A Dead Body.. #39

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⚠️🚨🚨🚨⚠️ WARNING!! ⚠️🚨🚨🚨⚠️

3rd Person P.O.V
'Little bro, what have they done to you?..' a small voice asked joker and Harley. 'See sunnyboy, this is what the Batman does! Do we have an agreement now?' The joker asked in his sickening voice that for once had a little remorse laced throughout it. 'Fine.. but no harm will come to my little bro!' The small voice replied. All the joker did was give off his signature laugh before walking off with the small boy and Harley. While leaving Batman and the others to cry out in pain.

Batman was too heart broken to even look at his little kid, so broken and... bloody, so he looked away he walked away from the edge before falling to his knees. He broke down into tears. The others noticed this and ran to his aid, kneeing down and hugging him. They stayed like this for some time.

Jason was the first to let go. He slowly stumbled to the edge. But when he looked over the edge he couldn't believe his eye!

"He... he's! Fuck! Come quickly! Move it! Get over here!" Jason screeched and Waleed. But it seemed to work as the others quickly ran to the edge to see what he was waling about.

"He's gone!" Grayson yelled out before jumping of the roof, safely making his way down. The rest quickly followed after him.

"Everything! It's all gone!" Grayson said while placing his hands on the ground to find something. This alerted the rest causing Tim to grab out his DNA tracker. It could track even the smallest amount of DNA even if it was weeks old, didn't matter is it had been rain on or pooped on, it could still pick out the DNA.

Tim quick started scanning the ground only to find. "Nothing... there's nothing.. no DNA! How is that even possible?!?" Tim yelled in confusion.

It wasn't long till you could hear Batman speaking. "Batman to watchtower." He commended in his dark tone. Which was quickly meet with a overly joyed reply from superman. "Hey Batman what can I do for you?" But instead of a somewhat nice reply superman was expecting he was met with a command. "Get to my location now!" Batman said in the most democratic way possible. But before superman could ask why Bruce ended the call.

~With the joker~~
"Okie dokie sunnyboy! Toss your boyfriend over there on the bench!" Joker said with his sickening voice which for some reason was laced with happiness and sorrow.

"He's not my boyfriend!" The boy in the dark cloak harshly said. "Oh right, brother! Forgot!" Joker said adding a little chuckle into the mix.

"It's ok sweets, we will bring him back.." Harley said to the smaller male while wrapping an arm around his shoulders as in a hugging way. A small thanks could be heard soon after.

"Don't worry little bro, I'll bring you back. Even if it's the last thing I do!" The cloaked boy said being swiftly pulling his hood of to reveal blue and black hair from the one and only, Levi...

~Joker and Harleys flash back!~~
"Hey mr J... you know I want a kid.." Harley said in a some what nervous way yet still confident. "Hmm? A kid?" Joker asked his loyal partner in crime/lover while raising an eyebrow. "Yeah but not any kid, one we can bring on missions and have a little fun with! You know to like.. brighten up the day a bit!" Harley said while getting really hopeful. "Hmm.. I guess we could, do you have a kid in mind?" Joker asked now wanting one too. "Actually I do." Harley said before getting a smirk on her face.

The two soon went onto finding Levi's body and bringing him back from the dead. But for some reason he still had all his memories and didn't go mind blank/zombie mode like Jason did when he was brought back. Then again this wasn't the first time he had been brought back, after all he had been kill one too many times.

The too infamous villains soon went on to training/teaching Levi there ways, but it soon became too hard as all Levi wanted to do was be with Damian. He could feel him hurting but couldn't do anything about it.. well that was until joker made a deal with Levi. The deal was if joker brought Damian to Levi he would carry out any mission joker needed/finish all his training, but Damian was to be unharmed. But when they went to collect Damian sadly all they found was a dead body, never the less joker made another deal. He would bring Damian back just like he did with Levi and then hand him over to Levi but Levi still had to do missions and what was ever needed.

It didn't take long for Levi to sign the contract and hand nearly all his rights over just to have Damian.

~End of flash back~~

"Are you ready sunnyboy?" Joker asked before dumping Damian's body into the Lazarus pit. Causing Levi to cringe at the way he was dropped.

It didn't take long for the body to start floating, which was followed by arm and leg movements. "He's moving!" Just as Levi said this Damian quickly sat up yelling at the top of his lungs. "It burns!" Damian yelled over and over again before being pulled out by Levi.

"Little bro! It's ok! I'm here now, we are together again!" Levi said pulling Damian into a hug while crying. "L-Levi!" Damian said before going into a full on crying fit and hugging Levi nonstop. "It's ok little bro I'm here!" Levi said trying to comfort Damian.

It wasn't long till Damian was exhausted from crying and yelling causing him to fall asleep in Levi's arms. "I'm not going to leave you again! They won't separate us again!" Levi said while carrying Damian to a bed.

Surprise! I'm not dead! Yah! I think..
Oh well! I hope you all like this chapter! Please tell me what you think! She Damian stay alive or should I kill him off? I know I'm dragging this story on but I just can't bring myself to kill him! Not yet! Please tell me what you think!
Have a wonderful day or night!
Till next time my lovely's! 😁👌🤘✌️🤟🤛
Word count: 1071

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