The Unknown Person Becomes Known #5

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Damian's P.O.V
It was.. "Grayson! What are you doing here!"
"I should ask you the same thing. Little D"
I can't believe Grayson is here! But I'm a little happy at the same time. "How long have you been watching me?" I demanded. "Long enough to know you need to go back to the manner" said another voice. I know who it was but I was just hoping I was wrong! "Come on Demon spawn are you afraid" Todd said with a shit eating grin on his face. "Please don't tell me the other one is here too." I say quickly while holding my head. "Who's cat?" Tim said while walking closer to hunter. "Well I'm out" I say grabbing hunter and my other knifes. I start to run back to my dorm when I'm suddenly lifted off the ground. " I demand you unhand me at once!" I say while trying to get free without hurting hunter. "Damian that's enough!"i hear Bruce say. " *sigh* I'm about to Mcfucking lose it so you better let go of me right now" I say with a Death glare. It must have worked because who ever lifted me off the ground put me back down. " Wise decision." I say in a cold voice while I start to walk back to my dorm. "Damian where are you going?!" Bruce said. If I had to be honest it was more of a demand then a question. "Where ever you aren't!" I spat back "What's with the attitude brat?!" Todd says in a unkind way. "You know whAt! I've have-" I cut myself off not wanting to engage in an argument. "I have better things to do!" And with that I start to retreat back to my dorm.

~The next day~~
Every thing was going fine until I went to my first class. The message had been send for me. Meaning my presents was wanted at the main office. I was walking down that long halls as I started to talk to hunter. "I bet it's Bruce... I don't wanna go back to the manner hunter." I sadly say as I start to walk slower. " why can't they let me be happy here? With you.." I say trying to walk even slower. "Maybe we should pack our stuff and run away!" I suggest to myself. But if I was Court I knew the punishment would be Unbearable! "Well it looks like it's the end for us..." I say as I had made it to the front door. "Yay we are here.. *sigh* let's get this over with.." I say opening the door and walking in. "Good morning Damian we have been expecting you! Please head to room 1 as the head master is waiting for you." The front lady cheerfully says. I just replied with a quick nod and make my way to room 1. Once I open the door I'm meet with the headmaster and the 4 idiots I saw last night. "Good morning headmaster." I say in a polite voice. "Damian, please take a seat." As I was told I did so. "Damian I'm sure you know why your hear. Am I right?" The headmaster asks me "actually I don't sorry. I was never informed of the meaning for this meeting." I say "Oh well your father and brothers has personally come to take you home." " excuse me?" I say very upset. "I know Damian it must be hard leaving everything here and going back home after you've gotten settled in here. But I'm sure you will do fine." The headmaster tried reassuring me that it would be ok but I just wasn't happening! "Damian please go and pack your stuff and come back here when your done." "... alright.." I say getting up and leaving. "Dick you should go with him." I hear Bruce saying. He's probably worried I'll do a runner. "Alright! Wait for me Little D!" I hear him say. But I continued to walk but picking up the pace. As we where walking Grayson didn't bother talking to me. But about haft way he decided to ask me questions. Which I wasn't happy about! " so Dami are you excited to come back to the manner after so long?" Grayson asked with an annoying smile. "No" I said bluntly "whaaaa?!?! Why not?" Grayson asked but at this point he was just annoying me even more! "will you shut up Grayson!" I say rudely. After that he didn't ask anymore questions. Thankfully! As I was walking I noticed that hunter was getting tried sitting on my shoulder on I decided to carry him instead so he could sleep. Hunter gave me a questioning look as if asking if it was ok. "It's ok hunter you can take a nap." I softly say to my young kitten. Not too long after that he fell asleep in my arms. After a long walk through the halls we had made it to my dorm. I got my key out and unlocked the door without disturbing hunter while he was asleep. Once inside I lay hunter on my bed then turn to pack. Sadly Grayson sat next to hunter waking him up. "Grayson!" I say in an angry voice. "Sorry Dami I didn't mean to!"
"get out!" I said angrily. "What?" He asked confused. " you can wait out there! Your just going to ruin things if you stay in here!" I angrily spat back at him. He didn't bother speaking again and just walk out. Once he was out of my room I stared to pack again.

~20 minutes later~~
About 20 minutes or so later I had finished pack my stuff. I didn't have much. It just took a long time to pack my art stuff away so that it wouldn't break. I only had 1 back pack and a barrel bag. My back pack had all my art stuff in it as well as my computer. My barrel bag on the other hand had some clothes, charges, cords and hunters stuff. I had my back pack on hunter in one arm and my barrel bag in the other.
When I got back to the headmaster office the headmaster said his goodbyes then I was forced on to the plane. Bruce was lucky that the others were there other wise he wouldn't be able to get me onto that plane. I took the seat at the very back away from everyone. They didn't question it or anything. I think Bruce said something after a few minutes of being in the air but I didn't care not listen. I had my headphones in listening to music while holding hunter.

~A few hours later~~
After a few hours of flying we had landed in Gotham. The car right back to the manner way the same as the plane. They were saying something but I wasn't listening. Once we had gotten to the manner Pennyworth greeted me but I just nodded my head and walked past him with my stuff in hand up to my old room. "Damian!" Bruce yelled but I didn't care I continued to walk to my room. Once inside I started to unpack my stuff and set up hunters stuff. Not too long after I laid  down on my bed with Titus and hunter by my side and fell asleep.

Hello my lovely's!! I'm really sorry if this chapter seems choppy! I didn't really know what to do with this chapter so I just made it up as I went. I usually plan what I'm going to write about before I write it but today i didn't really care.
I hope you all have a wonderfully day or night!! 😤😤😤
Till next time my lovely's!! 😁🤛🤟🤘✌️🤛👌
Word count: 1292

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