The Start Of Something New #2

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Damian's     P.O.V

As I was walking back to my room I had this feeling. It felt like someone was squeezing my heart. I'm not to sure what it was about. I didn't feel I'll and I know for a fact that I didn't have any heart diseases. I wanted to ask what this feeling was about but I didn't know who to ask. I mean I could ask Grayson or Pennyworth but Drake and Tood are out of the question! "The reminds me why didn't they go on patrol last night?? And they didn't turn up at the table for breakfast this morning either! What are they all up to??" I thought to myself as I didn't want to disturb anyone while I was walking to my room. As I was walking I kept thinking about mine and fathers fight last night.

~ Flashback ~~
~ End Of Flashback ~~

"A stupid mistake... he thinks of me as a stupid mistake..." As the words leave my mouth the feeling in my chest gets heavier. I grab my chest as the feeling keeps getting stronger. I can feel water balling up in my eyes and my breath quickening. I quickly make a dash for my room as I didn't want to attract any unwanted attention to myself. Once inside I quickly locked the door and slide onto the floor. After a few minutes of sitting on the floor and holding my chest I decided to move to my bed which currently had a sleeping Titus on it. "Hey buddy..." I said in an almost sad voice. I think Titus knew what was happening because he quickly sat up and snuggled into me. I let out a soft chuckle. As I did I noticed that the feeling in my chest was going away. Maybe talking to Titus would help?? Even if the possibility is small I'm willing to take it! "Titus... I'm going away.." Titus just looked up at me. But the way he looked at me it was an almost sad expression. Just by looking at Titus the feeling in my chest came running back. "But don't worry buddy! I'll be back sooner than you know it!... it's just for a little while! Everything will be alright... " As I'm saying this tears starts to leak from my eyes. But I must say in all honesty the way I was saying it was like I was trying to reassure myself and not Titus. I quickly whip away my tears and go back to talking to titus. "Titus... for once in my live... im not really sure what to do... father.. no Bruce.. is mad at me for saving him.. he's sending me away to a school haft way across the country!" I whip away more tears and take a beep brief trying to regain my confidences. I then proceed to stand up. "If this is what he wants.. then so be it! I'll just be victorious in what I do!" Titus quickly sits up and starts to bark. I just give a small smile and pat his head. "Well titus I Should start packing.." with that I put my headphones on and play some music while I start to pack.

~ Later the day ~~

I slowly walk out of my closet and over to my bed where Titus was siting. "I think I can finally say I'm done packing!! That took way longer than i originally expected!" I say to titus while rubbing his head. I look over to my clock to see it's 7PM "Its 7PM!! Already! I should take my bags down to the front door for when I leave." And with those last words I pat Titus one last time before walking down to the front door and put my bags down. " Now that that's down I can finally go and eat!" I was just about to go and get something to eat but Bruce had to pop out of nowhere and ruin my plans. "I wouldn't get to comfortable Alfred will be taking you to the airport now." I didn't even need to look at Bruce to know he's glaring at me! I could just feel it! But I wasn't going to show that i cared. So I somewhat nicely replied with "alright.." I picked up my things and was about to walk out the door but I stopped. Without turning around I asked one last question. "Will you be join us for the ride?" With an almost disappointed voice he relied with a no. I just nodded and started to walk out but I let one last work slip out of my mouth "good bye Bruce.." befor he could reply I had already disappeared into the dark night.

Alfreds    P.O.V
I was patiently waiting outside of the car when Damian appeared out of nowhere with all his stuff in hand. "Hello master Damian. It's good to see that you have packed all your stuff." I walk over to the back seat door and open it for Daiman so he can jump in. " Thank you Pennyworth." I must say it was a short but nice reply from Damian. I can remember when Damian first got here he had no manners. But now he's saying please and thank you! I pleases me to see him act this way. Once Damian was inside the car I close the door and go to packing his luggage into the car. The drive to the airport was quite and uneventful to say the least. When we got to the airport there wasn't much people around. I Drived over to the private plane. I got out and opened the door for Damian. He reluctantly got out too. I gave Damian's luggage to the workers to put in the plane. It was paining me to let him go so soon. I walked over to Damian and neeld down to Damian's eye level and put a hand on his shoulder. " if you ever need something I'm only one call way." I say I a sold voice. Damian replied with a simple "I know that Pennyworth" i couldn't help myself at this point so I pulled Damian into a hug. He didn't hug me back nor did he push me away he just stood still. I slowly let him go so that he can get on to the plane. I wait for the plane to leave before returning to the manor.
Once I got back to the manor I started to prepare dinner. The boys would be coming home soon and I didn't want them to wait for there dinner.

~ 20 minutes later~~
I was just about finished making dinner with I hear the front door opening and some people walking in. " where home!!" I hear a cheerful voice say. It was Master dick. Just in time! All 3 of the boys started to flood into the kitchen. "It's good to see your back just in time for your dinner. Go take a sit I'll bring it in for you" I say in a sold voice. "Thanks alfey!" I hear master dick say which is followed but another voice saying "it is much appreciated Alfred" That voice belonged to Master Tim which is also followed but another voice saying "your the man Alfred!" That voice obviously belonged to Master Jason.
I quickly finish up and put it on there plates and head into the dining room. Which was currently holding Bruce, Dick, Jason and Tim. I give everyone there plates then start to walk out of the room when I hear Master Dick say "Hey Bruce where's Damian?? Is he not going to eat with us?" There was a long pause before Master Bruce spoke. "Damian is no longer living here with us. He has gone over seas to study." Master Dick only replied with a sad oh.
But on the other hand Master Tim and Master Jason where smiling like they had just won the best thing in the world.

Damian's       P.O.V
The plane right was uneventful and boring to day the least. I was now in a car driving to the boarding school. When I got there I was meet with a old lady and a kid with blue and black hair. The old lady put her hand out so we could shake hands. She said here name was something along that lines of Mia. The kid on the other hand said his name was Levi. He seems nice but sometimes about him was off. I couldn't put my finger on it but I just knew something about that Kid wasn't good.

Hello my lovely's! 😁😁How's your day been? I hope it was good! 😤😁 I hope you like the update! I'll post as soon as I can! See you next time my lovely's!! 😤😤😁🤛🤘👌✌️🤟
Word count: 1500

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