Mud Slide #22

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3rd Person P.O.V
As Levi started to wake up to the sound of raining he got a really good idea. So we went over to Damian to wake him up and share his wonderful idea. "Damian! Damian get up!" Levi says while shaking Damian awake. "Hmmm... what is it Levi" Damian says still haft asleep. "Come on get up! We have to get ready really quickly!" Levi says while pulling Damian out of his bed and onto the floor. "Ok ok I'm up.." Damian says before getting of the ground and heading to the bathroom to get ready. Once they had both gotten ready Levi practically dragged Damian out of the room and to the laundry to grab 2 washing buckets. "What's this for?" Damian asked Levi. "You will see!" Levi says as he pulled Damian to the back door. "Now put the bucket on your head." Levi says to Damian. "Why?" Damian asked now very confused. "Just do it!" Levi says while shoving the bucket into his head. Levi started to lead Damian over to the garden. But to the part that has a hill in it. As they were walking up the hill Tim saw them out is window. "What the hell are they up to?" Tim says before walking over to Jason's room. "Hey Jason." Tim says while dragging Jason to his room. "Explain this." Tim says while pointing to Damian and Levi standing at the top of the hill. "I wouldn't know let's just watch." Jason says while pulling a chair over to the window. "Ok Damian now jump in the bucket!" Levi says while jumping into his bucket. "Ok..." Damian says while hoping into his bucket. "Now what?" "Lean forwarders." Levi says to Damian. And as Levi says Damian leans forwards. "What the heck are they doing?? Sitting in buckets??" Jason says while eating out of a bag of chips.
As Damian leans forwards he started to slide down the hill. "Here let me help you!" Levi says while giving Damian's buckets a push. Damian starts to slide down the hill at top speed, Levi closely following behind. Jason and Tim's graws drop. "ARRRRR! IM GOING TO CRASH!!" Damian yells as he's going straight for the hedge. "ME TOOO!" Levi yells to Damian as he was heading for the hedge too. "He's going to crash into the hedge!" Tim says as he stands up from the bed. "Omg why haven't I thought of that yet?!?" Jason's says while sitting up talk to watch what happens next. Sadly for Damian he went straight into the hedge, while Levi managed to just miss the hedge, but ended up rolling. "He disappeared! He disappeared into the hedge!!" Tim says while almost falling over from laughter. "What the hell?!? This is better than what they show on the tv!" Jason says while laughing his head off. As Damian lowly amergers from the hedge he is covered in leaves and sticks. While Levi slowly walked over to Damian covered in mud and grass. Once they got a good look at each other they bursted into laughter. "Oh my gosh!! Look at them!" Tim says as him and Jason bursted into laughter. Damian and Levi went down the hill many more times. And soon they were covered in mud, leaves, sticks and a lot of other things. Every time they went down the hill they would either crash or roll. It was still raining so when they got to the bottom of the hill they would get splashed with water making them even more dirty. Every time they went down the hill tim and Jason would have a laughing fit. And soon you could here there laughters all throw out the manner. "Are we going to see what they keep laughing about?" Asked Bruce as he was considered about his sons mental health. "I'll go check on them." Dick says while walking up the stairs. As he got closer the laughters got louder. As he knocked on Tim's door he was meet with laughter. When he walked in he saw Tim and Jason on the ground laughing like crazy. "Guys! Whats wrong!?"dick says as he runs over to them. "Just watch!" Tim said between laughters. Dick looked over to where Tim was pointing. "Damian and Levi?" Dick asked now confused. "Just watch." Says Jason. As dick watch's Damian and Levi covered in mud walk up the hill and jump into a bucket then proceeded to slide down the hill into the hedge. "What the hell??" Dick says while laughing. Dick watch's them do it over and over again. He can't help but laugh louder everytime. One time Damian went straight into a tree, and another time Levi flipped over and rolled all the way down the hill and landed face first into mud. Soon Bruce and Alfred got considered since the laughing hasn't stoped and dick didn't come back. So as any good parent Bruce and Alfred went to investigate. When they got to Tim's room they saw the same as dick did. They quickly made there way other to the laughing boys and got the same explanation. "Just watch them." And they did. "What are they doing.. oh my" Bruce says as he watch's them. Alfred was trying not the laugh like the others but soon joined them. They all watched as Damian and Levi continued to go down the hill. Every time they went down the hill they would finish differently. Soon Damian and Levi were covered head to toe in mud. And if they opened there eyes and mouths all you could see was white teeth and green eyes. "I think we should go and wash up before Alfred sees us" Levi says while laughing at how Damian looks. "What are you laughing at?" Damain says while leaning on one hip "how muddy you are" Levi says while laughing. "Speak for yourself. Have you seen yourself?" Damian says while laughing.  Once they finished laughing Damian and Levi looked into a window a see themselves. "Oh my god!"
To be continued...

Hello everyone here another update!! Like promised!! Sorry I'm not updating fast like I usually do I'm just not really feeling well lately. Buttttt I'm still posting!! I'll be posting again today and then I might post tomorrow's one early if I finish it early buttttt
Till next time my lovely's!😁✌️🤘👌🤟🤛
Word count: 1067

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