Maybe He Has A Heart... #4

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No one/narrator    P.O.V
The young boy known as Damian Wayne had just turned 13 years old yesterday. it was currently the 10th of August. Sadly for this young boy his birthday didn't go as planned... he didn't get to spend it with his family. Nor did he get a happy birthday from his family. But Damian still had hope in his family. That was until he saw the posts on social media... It was posts of a party. But not for him... for his older brother.. Tim Drake. This upset Damian a lot. Because not only did they forget that it was Damian's birthday they still throw a party for his older brother. Even though his birthday was ages ago and he had already had a birthday party. But this wasn't the worst part. What sadden Damian the most was that he was meant to come home for his birthday. But his father cancelled and said he couldn't come home because he was busy. But in reality he just wanted to throw a party for his other son.
At this point I wouldn't be surprised if Damian turns his back on his "family".

Damian's P.O.V
Not to long after I saw the posts on social media I went back inside as I didn't want to stay up any longer and think about my so called "family".  At this point in time I didn't want anything to do with them! They weren't family anymore... they were people I just know... when I woke up it was around 5AM
Since it was quite early I tried going back to sleep but that didn't work. I just kept thinking about the posts. So I took a quick shower and headed off to the gym. It was only 10 past 5 in the morning so no one was here. "Sweet! I get it all to myself!" I say to myself as I look around. While I was looking around something court my attention. They had restocked the punching bags! New ones had been put up and there were stacks of new ones in case you broke one. "Perfect!" I say in a happy voice. As I start to walk over to the punching bags. "Finally I can take my anger out on something without worrying about people watching me or waking people up!" I think to myself as I start to violently punch and kick the punching bag.
Punch after punch. Kick after kick. The pile of broken punching bags started to stack up.
After a good amount of broken punching bags I decided to take a break. Once I sat down on the bench my phone went off telling me it's time to get ready to head off to class. "Shit! Have I really been here that long?!?" I say out loud. Forgetting others were now in the gym. "Yeah dude! You've been here for hours punching away at those punching bags! I'm surprise your hands aren't broken!" Said an unknown voice from behind me. I quickly stand up and look at were the voice was coming from. "Oh good morning Levi." I say in my usual voice. "Dam I forgot he gets up early on Wednesday to go to the gym!" I think to myself. "Good morning to you too! I must say Damian I didn't really take you for the type to beat the living crap out of punching bags." Levi said with a big smile on him face. "Umm thanks?... Well I'd love to stay and chat but I got to run." And with that I grab my stuff and quickly head to the showers once again.   Thankfully I made it to class on time! I was starting to get worried I wouldn't make it.

3rd Person     P.O.V
Damian's day was going the same as it always did. Go to the first 2 classes, eat, get asked out, 2 more classes, eat, get asked out again, last 2 classes, go to gym. But when it came around to going to the great hall to read Damian saw something outside his window. So he went to investigate.

Damian's      P.O.V
I had just finished showering and changing clothes after I went to the school gym to workout. I looked out my window to see what the weather was like. It looked nice enough. But as I was looking out my window something court my eye. It looked like an injured cat. But I couldn't be sure so I went to investigate.
It didn't take long to run down the hallways to get to the back door. Once outside I quickly run over to were I last saw the cat. I was most likely looking for the cat for 5 minutes when i see a very small kitten. It looked to young to be away from its mother. And as I first thought the kitten was injured. It looked like the kittens might have fallen down a hill and roped the skin on his leg. I slowly walk up to the kitten and neeld down so I didn't look to scary. I went to pat the kittens but the kittens tried to move away but when the kittens did it looked like it really hurt to do that. "Shhh... it's ok buddy.. I'm not going to hurt you... I'm here to help you." I said with a warm and friendly smile. I think the kitten understood because the kittens let me pat his head. I softly pat the kittens heard then I start to hear a purr. "Do you like that?" I say in a cheeky voice. I then move to pick the kitten up. Thankfully the kittens lets me. "I hope you don't mind but I'm going to take you in and look after you!" I say as the kitten starts to cuddle into my shoulder. "That probably means I'll have to give you a name!" I say. so I start to get a good look at the cat. "Hmm... you look like a hunter to me! So hunter it is!" I say with a genuine smile on my face.  As I walk back to my dorm I tried my best to hide hunter from others. So I decided to take all the back rooms and hallways people didn't like taking. After some time I made it back to my dorm. I quickly walked to my room and softly put hunter on my bed before closing and locking my door. I then quickly got under my bed and pulled out a make shift first aide kit.
I then start to get to work. As gently as I can I disinfect the wound on hunters leg then bandage it. I know I would have to get some supplies so I waited until my roommate way asleep before grabbing some money I had and making a run for the closest pet store.

