A Best Friend #16

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Quick question before I start the story. Do you guys listen to the songs I put with the chapters?

Damian's P.O.V
I really want to ask mother something but I'm just not sure how. I mean I don't know if she is still like she was, or if she's completely changed. But I know this will bug be for a long time if I don't ask. "Mother.." I say walking up to her. "Yes Damian?" She says in a sweet and motherly voice. "I was wondering if i...." I say but I got never to finish it so I look at the ground not wanting to see her face. "It's ok Damian you can tell me anything." She says to me while putting a hand on my shoulder. By now Slade had come over to see what I was talking about. So I muster up the courage to finish my sentence. I take a deep breath then begin to talk. "Mother I was wondering if I could change my last name so it's only Damian Al Ghul not Damian Wayne Al Ghul.." once I had said it I slowly looked up to see mothers face. It was full of happiness and enjoy. I could also see Slade's face. He had a look of happiness and enjoy too. "Oh Damian of course!" She says before in casing he in a hug. Slade quickly joins in.

3rd Person P.O.V
As the 3 hugged they thought to themselves that no one could take this away from them. But sadly for Damian someone could take his newly found happiness away. His old "family" he now wished to never see them again. All he need was his mother, Slade, his pets and the league of Assassins. He no longer need the others nor did he want them. But for some reason he did miss his one true friend Levi. He wanted his friend that he could talk to like a normal person. the friend that he didn't have to act like a Wayne in front of, he could talk to this person like they were brothers. he truly felt like they were family when he was in the boarding school. but it wasn't always like this. at first Damian through that he was a stuck up rich kid that just wanted to be friends with him because every girl had a crush on him or because he was a Wayne. but over time they became best friends, Damian could actually say he trusted him. they would often talk about there life back home. out of both of them Levi had the saddest. he no longer had a family, they all died in a mysterious accident. no one knows how it happened or what caused it to happen. all they knew was that they were dead. the only reason that he was in that boarding school and not an orphanage, was because the head master owed his parents a few favors. Damian often wondered what it would be like if Levi came to live with his new family. if he really wanted to he could get the league to kidnap Levi and bring him to life with them. Damian didn't really think he would mind as Levi would always say "hey Damian if you every get out of here, make sure you kidnap me and take me with you! i don't want to life out my hole life living here!" at first Damian thought he would never do that but as time went on that idea felt like a really good idea. they would both benefit from it, Damian getting his best friend back as well as a brother, Levi on the other hand would also get his best friend and brother back as well as getting to try new things. he would get to see the world! he would be happy..

Damian's      P.O.V
"Damian darling you look troubled." says Talia who has one hand around Slade's back. giving him a half hug. "you can tell us brat." says Slade. "Slade is brat meant to be an insult?" i ask looking up at him. "what no. i guess you have just gotten it from me always calling you Brat i guess it just sticked. plus your the best brat i know you should be proud." Slade says while giving me a general smile. "thanks?" i say while giving a general smile back. "you still looked troubled is there something on your mind Damian?" asks Talia once again. "yes there actually is mother. well when i was in Bruce's care i was sent to a boarding school. and at this boarding school there was a person named Levi. we were signed room mates there. We were like brothers! he doesn't have family so you wouldn't have to worry about that. Levi would be able to keep up in training. he also knows how to sword fight. I've taught him how to." i say but i haven't finished yet. "I know i'm asking for a lot but what i'm trying to say is that i miss him. and i was wondering if we could go on a little family mission and kidnap him and bring him back and make him one of us, apart of the family." i say hoping they will say yes. "well if you trained him to sword fight and you trust him then there really isn't a reason to say no." Talia says while putting a hand on her hip. "i bet he will make a wonderful addition to the family." says Slade. "well its settled. " says Talia while walking over to the balcony. "listen up!" as Talia says this everyone stops what they are doing and bows to Talia. "we have a new mission! the elites, Death Stroke, Damian and myself will now go to the meeting room, the rest of you continue your training!" once Talia has finished talking everyone bows and goes back to training, apart from the elites. they run off to the meeting room to get a debrief of them mission. "come along Damian we will need you on this mission. you know more about this boarding school than we do." says Talia in a motherly way.

Hello everyone! i hope you like this chapter! are you excited to get Levi back?
what do you think will happen when he gets to meet the league? Will batman find Damian? will Batman realize what he has done is wrong? if so will it be to late to fix what he has done? If batman finds Damian how will he react to Levi?
so many questions, and so little time. Just kidding! we have all the time in the world! well it looks like that time again.

Till next time my lovely's!! 😁✌️🤘🤟👌🤛

Word count: 1134

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