A Shattered Heart... #34

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(This chapter is unedited!)

Narrators    P.O.V
After the young boy saw his best friend and brother die because of him, he was heart broken! He was losing himself, he was dieing on the inside. As the words "it's all your fault" run throughout his head he could feel his heart breaking into 2 and one side shattering like glass. He couldn't stand this feeling! All he wanted right now was a hug from dear old Grayson. So he hopped on his motorcycle and started to slowly drive to the batcave.
Once he got there he was shocked to hear what his brothers had to say.

~End of Flashback~~

3rd Person P.O.V
As Damian started to walk over to the main part of the batcave, he quickly realise that his brothers were in the other room next to the room he was in. All he wanted and need was a hug from Dick so he started to walk over to the room. "G-guys..." Damian said in a shy voice to his brothers. But his voice was quickly drowned out by his brothers.

"Remember that beat we made?" Tim asked his brothers. "Ohh yeah the one on Damian!" Jason continued. "Remind me of the beat." Dick said while leaning on the table. "The one where we made a beat to see who could get Damian to trust them first." Tim told his older brother. "Ohhhh that one..." dick started to say. "So who one? Like I know he trust us all now but like who does he like most?" Dick asked his brothers.

The 3 older brothers began to argue about who won the beat. While they were arguing Damian was standing in the doorframe, listening to all of them talk about the bet completely dismissing his presence.

"THUD!" The sound of Damian falling to the ground echoes throughout the Batcave. They all whipped there heads around to look at Damian. "Shit!" Dick quitely said to himself, as he knew he had messed up so bad! "Damian!" Jason said while thinking of things to say. "We didn't mean any of it! I'm so so sorry you had to hear that!" Tim says while rushing over to Damian.

"T-they don't even care about me... it was only because of a bet.." Damian quitely says to himself. The tears started to flood his face once again. He felt as if his world was crumbling down before his eyes. His mind was racing, his breathing hitched, his hands were shaking, his head was cracking. (If you cant already tell I'm currently winging it right now! So plz go easy on me)

And then it happened. The little bit of his heart that wasn't shattered, just shattered! It was like a pink diamond that had been dropped from the sky. It shattered into so many little pieces, all going there are different ways.

As the poor boy sat there defenceless on the ground, the tears suddenly stopped. He didn't make a sound nor move a mussel. His face started the same, an unrecognisable emotion almost emotionless, made its way onto Damian's face.

"Damian!" Dick said while waving a hand in front of Damian's face, but the boy didn't flinch he just stayed still. "We broke him!" Tim says with tears making it way to his face. "Damian! Please! Snap out of it!" Dick says while shaking Damian's shoulders. But the poor boy just goes with the movement, not caring that someone was trying to talk to him. "Dami..." dick says while pulling Damian into a hug.

As dick is hugging Damian, Jason takes it a pond himself to go and get Alfred. "Alfred!" Jason's voice flowed throughout the manner. "Master Jason?!? What's wrong??" Alfred says while appearing out of nowhere. "It's Damian! We broke him!" Jason says while urging Alfred to go to the batcave. "Broken him??" Alfred says while starting to run down to the batcave.

"Damian..." dick says while hugging Damian as tightly as he can without suffocating him. "Oh dear!" Alfred said while finally making him way over to Damian. "D-Damian... h-he's.." dick says through sobs. "Let me have a look." Alfred said with his kind and gentle grandfather voice.

Once dick had let go of Damian and moved out of the way, Alfred kneeled down in front of Damian and waved his hand up and down in front of Damian's eyes. Sadly he boy didn't flinch nor move. He then went to pull Damians masks off. Damian didn't even refuse or flinch, he just sat there. Once the mask was off eveone was shock on what they found.

They saw a young boy, with dell green eyes that seemed to look throw you instead at you. They were full of tears, and pain like he had just been crashed under someone's boot. "Damian can you here me?" Alfred asked in a calm voice. Damian gave a voice slow and shaky nod before standing up and walking away. "Wait Damian!" Dick said while trying to grab Damian's hand. "Don't touch me!" Damian says in a emotionless way while pulling his hand out of dicks reach and continued to walk. "Would you do me a favour and look at all the data on his mask" Alfred says to Tim while handing him the mask. "Ok.." Tim says before running off to his computer.

Narrators P.O.V
As the young boy slowly walked to his room not bothering to take off his robin uniform, all he could think about was death. I mean he had nothing to lose.

Once the young boy made it to his room he flopped onto his bed and laid there for what felt like hours before falling asleep.

While the younger was sleeping his brothers went through the cameras on Damian mask. And to say the lest they were mortified to what they found!

Hello my lovely's!
How's it going? Hope you guys like the new chapter! Sorry if it's a little choppy. But I hope you all have a wonderful day or night.
Till next time my lovely's! 😁👌✌️🤟🤘🤛
Word count: 1011

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