~3 hours later ~~
I had just gotten back from my little trip. I placed down a mate then 2 bolls one boll had kitten milk and the other had kitten food. I placed hunter in front of it so he could eat. "Good boy! Eat up!" I say with a big smile as I watch him take his first bite. I then quickly start to set up a litter box and other things the kitten would need. Once hunter had finished eating he started to walk over to me. I quickly got up and walked over to him and picked him up and walked back over to my bed. I laid down wanting to rest a bit. But to my surprise hunter laid down right next to me and snuggled into me. Not to long after we both fell asleep.

3rd Person    P.O.V
The next morning Damian didn't bother getting ready for his classes but instead he changed hunter bandages and gave him fresh food. For the rest of that day Damian took care of hunter while doing a bit of reading and training. Soon days had gone by with Damian not going to his classes and taking care of hunter. The teachers at the school started asking questions but Damian just gave them all the same answer. He hasn't been feeling well lately. The teacher of course brought it. But they still send him homework to do. Soon enough days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. The teacher didn't seem to mind that much because he was still handing in his work and completing it at a very high standard. Eventually after all the day of Damian taking care of hunter he was completely healed! Damian was so happy to find out that his kitten had made a full recovery. Sadly Damian knew full well that he had to go back to class but he wasn't going to leave hunter here alone. So the next day Damian got up and ready for school. He put hunter on his shoulder and headed off to class. (Note that hunter likes to either sit on Damian's Should or get carried around but he also doesn't mine walking beside Damian. Hunter also hates being left alone. But always wants to be by Damian's side.)

Damian's      P.O.V
As I walked into class the teacher seemed surprised that I showed up to class. I mean I can't blame him. "Good morning sir." I said as I took my seat. Hunter hoped off my shoulder and sat in my arms on the desk. "Good morning Damian it's good to see your back in class! Oh and who might be your little friend?" The teacher asked looking happy. "Oh this is hunter." I say with a small smile. The teacher nods in response. And continues with the class.

~Time skip to the end of the day~~
I sit at my desk with hunter. I was just doing some dawning of hunter.  It was around 5:30PM most of the clubs were finishing up now. I was just about to finish up my drawing when a knock could be hear at my door. I think hunter knew what I was going to do because he automatically jumped on my shoulder. I walked over to my door and opened it. It was the Messenger. "Hello can I help you?" "Yes Damian Wayne you have a phone call." "I do?" I ask confused. Why would anyone call me?? "Yes it is your father. You must go to the main office now." Oh Bruce.. great.. "alright.." And with that the messenger man disappeared. I started my not so long walk to the main hall. Once I was there the ladys at the front desk gave me a phone. "Thank you lady's." I say in a nice voice. " *sigh* Father what do you want now?" I asked in a not so nice voice. "Damian I want to take you home-" "what do you mean I am home!" I said in an angry voice. "Damian don't cut me off. This is very important that you come back to the manner." Bruce said to me in a more serious voice. But I was just not having it. "Well it isn't important to me so bye!" "Damian don't you dare hang up on me! There is a man trying to-" I didn't let him finish as I hang up on him. I then turn to the workers and say. "Lady's if this number calls again don't answer it." I say with a smile on my face. And with that me and hunter went back to our dorm.   Once me and hunter were back in the dorm we wait until my room mate was asleep so we could sneaking onto the roof. We sat there for a bit before I remembered seeing I really pretty lake that would make for a really good place to train. I went back into my room to grab my knife Collection before we headed off to the lake.   Once we got there our breath had been taken away. The lake looked beautiful under the moonlight. After a few minutes of staring at the lake I quickly found a tree and started throwing my knife at it. With every throw my aim way getting better and better! I throw my knife again hitting right in the middle of the target. "hunter did you see that?!?" I ask while picking him and and hugging him. I went to get my knifes back when I hear something. I immediately grab a knife and look around. "Hello is someone there!?!" I say in a cold voice. I hear just the slight amount of movement. "Show your selfs!" I say in a demanding voice. "*sigh* I see you haven't changed a bit Damian." I look around to see who it is. It was...

Hello my lovely's sorry for the cliffhanger but I couldn't help myself! 😊😁 I hope you like this chapter! I hope you also like the new addition Hunter!! I hoe you all have a wonderful day!
Till next time my Lovely's!! 😁🤛👌🤟✌️🤘
Word count: 2172

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