Damian Drunk?! No It Cant Be! #28

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(Authors Note: Hello everyone! This chapter will be a mini filler chapter as I haven't quite figured out, how the main plot will play out. But there will be some key information in here too! Any way I hope you like it and on with the story!)

Narrators   P.O.V
It had been a few weeks since Damian was in the medicalwing and Levi was with joker. Damian was finally allowed to go back to his room only because he was annoying Alfred and the other to let him leave. At one point they had to tie him to the bed, but then he started chewing on the rope to free himself. And another time they had to tranquilize him because he was running away but he could barely walk, meaning he was wobbling all over the place and nearly falling over at every step he took. He also knocked over everything in his way. Aka everything he could get his hands on. Over all they were tried of Damian running to someplace, then tracking him down and dragging his ass back to the batcave.

3rd Person  P.O.V
As Damian was walking up the stairs to the manner he see Jason. "Where are you going short stack?!" Jason says while walking faster over to Damian. "Some place you aren't!" Damian hiss back. "What's got your knickers in a twist?" Jason says while pulling two beers out of nowhere. "Nothing! And where did the beer come from?! Your too young to drink!" Damian says while snatching one out of Jason's hand. "Yeah sure take one! Wasn't like I was going to drink it or anything!" Jason says while soaking. "I will never understand why you people like these!" Damian says while taking a good look at the bottle. "Try it and you will see." Jason says while looking Damian dead in the eyes. "What! No!" Damian spats back. "What are you afraid of a little alcohol?!?" Jason says while mimicking Damian. "I am not afraid! Just you watch!" Damian says with a fire in his eyes while quickly opening the bottle and chugging it down. "Wow kid!" Jason says impressed. "See I'm not afraid!" Damian says while standing up tall. "Yeah then drink these one too!" Jason says while pulling out another 5 beers all different types. "Fine!" Damian yells while quickly chucking them all. "Kid! I was joking! Stop you will give yourself alcohol poisoning!" Jason says while grabbing the now empty bottles out of Damian's hands. "Wasn't your hair black and white?" Damian says while swaying side to side. "It still is!" Jason says while picking Damian up. "Shit where do I hide you! Dam! You where only meant to drink the vodka with something else! Your going to be out of it for sometime!" Jason says while looking around to see if anyone was there. "I know! My room! No one will look there!" Jason says while throwing Damian over his shoulder and running off to his room.

Once Jason is finally there he puts Damian on the bed. "Just chill here until your sober!" Jason says while plonking down onto his desk chair and started to clean his guns.
"J-Jasonnnn... where's Levi??" Damian says while leaning on the window. At the mention of Levi Jason tenses up. He knew what had happened to him but he couldn't tell Damian especially when he's in this state! Who knows what he will do! "He went to see a friend!" Jason says while lighting a smoke. To hide the fact that he's lieing. But Damian knows all to well when someone is lieing it him. He is basically a lie detector. "Your lieing" Damian says with a dead serious face. "Why would I lie to you Demon spawn?! I have no reason to!" Jason says while smoking his smoke. "I... don't knowwww.." Damian says while looking up at Jason. "*sigh* you want one?" Jason says while handing Damian a smoke. Damian happily takes it and starts to smoke it. Jason was expecting him to chock on it but he didn't. "Have you smoked before?" Jason asked while sitting next to the drunk teenager. "When I was with mother... she had me try all different things.. so that if I had to in a mission I would be able to do it without fail..." Damian says while sadly looking out he window. " oh.." is all Jason could say.

Damian then went on to telling Jason his life story. What it was like at the league, to the boarding school and what Bruce had done to him. In all honesty, Jason felt like he had really connected with Damian. But in reality it was the drunk Damian talking. He had no control over what he was says. Even though everything he said was true he didn't know he was telling Jason this. To him he was simply floating in the clouds and just talking to himself.

After a few hours of Damian talking he suddenly fell asleep. "Kid?" Jason says while stand up and putting both of his hands on Damian's shoulders. "Hey are you ok?!?" Jason asked concerned. But that was quickly replaced with relief when he heard Damian's quite snores. "Dam your good." Jason says jealous that Damian can fall asleep that fast.
Jason carefully lays Damian on the bed. "Sleep well" Jason says before pulling the covers over Damian and going back to cleaning his guns.

When Damian awake he was quite surprised to see he was in Jason's room as he had no knowledge of what happened after he had drank the first beer. "What the fuck!" Damian says while sitting up as quickly as he can. "Arrr!" Jason yells as Damian had just scared the life out of him. "Damian don't do that!" Jason says while quickly turning around to face Damian. But when he turned around Damian was right front of him. "Todd what did you do?!? Why am I in your room and why can't I remember anything?!?" Damian yells in Jason's face. "Gosh! Don't do that! Like what the hell don't suddenly talk out of nowhere then pop up in peoples faces!" Jason says while standing up. Damian just looks at him with a dead serious face. "So how do you feel?" Jason says while putting a hand on Damian's shoulder. "Don't touch me with your disgusting hand!" Damian say while smacking his hand off. "I liked you better when you looked dead on my bed!" Jason says whole getting a little agitated. "Well I like you better when you were DEAD!" Damian yells at Jason.

At this point Jason was pissed! He was seeing red. And then he did it! "SLAP!" Damians head swung to the side. Damian almost fell backwards from the force. "WHY DO YOU HAVE TO BE SUCH A ANNOYING LITTLE BRAT!! IM SORRY FOREVER CARING ABOUT YOU!!" Jason yells at the poor boy. "Todd you just hit-" Damian begins to say but is rudely cut off by Jason. "GET OUT YOU GOOD FOR NOTHING PEACE OF TRASH!" Jason yells before picking Damian up and trowing him out of the room. Damian goes flying out of the room. And lands with a thud.

Damian hiss's at the pain as he hadn't fully healed from his last fall and this just added more pain to it. "He has serious problems!" Damian says while slowly getting put and walking to his room. Once he makes it to his bed he collapses from exhaustion. He then falls into a dreamless sleep.

Hello everyone! I know I said I'd post them yesterday butttt this one took longer to write and edit. I hope you like it!
Till next time my lovely's! 😁👌🤟🤘✌️🤛
Word count: 1290

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