run out of the room and down to the front door, while Damian slowly walking behind him. Once he got to the door he saw out of the corner of his eye Jason and Tim talking while walking over to the door.

Once Jason and Tim saw Damian trying to leave they didn't look to happy to say the least. "Oi! Demon spawn what are you doing?!?" Jason almost yelled. "That's none of your business Todd!" Damian spat back. "You can't leave!" Tim said but regretted it after it came out of his mouth. Damian raised an eyebrow and put a hand on his hip while leaning to one side. "And why not Drake?" Damian question. Causing Jason to mentally face pummel and wish that he hadn't said anything. "Umm.. because.. you have homework to do!" Tim said almost wanting to slap himself too. "Nice try Drake, but it isn't working!" Damian said before opening the door and starting to walk out with Titus and hunter on his shoulder. Jason and Tim started to walk over to the door to stop Damian but were quickly stoped when Damian said. "Follow me and I'll put your heads on my wall. Now that I think about it they would make a great addition, so I dear you to follow me." Damian said with a big smirk while closing the door behind him leaving Tim and Jason to do there own thing.

Tim and Jason looked dumbfounded at Damian's little outburst, but didn't hesitate to rush over to the door. When they opened the front door all they could see was the abnormally long drive way with all the plants and decking, but there was no Damian. "What the... that kid can't have gotten out the gate already! He was right here!" Tim said frustratedly. "I... I wanna know where he went and what he's doing.." Jason said while closing and door and walking off with Tim to his computer.

Once Damian was sure that the door was closed and Tim and Jason couldn't see him he slowly came out from his little hiding spot. "What the hell? Why the.. I'm not even gonna think about it! Come on Titus." Damian said to his dog while starting to walk to the park with hunter on his shoulder.

Damian's    P.O.V
~20 minutes later~~
After what felt like a year of walking we finally made it. I quickly found a spot near a bench so I let Titus off the leash before sitting down with hunter. After some time of watching Titus run around and chase butterflies I quickly noticed that there was no one else here but me and some dude who was wearing all black with a black hat.

I didn't pay much attention to the man until he sat next to me. I couldn't see his face as his brown shoulder length hair and hat was covering his face. There wasn't anything that stood out about the man apart from him wearing all black. He was average height, wasn't fat nor skinny, he didn't look like he had a hole lot of muscle but did at the same time he was just an average guy so to speak.

I tried not to look at him a lot and block him out completely but when he started talking I couldn't ignore him anymore. "It a nice day..." the man said in a clear but cold voice. I was a little taken aback by his voice so all I said was a quick. "Yeah.." and then went back to watching Titus. "Good day to get stabbed.." the man said. "Yeah.. WAIT WHAT-" is all I could say before they man pulled a knife out of nowhere and stabbed me in my upper leg. "ARRR! MOTHER TRUCKER!" I yell while gritting my teeth. I get really to punch the guy but when I go to punch him he is gone. "Son of a bitch!" I hiss before looking over to my leg. "Dam it!" I hiss once again while examining my leg.

I didn't want to remove the knife from my leg as I knew I would start to bleed out and maybe die from blood loss but when i trued to stand I almost fell right back down. Because of the way the man stabbed me I wouldn't be able to walk as the knife was stopping me, so I only had 2 options. 1 being I stay here with the knife in my leg and hope someone finds me before I die, and 2 being I pull the knife out and put pressure on the wound while I walk back to the manner. I of course went with the second option as the first didn't seem like it had a high success rate.

I took a deep breath before pulling the knife out, once I managed to get it out I quickly put pressure on it so i wouldn't bleed out so much. "Fuck!" I said through gritted teeth as pain was being shot throughout my leg.

"Titus! We are leaving!" I yelled, and lucky Titus heard me and quickly ran over. Once he was there and hunter was buy my side I started my painful walk home.

~40 minutes later~~
I took double amount of time to walk him than it did to get to the park, but I made it and thats what matters.

As I was slowly walking up to the front door I couldn't feel the pain increasing and the sweat on my face falling but I had to keep going. As i slowly opened the door titus quickly ran in, i tried to keep him from letting others know I was back but that failed as Jason and Tim head me walking up the stairs.

"Oi! Demon spawn where did you go?!?" Tim yelled at me from behind. "Why are you all sweaty? Did you run the hole time?!" Jason asked while poking my neck. "C-cut that out!" I said while slapping his hand away. "Wow no need to be rube brat!" Jason said while getting a better look at me, which I noticed immediately. I quickly tried to hubble my way up the stairs but was stopped when Jason grabbed my arm. "D-dont!" I yelled as he spun me around like a doll. "Why are you- WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO YOUR LEG?!?" Jason yelled at me while holding my shoulders. "Stop! I don't need your concern! I've got this under control!" I yell while trying to get free. "Tim get Alfred! Damian's hurt real bad!" Jason yells in my face while trying to get me to sit down.

3rd Person P.O.V
As Tim ran off to find Alfred Jason was determine to get Damian to sit down and let Alfred take care of his leg but Damian on the other hand wasn't having any of that!

"Stop being a brat and just sit down!" Jason yelled again. But Damian wasn't listening nor putting pressure on his wound causing blood to poor out. "Stop being an imbecile and just let me go!" Damian yelled back while struggling. This Angered the older teen before him so he carefully flipped Damian over so he was now laying on his back. Damian gasped as his little trip to the floor wasn't planned. "Wha the!" Damian started to say but was quickly interrupted by Jason saying. "Stay down!" But Damian wasn't going to listen to him of course. "Make me!" Damian hissed back as Alfred and Tim came running back into the room just on queue.

Once Alfred got over to Damian a gasp quickly left his mouth before opening up his first aid kit. "Young Master Damian please hold still!" Alfred said as Damian keep struggling making his leg wound worse. Jason and Tim were trying there best to hold Damian down but it wasn't working to well. "I can do it myself! Let go of me and go away you annoying pests!" Damian yelled.

"Master Damian, you must forgive me but you are making your wound worse so I must do this." Is all Alfred said being injecting Damian with a drug that made him stop moved and more calm. The drug took affect of Damian so quickly that he didn't even get to say anything because he wasn't able to move.

Alfred quickly got to work on doing Damian's leg. Once his leg was all patched up he did a quick check to see if there were any other injury's but couldn't see any so he sent Damian off to the batcave medical room with Jason and Tim.

Hello everyone!
I'm sorry if this chapter is different to what you remembered but something happened to the chapter and it didn't save. Long story short he it is! Newer and better Version? Maybe maybe not. Who knows anyway I hope you like the chapter! And with that have a good day!
Till next time my lovely's! 😁👌🤟✌️🤘🤛
Word count: 1616

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