A Mask #36

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(Mini recap)
Narrators    P.O.V
Damian and the other all started to talk about what they were going to do for the day. Well mainly Dick, Jason and Tim were talking about things to do and places to go. Damian just sat there with his smile and watched and listening to them talk. Occasionally giving them a nod.

After a lot of debate they finally decided to watch a movie, but then they couldn't decide which movie to watch. They ended up watching "The NoteBook" don't know how they come to this agreement they just did. Everyone was either crying or trying to hold back the tears, but obviously failing. Well not everyone was crying, Damian was the only one not crying. He just had a happy smile on his face. It didn't slip nor slide, never changing during the move, it just started the same.

But once the day was over and Damian was back in his room alone the smile quickly disappeared.
(End of recap)

3rd Person   P.O.V
His once peaceful but still happy smile was no more, it had been replaced with a sad and unrecognisable facial expression. Silent tears started to fall just adding to the look. He didn't made a sound, you wouldn't even know he's crying if you were walking by. As he slowly walked over to his bed he could see hunter and Titus laying side by side happily sleeping. "H-hello.." is all Damian said before slowly curling up with his dog and cat on the bed.

Although he was in the position to fall asleep he did sleep, it was almost like he just couldn't bring himself to fall asleep. It was almost like if me fell into the dark abyss people call sleep, he wouldn't wake up again... like there was only one way to go and this was it. But he refused to let himself fall into the dark abyss! He still had unfinished business to do on this earth.

~3 hours later~~
After what felt like hours of just laying in bed Damian's fears had long gone dry only leaving the non-existent tear streaks. "I'm.. i'm going out.." is all he said to his pet before putting on his porcelain face and wiping the nonexistent dust off his shoulder.

As the youngest excited his room all you could see was a big and happy smile on his face. The smile was obviously fake but the batfam couldn't tell the difference between the real ones and the fake ones.

Damian slowly but carefully walked down the hall past dicks room then Jason's without them noticing but when it came to Tim's room, Tim know that Damian was there and walking around unlike his brothers. "What's he up too?..." Tim quietly asked himself as he watch Damian walk down the hall and to the stairs.

Damian continued on his walk with his smile while Tim followed closely behind out of sight.
It didn't take long for Damian to reach his destination. It was the back door. "Why is he doing now? Where is he gonna go?" Tim quietly said to himself while hiding in the shadows.

It didn't take long for Damian to unlock and open the door, and in a blink of an eye he was out the door and walking. As Damian walked his smile didn't slip nor slide it just started the same to never change. Damian kept walking until he reached his final destination. The mini hill that him and Levi went mud sliding on. "How... how nice.." is all Damian could say before some tears started to bubble in his eyes. Lucky enough he was able to calm himself down before any tears could fall, just adding to the redness under his eyes.

Tim kept watching from a far but close enough to see what he was doing with out getting seen. But Damian knew all to well that he was been followed by Tim but didn't really care to ask him why, and instead he started to walk. He walked all the way around to the front of the manner and out the front gates. But he didn't stop there. He kept walking, down the stairs and around the corner and throw the alleyway. Tim has long gone stopped following Damian and instead alerted the batfam that Damian had gone for a night walk out in Gotham.

When word got to Dick that the baby bird had left the nest, let's just say he wasn't happiest about it and wanted him back ASAP! "Everyone! Get ready faster! We can't lose him!" Dick yelled throughout the batcave. "Alright Alright! Slow your roll!" Jason said to Dick before jumping on his motorcycle. Dick and Tim both followed Jason's actions while Bruce jumped into the batmobile and drove off with out a word. Dick, Jason and Tim soon left the batcave one at a time dick being first and Tim being last.

As Damian was walking it didn't take long for him to get to the park. The park where he was stabbed and the park where he sat with his best friend... his only friend... Damian continued to walk through the park slowly making his way over to the cherry blossom tree. Once he had finally gotten up the mini hill and was sitting next to the tree he pulled his headphones out and started to play the music he would listen to at the boarding school. After sometime of him sitting there listening to music while looking at the night sky someone came and sat next to him. "Hello Damian."

Hello everyone!
How's it going? I hope it's going good! Sorry I haven't posted in a long time! I've been busy with school but that's no excuse! I'll start posting more often just like how I used to! Anyway i you like this chapter! I for one don't really like it as I have no idea where to go with this! But if you guys have any ideas I'd be more than happy to read them and maybe put them into my story! Anywaysssss
Till next time my lovely's! 😁👌✌️🤘🤟🤛
Word count: 1027

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