Mad Man #11

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3rd Person P.O.V
It hadn't been too long since Damian got shoved into a car and dropped off at the manner from the park. He was still very upset that his brothers had decided to take him from his little seat next to the cherry blossoms tree. He quite liked the view he had. But sadly anything good never lasts.
The young boy Damian decided he wanted to draw a bit to calm his anger a bit. He ended up drawing a lovely picture of his mother. He missed her dearly. And to be honest he wouldn't mind going back to her and the league. At least there he had a feeling that he belonged and that he was wanted there. Sadly he didn't get that vibe when he came to the manner. He knew if he was ever to return he wouldn't be able to bring hunter and Titus, this also sadden the young boy. Damian was so court up in his emotions that he didn't hear the knock on his door.

Tim's P.O.V
Once I had finished doing some paper work for Wayne enterprise, I remember that I felt my mini on-the-go tablet in the car. So me being me I went to the car to get it. While I was there I saw a plane black hat. "What's this? I don't remember anyone wearing a hat this morning.." I say to myself as I was very confused. Then it hit me! "It's Damian! It fell of when we shoved him into the car. I guess he didn't grab it before storming off to his room." I say as I pick the hat up and starter to walk off but not without grabbing my tablet. "I'll return it." I say feeling proud of myself that I'm doing something good towards my little brother. As I'm walking down the hallway towards Damian's room I think to myself, "what am I even doing?!? He's such a brat to me! Why should I do this for him!" Yeah maybe I was having second thoughts about giving it back but I was already at Damian's door so it was to late now to back out! I knock on Damian's door excepting to hear Damian yell at me to go away but instead I didn't get answer. This scared me a bit, considering what happened this morning. So I knocked again but with much more focus. I went to knock again but thought maybe I should try using my voice instead of banging on the door. "Damian are you in there?" I say to get no answer once again! "Damian I'm coming in!" I say before opening the door. When I open it I quickly scanned the room to see where he was. And to my surprise he was sitting at his desk looking into space. This confused me a lot considering I had never seen Damian do this in the hole time I've meet him. "Damian?" I say before walking over to him. "Damian is something the matter??" I asked, concern all throw my voice. Once again he didn't say anything so this time I shook his shoulders to get his attention. "Damian!" But instead of getting a reply he flips me over! "Oww! What the hell!" I say while looking up at him. "When did you get in here!" Damian said angrily to me. "I was just returning your hat! I knocked and you wouldn't answer so I can in and you still wouldn't answer me! It was like you were is some sort of trans!" I say back, kind of yelling it. "Oh..." he says before releasing my arm allowing me to get up. I hand him his hat before walking out of his room. But before I'm completely out of his room I see him starting at his hands like a little kid that just got court doing something they shouldn't have been doing. "Maybe I should have a talk to Dick about this..." I think to myself before walking off to my room.

Damian's P.O.V
"What is wrong with me!" I think to myself while looking at my hands. "It's probably just the feeling of being in a new environment.." I think to myself. "Maybe I should work out a bit. That always cheers me up!" I think before going off to change. Once I had finished changing I was complaining if I wanted to go to the gym and do a normal work out or go to the batcave and do a hard core work out with the training robots. "Hmmm.... I don't really want to go in the batcave.... but then again I haven't trained with the robots for a long time... plus it would help with hand to hand combat... I guess I've got my answer!" I say the last part more happier then the start. I start my journey off to the batcave when I'm stoped by Alfred. "Pennyworth." "Master Damian why aren't you resting? You should head back to your room and rest your leg." "Thanks for the concerns Alfred but they are not needed here. I have better things to do." I say then continue my walk down to the batcave. When I got down the steps I could see Todd and Grayson talking about something. Sadly I was to far away to hear what they were saying and before I could eavesdrop they had noticed me. "What are you doing down here Demon Spawn." Todd said in a demanding voice more than anything. "What does it matter to you?!" I asked annoyed that yet another person has interrupted my walk to the training robots. "You should be resting Dami! Your leg isn't completely healed yet!" Grayson says in the most annoying way possible. "Can both of you shut it?!? I swear you people get more annoying as the days go by!" I say while walking off to the training area. "What's with him?" I hear Todd ask "no idea.." i hear Grayson say before I'm out of range.
Once I had made it to the train area I released that Bruce had installed a new training program! It used holograms... "holograms... How is that going to help?!?" I say while putting it on level one. Before it begins I put hunter on the side lines so he's out of my way and grab a katana. "Oh it feels good to hold one of theses again!" I say while hitting the start button. Once I had hit the button at least 5 holograms appeared out of fin air! They all had katanas like I did. The holograms start to charge at me. But before they could do any damage I quickly take them down. By stabbing them in a place that would mean Instant death. I noticed that when you killed them they disintegrated into nothing. It looked pretty cool to be honest. Once I had completed that level the computer announced that level 2 would begin. And it did. It was the same as the one before but this time the holograms had a little bit more skill, but nowhere near enough to even think about taking me down.

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