Eat With Us! #32

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(Not edited!!)

Narrators   P.O.V
It had been few weeks since the bat brothers made the beat and to say the lest on one was winning. Damian wasn't giving them the chance to befriend him.  Damian wouldn't even let then talk to him. As soon as Damian saw them he would walk the other way, avoiding all contact with them.

The bat brothers soon requested that Damian sat and ate at the dinner table with them instead of him eating in his room. Which Damian never showed up to. He would always just stay in his room instead of go and eating with them. Even if Bruce asked him to be there he still wouldn't go.

But today was different! The bat brothers came up with the idea that they drag Damian down to the table with them so he had no choice but to eat at the table.

3rd Person    P.O.V
One the bat brothers had gotten word that dinner was really they all gathers out side of Damian's room. "Everyone know the plan?" Dick asked his brothers. They both nodded as there reply.

The 3 of them quickly and swiftly made it into Damian's room to only see him sleeping at his desk. As they were walking towards Damian, Damian's eyes shot open and he sat up almost immediately. "What are you doing in here!" Damian yells. "What are you doing sleeping at your desk?!?" Dick asked. "And what's this on your desk?!?" Tim says while picking up a piece of paper off Damian's desk. Damian automatically mean to snitch it out of Tim's hands then start to punch him. But the brothers had other plans. "Jason!" Dick yells and as soon as his name was called Jason picks Damian up and throws him over his shoulder. "Put me down!" Damian demands while kicking and punching Jason with the additional biting, scratching, pinching, squirming and struggling with much more! "Hey Hmm little help here! He's gotten stronger since last time!" Jason says while holding onto Damian for dare life. Dick rush's over to help Jason curry Damian to the table. As they leave the room and start walking, Tim says behind and takes a closer look at what's on Damian's desk. "Drawings..." Tim says while picking up a very detailed drawing of  the batfam. Only thing was missing was Damian. "He purposely missed himself out. And didn't leave any room for himself..." Tim says before neatly putting the drawing back where it was and walking off to help dick and Jason.

Narrators    P.O.V
Once they had finally gotten Damian down to the table, the ended up having to use duck tape, zip ties, ropes and a high chair to keep him from getting away. They all started to eat apart from Damian course, he physically couldn't.

3rd Person    P.O.V
As Bruce was eating he thought this would be the perfect time to talk to Damian as he never saw him anymore. "So Damian, What have you been doing lately? I barely see you anymore." Bruce says while giving Damian a look saying tell me or die. "Well if you must know father... I don't do anything. I just sleep and eat. Mainly stay in my room away from people. " Damian says trying to get free again. "What about the drawing on your desk?" Tim asked. "You looked through my stuff!!" Damian yells definitely mad. "Is that what they were." Jason says before eating some food. "You like art Damian? Why is this the first I'm hearing about this?" Bruce says while looking Damian dead in the eyes. "They aren't mine!" Damian yells trying to hid the fact that they are done by him. "Who are they done buy then? Bruce asked. Damian took a moment before answering his question. "Levi" Is all Damian had to say. "Oh how wonderful!" Bruce says before think to myself  "Damian just lied to me!"  "Can someone let me go now?" Damian says while struggling harder.

As Damian was struggling the chair became unbalanced and he stared to fall backwards. "Shit!" Damian says while he starts to fall backwards. As Damian was bracing for impact he released it was taking too long, and he should have hit the ground by now. So he slowly opened his eyes to see Alfred looking down at him "Master Damian you should be more careful!" Alfred says while standing Damian back up. "Thank you Pennyworth! Can you do me a favour and cut the ropes and stuff I would like to leave." asked agitated.

before Alfred even thought about untieing damain me looked over to bruce to get a look of aproval. but instead he got a look that said no. "sorry young master damian that is beyond my abillitys." alfred siad before giving damian a small pat on the head and started to walk away. "Pennyworth!!! Don't pat me like a dog! wait thats beside the point! come back here and untie me!!" damian yells while stuggling more. "little D chill!" dick said to damian. "dont tell me to chill!" damian says before chowing on the duck tape snaping it. "what the..." tim says kind of nerves.

Damian then starts to chow on the rope. "should we run?" jason says to his brothers. damian finally snaped the rope and said. "i can do this all day fuckers!" Damian then started to stand up as the rope and duck tape fell to the ground. "Ok bye!" Tim says about to leave but Jason stops him."dude stop you don't need to run. Look his hands are still zip tied." Jason says pointing to Damian. "Your right." Tim says. Just as Tim had finished talking and was about to sit back down, Damian broke the zip ties freeing himself.

"Ok bye!" Tim says while running off to hide. "That's what I thought!" Damian says while spitting to the side. Damian then proceeded to walk back to his room to do some more drawing.

Hello everyone!
Ok I'm going to say this now, I do not like this chapter! I'm not proud of it. As much of a help anushkasharmaf was I just couldn't think of how to write it, and I didn't want to miss another day of not uploading so yeah...
Anyway little side note, I'll be posting again tonight Nz time.
Till next time my lovely's!😁👌🤘🤟✌️🤛
Word count: 1062

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