Its just A Simple Misson... Right? #6

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3rd Person      P.O.V
As the young boy Known as Damian sleeps with his companions Titus and Hunter, his so called "Family" that sent him away we're now playing something big in the batcave.

Bruce's     P.O.V
"So does everyone know there rolls?" I asked making sure they knew the plan. "Hmm? What were you saying?" Said the very confused Jason Todd. "..." I spent so long explaining the plan and he wasn't even listening! but at this point I'm just giving him a bat glare. "...? Did I do something wrong?" Jason asks turning to his brothers. "Bruce was explaining the plan to do with Damian and you weren't even listening." Said a mildly disappointed Dick Grayson. "Yeah he even went into depth on your part!" Stated a very amused Tim Drake. "Alright! Alright! I may not be the best at listening, but what's the plan?" Jason asked now curious.
" *Sighs* this is going to be a long night... Ok so" And with that I start going over the plan again.

3rd Person     P.O.V
Bruce went over the plan again everyone understood there roles. Dick was the nice, protective, and supportive older brother. Jason was the brother that showed tough love but didn't really care for him. Tim was the annoying older brother that always called you out and started fights with you. The more Bruce went into depths they realised that there roles would fit them perfectly as they were already in these roles. But the real reason for this mission was to get Damian to open up and share some very important information that they needed. They knew that if they asked Damian directly for it he would lock it way from them. So Bruce came up with the best plan he could think of. Using Damian's emotions against him. But was it too late?
Bruce knew it would be a very long mission as Damian didn't really open up to people. But they needed that information. So not doing the mission was out of the question!

Tim's     P.O.V
As soon as Bruce had finished telling us about the plan one question was still on my mind. So as any curious person would I asked a question! "Bruce when the mission is over will Damian get sent back to the boarding school?" As I asked that question all eyes where now back on Bruce awaiting the answer. If was a few minutes before he talked. like he was think the answer over. "Good question Tim. Let's have a vote. Rise your hand if you want him to go back after the mission. Don't rise your hand if you want him to stay with us after the mission."

3rd Person           P.O.V
The brothers started to vote one by one. Taking there time to vote to make sure they would pick the right one. Bruce being Bruce he was the last one to vote.
As all this was going on the baby bird was still asleep in his room. Without a care in the world.

~About an hour later~~
Damian's          P.O.V
I was happily asleep until some imbecile that has a death wish decided it would be a good idea to knock on my door over and over again.
I knew the only way to make it stop was to see what they wanted. And with that in mind I slowly got off my bed and started walking over to the door. As I was about to open it it flow open with great force. I look over to the person that kicked my door open them back and my door. The door had a footprint on it along with some dense. And no to mention nearly off its hinges! Seeing my door looking all beat up I quickly got an angry face on and slowly turned my head saying. "Who the fuck do you think you are kicking my door in?" I said in the most angry voice I could. Seeing as I didn't get a good look at who it was before I turned my head around completely to see who I was talking to. And to my surprise it was the 3 idiots! Grayson, Todd and Drake! But what surprised me the most was the look on there faces! They all looked very worried like they might have just given away all of Bruce's money. Now I knew something was up! I'm just not sure what!
Grayson was the first to talk out of all of them. "Dami! Don't scare me like that! You wouldnt answering me when I was calling you! And to make matters worse you locked the door! I thought something had happened to you!" Grayson said while pulling me in a hug. I quickly try to push away but it wasn't happening! Grayson had gotten stronger and was now able to hold me in a hug. But I could change that. "Let go Grayson!" I demand "but Dami!" Grayson started to say in a childish voice. "No!" I noticed that Todd and Drake started to slip away as they saw the situation was now under control. Todd started to mumble something to Drake as they started to walk away. I could just hear it. It was faint but loud enough to be heard.
"Good think he didn't get away!" Said Todd "yeah that would have been bad!" Said Drake. They continued to talk but I was now to far to hear what they were saying. But now I knew For sure that something was happening. " Hey Dami when do I get to meet the cat??" Asked Grayson in a happy voice while he still had me in a hug. "*sigh* hunter, Grayson. Grayson, Hunter." I said completely bored. "Oh cute!!" Said Grayson. "TT. this so going to be a long day!"I say still trying to get out of his arms.

Hello my lovely's! Hope you like this new chapter!!! I'm sorry if it is choppy! I didn't plan this chapter to be the way it is. I didn't know what to do with it so I just went with the frisbee this I thought of. Anyway have a lovely day my lovely's 😁🤟✌️👌🤘🤛
Word count: 1030

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