He's Back... But Not The Same.. #33

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(Little Note: There has been a time skip!!)

Narrators P.O.V
It had been a few months since Damian was tied to a chair and made to sit with his family and brothers. But since then Damian and his brothers started to connect and become more like brothers. Sadly Bruce didn't have the same luck as them, but he was slowly getting there.

In the time Damian and his brothers were connecting they offered Damian the chance to be Robin again. Which Damian ended up agreeing to be again.

Everything seem to be going well, everyone was happy, Damian was happy. But something always has to ruin Damian's happiness.

3rd Person    P.O.V
"Little D!" Dick says to his cute little brother. "Grayson." Damian says with a small smile to his oldest brother. "Damiiii..." dick says with a almost hurt voice. "I'm confused what did I do wrong?" Damian asked. "We have been over this! It's Dick or big brother! Please stop calling me Grayson." Dick says while putting a hand on Damian's shoulder. "Oh right! Completely slipped my mind! Sorry about that dick." Damian says while giving dick a reassuring smile. "That's better!" Dick says while hugging Damian.

Once the hug was broken up Damian looked into his brothers eyes and said. "Dick... I wanna go on patrol tonight. Just this once! I just wanna go solo, to see what it's like!" Damian asked his brother. "Hmmmm..." dick says while putting his hand on his chin. "I don't see why not!" Says a voice from behind them. "Yeah it could be good for him." Says a new voice. "I guess so." Dick says while looking over to Tim and Jason coming out from the shadows. "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!" Damian says while hugging dicks waste/ legs as he was still very short. "No problem.." dick said while patting Damian's head.

After sometime Damian was really to get going and conquer  the mighty Gotham streets alone.
"You got everything?" Dick asked while walking over to Damian. "Yip! I'm all set!" "Alright! Be home by 3am no later!" Dick says while hugging Damian good bye. "Okie dokie!" Damian says before speeding off into the night.

As Damian was riding around on his motorcycle he got the idea that it would be funnier to run. So he went into a back alleyway and hides his bike before climbing the side of a building. Once he's on told of the building he watched as the night sky went by. "This is... nice" Damian says with a small and genuine smile.

As the boy started to run from roof to roof he got his chill down his back. The chill only one person could give him. "Levi?!?" Damian says while whipping his head around to look for him. But no one was there... "oh... it was my imagination... "Damian say while sighing. As Damian was about to jump to another roof he heard a bloodcurdling scream. "Arrrrrr! Help somebody help!" The poor lady yelled. And in a instant Damian was off to save her.

As Damian got closer he could see a man standing in front of the lady with a sword in his hand. "Hey kid! Put the sword down!" Robin yelled. As Robin was about to take down the man, the man stabbed the lady killing her instantly.

Damian's     P.O.V
"No!" I yelled getting the mans attention. "D-Damian!" The man says while taking his hood off. "That was murder! I'm taking you in-" I started to say but cut myself off. "I'm so sorry little bro! I didn't want you to see this!" The man says walking closer to Me. "L-Levi.." I say while tears fill my eyes. "You.. you.... you killed..." I says as the tears full down. "I'm sorry! I didn't think you would see!" Levi says while walking over to me. "No! Stay back!" I yelled. "Damian! Listen!" Levi yells at me. "Your not Levi! Where is the real one!" I yelled back as the tears kept rolling down. "I am the real Levi!" "No your not! The real Levi doesn't kill and he is caring and loves me! You can't be him!" I say while taking a few steps back. "I am the real Levi! I'm just new and improved! The better, stronger and smarter Levi! There is nothing wrong with me! I'm the better me!" Levi says while putting his hands on his hips in a way to show that he meant everything he was saying. "Your not him!" I say back. "Well we will see about that!" Levi says while pulling a knife out of nowhere. "What are you going to do?!?" I yelled. "If I'm not the real Levi then I wouldn't end my life right here to prove it!" "Wait what!" I yell runing towards him. But it was to late... "NOOO!" I yell while running over to him. "Don't do this!" I say while picking up his body. "Look what you did... I'm gonna die now... because of you... it's all your fault..." Levi said while giving me an evil grin. All I can do is stay there with his lifeless body in my arms thinking to myself that it's all my fault.

Narrators    P.O.V
After the young boy saw his best friend and brother die because of him, he was heart broken! He was losing himself, he was dieing on the inside. As the words "it's all your fault" run throughout his head he could feel his heart breaking into 2 and one side shattering like glass. He couldn't stand this feeling! All he wanted right now was a hug from dear old Grayson. So he hopped on his motorcycle and started to slowly drive to the batcave.
Once he got there he was shocked to hear what his brothers had to say.

To be continued

Hello everyone!
Here's the new chapter hope you like it!
Thanks to anushkasharmaf for helping me with this chapter!
Till next time my lovely's! 😁✌️🤟👌🤘🤛
Word count: 1004

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