Damian's Meltdown #8

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3rd Person          P.O.V
Once Damian had been moved to the batcave medical room, Alfred started to do a full body check up. Once he had finished doing that he started to hook Damian up to some medical machines and a IV drip. (Sorry if that part doesn't make sense I have no idea what any of the stuff the us are.) Once he had got that all done he started to rebandaged Damians leg as he couldn't really do it the first time with Damian moving around. Once he was done Dick, Jason and Tim where in change of watching over Damian, as he kept trying to get up and move but wasn't really able to because of the drug he had been given before. Even though Damian knew he wasn't getting out of the batcave for some time, doesn't mean he didn't try.

Dick's            P.O.V
"Dami!" I yell as I see Damian trying to get up again. But this time he got out of the bed and nearly fell to the ground, thankfully Tim had seen and court Damian before could he faceplate on the ground. "Stop moving around Demon spawn! You will make the wound worse!" I hear Tim yell at Damian. "Let go of me Drake! I'm out of here!" Damian yell's back. "Dick your the favourite do something!" Tim yells at me. "alright, alright!" I say walking over to Damian.
I look down at Damian and he looks back up to me. "Don't you dare touch me." Damian says in an angry voice.
"Awwww! But Dami!" I say while picking him up and increasing him in an unbreakable hug. He try's his best to get out, but once again fail at getting out of one of my hugs. "Put me down at once!" He says while still trying to get out. "Come on dami just amitt it, you love my hugs!"  I say while moving over to the bed. "I do not! I hate them!" He says with a little huff. "Ohh but you do little brother" I say in a cheeky voice. While putting him back on the bed. But before I leave him I handcuffed him to the bed to prevent him from trying to leave again. "What the-" Damian starts to stay but gets cut off.

Bruce's             P.O.V
I had just walked in the front door from a hard day at work to be greeted by Alfred. He seemed worried which made me worried. I automatically knew it was Damian. As the other boys didn't make Alfred worried like this. "What did he do." I say sighing at the end. "Master Damian went to take Titus for a walk but came home an hours and 20 minutes later with a slab wound to the leg. Master Damian was so desperate to not get any help from us that I ended up having to give him a little something to calm him down and to stop him from moving so much." Once Alfred had told me that I wanted to face pummel. "*sigh* where is he?" I ask wanting to see him for myself. "In the batcave sir. But if I may suggest, I think it would be best to have a father and son talk to Master Damian as it seems he doesn't trust us enough to let us help him." Alfred said in almost a sad tone. "Thank you Alfred, I'll take that into consideration." I say as I start to walk down to the batcave. Once I'm in the batcave I hear the boys talking. Something about Damian getting out of bed. As I got closer I could hear Damian and dick talking. I was about to talk when I see dick handcuffing Damian to the bed. It looked like Damian was about to have a meltdown so I decided to step in. "What the-" Damian says but I cut him off before he can finish. "Damian that's enough." I say not wanting an argument. All the boys look at me apart from Damian. "Damian what happened?" I ask in a demanding voice. As I only wanted answers. "What does it look like. I got stabbed." Damian says not looking up from the handcuffs as he kept picking the lock. "I can see that." I say which Damian replies with a very annoyed voice saying "then why did you ask" he says as he had unlocked the handcuffs. "I was asking how did you get stabbed and who did it." I say slowly getting feed up with him. "And why should I tell you?!?" He says in a really angry voice while getting louder at the end. "Because I'm your father!" I say getting feed up with his games. "A biological accident doesn't make you my father! And sure of hell doesn't make me your son!" Damian yells before getting up and pushing past me. But before he can leave I grab his arm. " There's a board school in Switzerland. And they know way more about discipline than I do. And I'd be quite happy to send you to it if this carry's on!" I say trying to get Damian to stop being an ass. But sadly my plan backfires. "Do it I dare you! It wouldn't be the first time you've sent me away! And to be honest, boarding school was way better than being in this house will ever be! Everything was fine until you came back into my life! And now everything had gone to shit! I wish you never came back!" Damian says in a very angry voice. But as he went on with his little rant he got louder and louder to the point where he was screaming at the end. Before I could say anything else Damian had stormed off. ".....Should one of us go after him?" I heard dick ask. "Honestly... *sigh* do what you must.. we need to get the information out of him but at this rate I don't think we will get it." I say while rubbing the brig of my nose. "Alright.. I'll check on him later. He'll get even more mad if I go and see him now." Dick says. "Alright" I say walking off to do Batman stuff.

Hello my lovely's! I hope your all doing well!! 😤😤 this is my second update for the day as promised! I'll be posting again today. Sorry for any spelling mistakes!!!
Till next time my lovely's!! 😁😤🤘🤟👌✌️🤛
Word count: 1077

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